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Results for: mortality

Maternal mortality rate on the decline in SA

Maternal mortality rate on the decline in SA

South Africa has several transformative and progressive policies and legislations aimed at advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality. A review of some indicators suggests that there is an improvement in the quality of life of women over the years. However, women are still faced with adverse health outcomes such as sexually transmitted illnesses, gender-based violence   read more »

Stats SA to release Mortality and causes of death report

MEDIA INVITE                                                                               22 March 2018 Stats SA to release Mortality and causes of death report The Statistician-General of South Africa, Risenga Maluleke, will release the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2016 report at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 27 March 2018 in Pretoria. The Mortality and causes of death   read more »

Media release: Mortality and causes of death, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                           28 February 2017 Non-communicable diseases remain unabated – older ages 65 and above driving the burden of disease A total of 460 236 deaths were recorded in South Africa in 2015, indicating a decline of 3,0% in deaths processed between 2015 and 2014 (474 659), this is according to the Mortality and causes   read more »

Media advisory: Mortality and causes of death in South Africa

Media advisory                                                                                              24 February 2017 Statistician-General to release report on Mortality and causes of death in South Africa The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will publish the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2015 statistical release at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at Stats   read more »

Postponement notice for publications: Monograph reports on Mortality in South Africa, Fertility in South Africa and Population Dynamics of South Africa

28 October 2015 Media advisory  Please note that the media briefing scheduled for today (28 October 2015) at 10H00 to release monograph reports on Mortality in South Africa, Fertility in South Africa and Population Dynamics of South Africa has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. A future date, time and venue will be communicated at   read more »

Media Advisory: Mortality and causes of death in South Africa: Findings from death notification, 2013

Media enquiries: Ms Lesedi Dibakwane Tel: (012) 310 8578 Cell: 082 805 7088 Email: Mortality and causes of death in South Africa: Findings from death notification, 2013 The Statistician General Pali Lehohla, will release the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa 2013 report. The release is based on data collected by the   read more »

A tale of two cities: Mortality and Causes of death in Cape Town and Tshwane

A tale of two cities: Mortality and Causes of death in Cape Town and Tshwane

In 2011, 26 466 deaths that took place in Cape Town were recorded, compared to 19 574 deaths that occurred in Tshwane. Both cities had a decrease in the number of deaths from those observed in 2010, with a higher decrease observed for Cape Town (5,6%) than for Tshwane (1,7%). Most deaths that occurred in Cape Town   read more »

Media Invite, Mortality and Causes of Death in South Africa

Mortality and Causes of Death in South Africa The Statistician-General, Pali Lehohla, will release a report on the Mortality and Causes of Death in South Africa on Tuesday 18 March. The report presents statistics on the number and causes of death for 2011 and also provides information on trends in mortality and causes of deaths   read more »

Mortality and Causes of Death, 2010

South Africans are faced with a double-edged problem: high number of deaths due to communicable diseases and rising deaths due to non-communicable diseases. The 2010 annual statistical release on Mortality and Causes of Death published by Statistics South Africa on 11 April 2013 presents key findings on the number of deaths that occurred in South   read more »

Statement on the results of the Population Census 2022 30 August 2024

South African Statistics Council Statement on the results of the Population Census 2022 30 August 2024 In October 2023 Stats SA released the initial results of the Population Census 2022. The Population Census of 2022 was the first digital census in South Africa, which came with unique data management opportunities and required tight strategic planning,   read more »

Report-03-09-12 - Morbidity and mortality levels among the youth of South Africa

Morbidity and mortality levels among the youth of South Africa read more »

Report-03-09-11 - Patterns of morbidity and mortality among older person in South Africa

The report provides information on the general health status of older persons, focussing on perceived health status; medical aid coverage; self-reported illnesses suffered a month prior to the survey; and consultations with health workers. The report further outlines information chronic illnesses and use of medication. Information on mortality is also included in the report and highlights the leading causes of death among older persons, and causes of death due to communicable and non-communicable more »

Report-03-10-08 - The South African MPI: Creating a multidimensional poverty index using census data

The main purpose of this report is the provision of poverty maps and poverty data at provincial and municipal level. In so doing, this report details how the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) was conceptualised and constructed using data collected by Stats SA through Census 2001 and 2011. The SAMPI, based on the Alkire-Foster method, provides another tool in Stats SA`s ongoing efforts to measure poverty and deprivation in the country. The SAMPI was born out of the desire to develop a new product that could build onto the work started with the development of the Provincial Indices of Multiple Deprivation (PIMD) after Census 2001. Unlike the PIMD, the SAMPI has the advantage of being fully decomposable by demographic and geographic variables; this shows not only in what aspects the poor are deprived, but also reveals the interconnections among those deprivations. read more »

Report-03-09-10 - Levels and trends of morbidity and mortality among children aged under-five years in South Africa

Levels and trends of morbidity and mortality among children aged under-five years in South Africaread more »

Report-03-10-01 - Subjective Poverty in South Africa: Findings of the Living Conditions Survey

Subjective Poverty in South Africa is a report based on the results of the Living Conditions Survey (LCS) conducted between September 2008 and August 2009. The main aim of this survey is to provide data that will contribute to better understanding poverty in South Africa and to provide data for monitoring levels of poverty over time. Measurement of poverty levels, like the measurement of any other phenomenon such as unemployment, fertility or mortality requires a standard definition to be applied over time to properly determine trends. A debate on the definition of poverty in South Africa has been a continuous one in which several approaches have emerged. Two of the main concepts at the core of the definition of poverty are objective and subjective poverty. Subjective poverty, the subject of this report, is an individual`s assessment of his or her own welfare, utility or happiness. It challenges the mainstream view that poverty is an objective, money-metric and uniformly applicread more »

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