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Results for: Tourism statistics

Delayed Tourism and Migration statistics released

The technical challenges experienced by Statistics South Africa in data acquisition from the Department of Home Affairs have been resolved. Statistics South Africa has successfully received the backlog data and analysed them for the statistical releases. Since the write-up of the April to December 2014 Tourism and Migration statistical releases is completed, they will be published over   read more »

South Africa’s tourism trade balance entered negative territory in 2021

South Africa’s tourism trade balance entered negative territory in 2021

International visitors to South Africa bring much-needed foreign exchange. Dollars, euros and pounds are converted to rands and spent on tourism products like food, accommodation, recreation and transport. This helps drive domestic tourism-related activities within the country. There is often a lot of attention on the amount of money that non-resident visitors, comprising both tourists   read more »

Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS)

Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS)

Tourism has the potential to make a significant contribution to the South African economy and it is targeted by government as one of the industries for future economic growth in the country. Tourism therefore is regarded as a potential sector where large-scale employment opportunities can be created. The National Development Plan (NDP) 2030 also emphasises   read more »

SA Tourism shows slight recovery after COVID-19 pandemic.

SA Tourism shows slight recovery after COVID-19 pandemic.

After a drastic drop in tourist arrivals in 2020 and 2021, the volume of tourist arrivals in South Africa is showing improvement. The Tourism 2022 report released by Statistics South Africa shows that the volume of tourists dropped by 72,6% from 10 228 593 in 2019 to 2 802 320 in 2020 and declined by 19,5% between 2020 and   read more »

The South African tourism sector struggled in 2020

The South African tourism sector struggled in 2020

Even though 2020 seems like a lifetime ago, the true extent of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact is still being pieced together. The recent Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for South Africa report1 sheds light on how the pandemic affected the tourism sector over the period January 2020 to December 2020, most notably in terms of production,   read more »

Tourism in South Africa: a pre-COVID-19 benchmark

Tourism in South Africa: a pre-COVID-19 benchmark

The tourism sector: economic importance, employment and expenditure. These are the three themes covered by a recent report examining the pre-pandemic (2019) status of the South African tourism sector. These data will provide an important benchmark for when comparable COVID-19-era data (2020) become available. The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for South Africa report, released annually,   read more »

SA tourism industry struggles amidst COVID-19 pandemic

SA tourism industry struggles amidst COVID-19 pandemic

According to the Tourism, 2020 report released by Statistics South Africa, foreign arrivals dropped by 71% from just over 15, 8million in 2019 to less than 5 million in 2020. It is evident that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the tourism industry quite hard around the world and in South Africa, mainly due to the lockdown   read more »

Statistics South Africa to resume field visits to ensure data integrity for household surveys amid COVID-19 restrictions

  For immediate release                                                                                                                                                 1 April 2021 Statistics South Africa to   read more »

Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020

Media Release                                                                                                       28 April 2020 Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020 The lockdown and progression of the pandemic resulted in the discontinuation of face-to-face data collection on 19 March 2020. Further to this, Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Executive Committee took a decision to suspend   read more »

Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Statistics in Statistics South Africa

Background The personal, social and economic impact of COVID-19 is unlike anything experienced by the world in the past 75 years. Stats SA is aware of the need for timely data to understand these impacts, but is equally constrained by the restrictions put in place to manage the spread of the coronavirus. The task of   read more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

D0405.5 - Statistics of the Tourism Satellite Account and assessment of data sources related to tourism in South Africa

The aim of this discussion document is to give an overview of the basic data requirements needed to compile a TSA, as well as to do an assessment of the data sources that are currently available in South Africa. This discussion document is also a follow-up on the discussion document Status of the tourism satellite account in South Africa (D0405.3) published on the Stats SA website ( in April more »

D0405.3 - Status of the tourism satellite account in South Africa

Tourism is a phenomenon which has grown substantially during the decades as an economic and social activity. However, statistical information on the nature, progress and consequences of tourism is presently mainly based on quantitative statistics such as arrivals in the country, overnight stays and values hidden in certain macro-economic aggregates (i.e. private and public consumption), which can only be detected and unveiled by expert analysis. As a consequence, the public, policy-makers and other stakeholders may not be receiving accurate information relating to tourism. Given the difficulties of defining and measuring the size of tourism and the need to have accurate information about its size and structure, the UN recommends the development of a tourism satellite account. This discussion document discusses the current status of the tourism satellite account for South Africa. read more »

