Category Archives: Social welfare

South Africa’s Evolving Cultural Landscape: A 26-Year Transformation

South Africa’s Evolving Cultural Landscape: A 26-Year Transformation

Since South Africa’s transition to democracy in 1994, the nation has prided itself on its rich cultural and ethnic diversity, earning the title of the “Rainbow Nation.” Over the years, this diversity has not remained static – language, family structures, and religious affiliations have shifted, painting a dynamic picture of societal evolution. A new report   read more »

Homelessness in South Africa Grows Amid Ongoing Social Challenges

Homelessness in South Africa Grows Amid Ongoing Social Challenges

The number of homeless persons in South Africa has increased significantly over the past few decades, reflecting the ongoing challenges the country faces, particularly in the areas of inequality and poverty. According to a new report, A Profile of Homeless Persons in South Africa, 2022 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), in 1996, the   read more »

Millions of South African Children Raised by Grandparents

Millions of South African Children Raised by Grandparents

Across South Africa, millions of grandparents are stepping in to raise their grandchildren. Whether due to economic hardship, parental struggles, or social shifts, more children are finding their strongest support system in their grandparents’ arms. According to the report Child Series Volume IV: Children Living with Grandparents in South Africa, 2023, approximately 6,7 million grandparents   read more »

30 Years of Data: Shaping South Africa’s Equitable Future

30 Years of Data: Shaping South Africa’s Equitable Future

In 2024, South Africa marks 30 years of democracy—a milestone that coincides with the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994. This dual commemoration underscores the transformative power of inclusive data to shape equitable futures, the theme of this year’s World Population Day which was   read more »

Public-sector capex rises for a second straight year

Public-sector capex rises for a second straight year

Infrastructure investment has a long-term impact on the economy, supporting travel, communication, logistics and service provision. The South African public-sector recorded a second consecutive year of capital expenditure growth, boosted mainly by increased spending by public corporations. Capital expenditure includes money that is spent on machinery, construction, equipment, buildings, land and other fixed assets. In   read more »

Common assault and assault with GBH account for 45% of reported crimes against children

Common assault and assault with GBH account for 45% of reported crimes against children

In 2022/23, 19 418 reported cases of common assault and assault with GBH crimes were committed against children, making up about 45,0% of all reported crimes against children in this period. Rape was the most reported crime against children, accounting for 38,3% of all cases involving minors. Although the number of incidents has decreased, it   read more »

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

The post and telecommunications industry experienced notable changes in the period 2019–2022, according to a recent report. Shifts in both telecommunication and postal services reflect broader changes in the economy. Fact #1: Mobile lines dominate telecommunications income Consumers love their phones! This is evident in Figure 1, which provides an overview of services that help keep   read more »

The state of South African households in 2023

The state of South African households in 2023

In 2024, South Africa celebrates three decades since the advent of democracy, a pivotal moment in its history. This milestone not only signifies the passage of time but also reflects the enduring journey towards equality, freedom, and justice for all its citizens. Households reflect the ongoing transformation, encompassing a diverse mix of cultural, economic, and   read more »

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Labour migration, the movement of individuals across the borders for employment purposes, is a fundamental aspect of the global economy and has profound social, economic, and political implications. According to the report, Migration profile report for South Africa: A country profile 2023 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), most migrants entering South Africa originate   read more »

Trust in Government, Access to Services, and the Shadow of Corruption

Trust in Government, Access to Services, and the Shadow of Corruption

Access to government services is a cornerstone of any well-functioning society. In the realm of governance, the relationship between access to government services, levels of trust in government and public institutions, and individual experiences of corruption significantly impacts the overall well-being of a society. These factors are integral to the effectiveness and legitimacy of a   read more »