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èDumbe Local Municipality is situated in the north-western part of KwaZulu-Natal. It covers an area of 3 239 km².The municipal area of jurisdiction is demarcated into 8 wards which is predominantly rural in nature. The èDumbe Municipality is located in one of the poorest and poverty stricken district municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal. (It forms part of Presidential Nodes!). éDumbe is a gateway to KwaZulu-Natal Province and it is a shorter route from Mpumalanga Province to Durban or Pietermaritzburg. In that sense it can attract many tourists who are exploring more »


The uPhongolo Local Municipality is in extent of approximately 4 185 km²and accommodates in the region of 127 238 people, with a population density of 30. Main access to the municipality is via the N2 from Gauteng in the north-west and Durban in the south. The municipality provides regional access to a wide range of tourist activities outside its own boundaries. The municipality contains in overall terms very low settlement densities while on the other hand containing substantial recreational and tourism more »


Nongoma, set in beautiful, picturesque Zululand, is located to the north of KwaZulu-Natal. Nongoma Local Municipality is Zululand’s second largest municipality in terms of population, and the second largest in terms of area. Nongoma is the Royal City of Zululand. It is the home of King Goodwill Zwelethini, and the hereditary leader of the nation and his royal palaces are among the main tourist attractions in the town. The royal family is highly respected and has a dominating presence in this rural and very traditional part of Zululand. Nongoma Town is mainly a service-oriented centre resulting from its being the seat of the Nongoma Local Municipality and centrally located with regard to surrounding rural/farming communities. The radial network of roads all converging in Nongoma Local Municipality bears testimony in this more »


Mandeni Local Municipality (formerly eNdondakusuka Local Municipality) is an administrative area in the iLembe District of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Manufacturing, elementary work and plant and machine work are the highest non-farming categories of labour. Mandeni includes substantial areas of commercial agriculture, with the bulk of these areas under sugar-cane. Agriculture is the main employment sector in the area. Tourism industry in Mandeni is also observable at the Tugela Mouth area. The history of the area cannot be divorced from the tourism potential. Great battles have been fought by the Zulus against the British in this area through the involvement of King Cetshwayo. The area was one of the most important agricultural areas of the Kingdom of KwaZulu since the reigns of Kings Malandela, Jama, Senzangakhona, Shaka, Dingane and Mpande. During the reigns of Kings Shaka and Dingane, the eNdondakusuka area formed part of the area regarded as Prince Mpande’s sphere of influence. He had his house kwaMfemfeeGcotsheni in Ndulinde, which is where Prince Shingana was born and buried in more »


KwaDukuza Municipality forms part of the iLembe District Municipality area (DC29), and lies on the east coast of KwaZulu-Natal, between eThekwini Metro in the south and Tugela River mouth in the north. The KwaDukuza municipal area stretches from the Zinkwazi River in the north to the UThongathi River in the South. The name KwaDukuza epitomizes the historical background of the area being the home to King Shaka’s Gravesite and Memorial. The town KwaDukuza is built on the original site of King Shaka‘s Royal settlement called Dukuza. The KwaDukuza museum is situated opposite the site of the King Shaka Memorial and is dedicated to the sugar industry and colonialism, the cultural heritage of the early settlers of the town more »

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