P0352 - Advance release of tourism statistics

This release covers departures and arrivals by air from the three main airports (Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg) and other airports. The release also includes rail and road departures from the border posts that are equipped to capture arrivals and departures electronically as these more »


The Ndlambe Local Municipality is a predominantly rural area with agriculture and tourism dominating the economy. It encompasses the towns of Kenton-on-sea, Boknes, Bathurst, Boesmansriviermond, Alexandra and Cannon Rocks. (

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The Kopanong Local Municipalityis situated in southern Free State. It has the largest surface area of the three local municipalities in the Xhariep district, covering 15 190 km2.

The nine towns situated in Kopanong are Trompsburg(municipal head office), Gariep Dam, Springfontein, Bethulie, Philippolis, Jagersfontein, Fauresmith, Edenburg and Reddersburg.

Kopanong has an immense potential for tourism. The largest dam in South Africa, the Gariep Dam, is situated at the southern border of the region. The potential of this huge water body for tourism is endless.

It is ideal for water sport such as sailing, windsurfing, fishing, etc. It is also the venue of the Gariep 500 rubberduck race, which is the longest inland rubber-duck race in the world, and the Gariep Water Sport Festival.

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The Dihlabeng Local Municipality is situated within the boundaries of the Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality in the eastern Free State.The geographical area consists of the towns Bethlehem, Clarens, Fouriesburg, Paul Roux and Rosendal. The principal economic activities within the municipality are dominated by farming (29,4%) and private businesses (17,2%). At approximately 15% and 11% respectively, social services and trade operations are also relatively high economic activities. It has arguably some of the best tourism centres and facilities in the eastern Free State.

Cities/Towns: Bethlehem, Clarens, Fouriesburg, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Paul Roux, Rosendal

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Mantsopa Local Municipality is situated in the Eastern Free State and covers an area of 345 square kilometres. The five towns situated in Mantsopa are Ladybrand, Hob House, Tweespruit, Thaba-Phatswa and Excelsior.  Mantsopa Local Municipality was established on 5 December 2000 and is comprised of the previous areas of jurisdiction of Tweespruit Transitional Local Council (TLC), Ladybrand TLC, Hobhouse TLC, Excelsior TLC, ThabaPatchoa TLC and Maluti Transitional Rural Council. It forms part of the Eastern Free State and falls within the Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipal area. It borders the Kingdom of Lesotho in the East, Mangaung Local Municipality to the west, Naledi Local Municipality to the south and Masilonyana and Setsoto to the north. The area is accessible via the N8 and R26 roads which traverse the area. A railway line that runs along these routes services the area.

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Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality is a Category A municipality. It is situated in the Free State province, in the central interior of South Africa.  The Free State is bordered by Gauteng, the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and North West provinces, as well as the neighbouring country of Lesotho.

Mangaung, meaning “the place of the cheetah”, accentuates the vibrant, dynamic and energetic character of the tourism industry in the “City on the move (at the heart of it all)”.  The economy is strongly driven by the government sector, which has seen the fastest growth in the last five years as a result of increased government programmes in livelihoods improvement interventions.  The finance sector is the second-fastest growing sector due to very active estate and construction activities. Small businesses have a major role to play in the Mangaung economy, in terms of employment creation, income generation and output growth.

Cities/Towns: Bloemfontein, Botshabelo, Mangaung, Thaba Nchu Main Economic Sectors: Government services, finance

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Agricultural Statistics

The history of agricultural statistics in South Africa goes back as far back as the beginning of the 20th century. With the exception of the World Wars and great depression years, an agricultural census was conducted on annual basis in the first half of the 20th century. As agriculture’s contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) decreased over the years, so did the frequency of conducting agricultural censuses. Post 1994, agricultural censuses have been conducted on a five yearly basis, with annual surveys being conducted in between the census years. Until now, agricultural censuses and surveys have largely concentrated on commercial agriculture leaving out small-scale and subsistence agriculture. In 2009, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) conducted an audit of agricultural statistics in the country. One of the findings was that the country lacked information on smallholder and subsistence agriculture. The current list of farmers being used to conduct surveys was mainly confined to commercial agriculture. A decision was taken that three questions related to agriculture would be included in the Population Census 2011 (Census 2011) questionnaire. The main objective was to identify all households involved in agriculture in the country, so that a complete frame of all individuals and entities involved in agriculture (both subsistence and commercial) could be generated. This will allow for a comprehensive agricultural census to be more »

