The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

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The shifting nature of South Africa’s landscape: a 24-year snapshot of land cover change

The shifting nature of South Africa’s landscape: a 24-year snapshot of land cover change

The land under our feet is, in several senses, living. Alive in terms of the organisms that support healthy soils to cultivate crops. Active in terms of abiotic (non-living) and biotic (living) factors that interact with each other to create distinct ecological systems. Malleable in terms of the changes that humans bring about. Digital snapshots   read more »

What does government spend money on?

What does government spend money on?

A recent release from Stats SA provides a breakdown of financial data from all 708 institutions in government. This article provides an overview of what government spent money on in 2018/19, with focus on the public service wage bill. South African general government spent R1,79 trillion in 2018/19, according to the latest Financial statistics of consolidated   read more »

Steep slump in GDP as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy

Steep slump in GDP as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy

The punch in the gut was severe. Perhaps the second quarter of 2020 will become known as the pandemic quarter. South Africa’s economy suffered a significant contraction during April, May and June, when the country operated under widespread lockdown restrictions in response to COVID-19. Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by just over 16% between the   read more »

Baking bad during lockdown

Baking bad during lockdown

You’ve waited too long. Your friends have tried it, you’ve seen the videos, you’re feeling the FOMO. You roll up your sleeves – it is time to bake your own lockdown bread. The kitchen is ready. The ingredients are all set out. Two cups of boiling water – check! Instant yeast, brown sugar, salt, flour   read more »

Mobility and migration in SA during the COVID-19 lockdown

Mobility and migration in SA during the COVID-19 lockdown

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has released the third and final round of a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country. The third round of the survey (Wave 3) focused on migration and education issues for persons residing in South Africa who are   read more »

A 110-year-old trade venture

A 110-year-old trade venture

It’s fascinating to think that one of the earliest experiments in free trade happened right here in southern Africa. Exactly 110 years ago this month, the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) was born. We explore data showing how the region depends on the oldest surviving trading bloc in the world. On 31 May 1910, South   read more »

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country to assist government and other stakeholders in their response to the crisis. The second round of the survey (Wave 2) focused on employment, income and hunger-related issues   read more »

COVID-19:  Greater concern about economic collapse than health

COVID-19: Greater concern about economic collapse than health

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households in the country. This report is the first wave in the series and focuses on health-related aspects in terms of behaviour, knowledge and perceptions with regard to COVID-19. The survey was   read more »

Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020

Media Release                                                                                                       28 April 2020 Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020 The lockdown and progression of the pandemic resulted in the discontinuation of face-to-face data collection on 19 March 2020. Further to this, Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Executive Committee took a decision to suspend   read more »

Inflation dips to 4,1%

Inflation dips to 4,1%

Annual CPI inflation nudged lower to 4,1% in March from February’s reading of 4,6%. There were two key features of the CPI in March: the incorporation of fee data from educational institutions (including crèches) and the effect of the latest increases in excise tariffs. Tuition fees are surveyed once a year in March. On average,   read more »

Bulletin - Bulletin of Statistics

The Bulletin of Statistics is one of the country`s oldest journals and has been published since 1922. Originally published monthly, it has appeared quarterly (March, June, September and December) since 1967. The Bulletin of Statistics is a reference source which provides statistics in the form of time series of short-term statistics on a month by month, quarter by quarter and year by year more »

Report-03-10-12 - Gender series volume II: Education and gender, 2001-2014

Gender series volume II: Education and gender, 2001-2014read more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

Report-03-40-03 - Crime statistics series II: Public perceptions about crime prevention and the criminal justice system

Crime statistics series II: Public perceptions about crime prevention and the criminal justice systemread more »

Report-03-18-05 - GHS series VI: Information and communication technologies, 2002-2013

GHS series VI: Information and communication technologies, 2002-2013read more »

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