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Results for: data

Mbalo Brief – May 2013

South Africa just recently hosted the 2013 Tourism Indaba in Durban from 11 to 14 May 2013. The main focus of the Indaba was to pursue the growth of South Africa’s tourism industry and to strengthen existing partnerships while establishing new ones. South Africa stands out as a tourist destination mostly because of its friendly,   read more »

Census 2011 Main Place Name Release

Census 2011 Main Place Name Release Statistics South Africa released Census 2011 data for the country’s lower geographic areas in Port Elizabeth on Monday. This low-level geographic data, which is one of the most important data sets in a census, is expected to help councillors, city planners, policymakers, advocacy groups and ordinary South Africans to   read more »

Mortality and Causes of Death, 2010

South Africans are faced with a double-edged problem: high number of deaths due to communicable diseases and rising deaths due to non-communicable diseases. The 2010 annual statistical release on Mortality and Causes of Death published by Statistics South Africa on 11 April 2013 presents key findings on the number of deaths that occurred in South   read more »

Mbalo Brief – April 2013

With the conclusion of the 5th summit of the BRICS countries at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban, it is starting to sink in among many South Africans that their country is a member state of this emerging economic group. BRICS is an economic grouping of five emerging markets comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.   read more »

Mbalo Brief – February 2013

It’s hard to believe that 2012 is behind us, the Libyan civil war has ended, and South Africa has managed to host the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) at such short notice. As we convey our complements of the new season with the first issue of Mbalo Brief in 2013, we would like to also remind you   read more »

P0301 - Community Survey, 2007

This release provides key results emanating from the analysis of the data that were collected in the Community Survey 2007. The specific objectives are: (i) To provide emerging trends and differentials with regard to demographic, socio-economic and social profiles of the population of South Africa. (ii) To highlight some of the successes that have been achieved to date and the challenges that need to be addressed in meeting the development goals government has set. read more »

CensusHandBook - Using the 2001 Census: Approaches to analysing data

A collaboration between Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)read more »

report-03-06-01 - The coverage and quality of birth registration data in South Africa

The report examines the birth registration process with special reference to South Africa and focus on the content, coverage and the quality of the register. It estimates the completeness of the birth register for the nine provinces and the country as a whole. It also provides estimates of fertility based on data from register and compare those with estimates from Census. Furthermore, the report describes the levels and trends in birth registration over time. Lastly, it estimates patterns of future registrations and adjustment factors that could be used to make the register more robust for analysis purposes. read more »

D0405.5 - Statistics of the Tourism Satellite Account and assessment of data sources related to tourism in South Africa

The aim of this discussion document is to give an overview of the basic data requirements needed to compile a TSA, as well as to do an assessment of the data sources that are currently available in South Africa. This discussion document is also a follow-up on the discussion document Status of the tourism satellite account in South Africa (D0405.3) published on the Stats SA website ( in April more »

D0405.4 - Country experience in the compilation of Tourism Satellite Accounts

The aim of this discussion document is to investigate international country experiences (international best practices) in compiling and populating the TSA tables (i.e. data sources used, assumptions made and ratios used), as well as to make recommendations for the development and compilation of the TSA tables for South Africa. read more »

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