Household Service Delivery Statistics

The dawn of democracy in 1994 created a new dispensation in which access to basic services such as housing, water and sanitation was recognized as a fundamental human right. South Africa inherited high levels of poverty and it continues to be confronted with unequal and often inadequate access to resources, infrastructure and social services. The Bill of Rights enshrined the right to basic services and commanded that the state must take reasonable measures to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. Faced by inadequate information about the state of development in South Africa, Statistics South Africa (then called the Central Statistical Service) launched the October Household Survey (OHS) programme in 1993. The survey was discontinued in 1999 and subsequently replaced by the General Household Survey (GHS) which was instituted in 2002 in order to determine the level of development in the country and the performance of programs and projects on a regular basis. The GHS continues to evolve and key questions are continuously added and/or modified in consultation with key stakeholders to maintain the relevance and quality of data. In addition to measuring access to key services, the level of satisfaction with, as well as perceived quality of selected services provided by Government are also more »


Travel survey – Online Updates The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003, 2013 and 2020. Transport and the need for transport has become an important part of daily life in South Africa. Not only does the movement of goods and services play an important part in the South African economy, but the types of transport available to individuals affects spatial decisions in terms of work, entertainment, education and place of residence. Stats SA publishes a range of transport-related information in various reports and publications. Travel survey The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003 and 2013. Transport and the economy Stats SA’s quarterly Gross domestic product (GDP) release provides information on the size and growth of various industries in the South African economy, including the transport industry. The same publication also includes figures on overall household expenditure on transport. The monthly Motor trade sales release provides the time series data of trade in motor vehicles and motor accessories. The Land transport survey, published on a monthly basis, provides data on passenger and freight transportation by land. The Producer Price Index (PPI) release provides information on the prices of transport equipment leaving the factory gate. The extent to which prices of fuel, public transport and private transport are changing is covered in the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. Employment Stats SA’s Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) provide information on the number of individuals employed in various industries, including the transport industry. Financial indicators The Quarterly Financial Statistics (QFS) and Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) reports provide a financial overview of various industries, including transport, storage and communication. Data on turnover, income and expenditure, profit or loss and various balance sheet items are also included in the reports. The transport and storage industry report for 2013 provides more in-depth information on the size, nature and structure of the transport and storage industry. This periodic survey provides details on employment within the industry, trading income, expenditure, profit or loss, inventories, sales and services, and more »

Work & Labour Force

There are different forms of work, these include work as employment (work to generate income), unpaid work which includes volunteer work and domestic work for own final household consumption. Statistics South Africa measures all forms of work including work which should be abolished like child labour.

Work as employment is measured from two sources, establishment surveys and household based surveys. The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) is establishment based while The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household based survey. The two sources differ in coverage, scope, unit of measurement and method of collection. Because of these differences, the two sources yield different figures. However, the two sources should be regarded as complementary rather than competitive.

Each source has advantages and limitations in terms of statistics yielded. The QES covers non-agricultural formal sector employment while the QLFS covers total employment in all industries and sectors. The QLFS can also provide information on demographic characteristics of the labour force (employment and unemployment) which the QES cannot provide.

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Causes of Death 2013

The registration of deaths in South Africa is governed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 (Act No. 51 of 1992), as amended. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) uses death notification form DHA-1663 to register all deaths and stillbirths. Stats SA collects completed death notification forms from the DHA head office for data processing, analysis, report writing and dissemination. Causes of death statistics are compiled in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) regulations that require that member nations classify and code causes of death using the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). Statistics from civil registration are the only national source of information on mortality and causes of death in South Africa. Such information is invaluable for the assessment and monitoring of the health status of the population and for planning of adequate health interventions. Accordingly, these statistics are also essential in tracking progress and monitoring key development objectives outlined in the National Development Plan (NDP) adopted by the South African government in 2012. The plan asserts that health care can be improved through decreasing mortality by combating infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and the emerging tide of non-communicable diseases. The government objective, ‘Health care for all by 2030’ outlined in the NDP is aimed at reducing child and infant mortality; maternal mortality; and combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases by more »