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Results for: inflation

Higher inflation dampens spirits as taxes take a toll

Higher inflation dampens spirits as taxes take a toll

South Africa’s consumer inflation rate jumped to 4,5% in April after reaching a seven-year low of 3,8% in March. Much of the increase was a result of price rises in product groups that attract specific taxes, namely alcohol, fuel and sugary drinks. A one percentage point increase in value added tax (VAT) also came into   read more »

The new inflation basket: what’s in and what’s out

The new inflation basket: what’s in and what’s out

Stats SA recently announced changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket of goods and services. The changes provide interesting insight into how consumer spending patterns have shifted over the last four years. The basket forms the basis from which the monthly CPI is calculated. There are 412 products and services in the new basket,   read more »

South Africa’s CPI reveals how volatile inflation hurts the poorest

Patrick Kelly, Executive Manager for Price Statistics, provides some insights into how inflation affects the most vulnerable. The combined effect of the severe drought and the depreciation of the rand drove annual food inflation to 9,8% in March, its highest level in four years. Periods of high food inflation often spark an outpouring of concern   read more »

Drink and diesel: The Budget Speech and consumer inflation

Drink and diesel: The Budget Speech and consumer inflation

If you drive a car or enjoy a regular glass of wine, February’s National Budget Speech would have had an impact on your cost of living. The rise in sin taxes and petrol levies announced during the speech influenced prices for alcoholic beverages and petrol, contributing to April’s overall inflation rate of 4,5%. The Minister   read more »

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

It is often said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. A good education is worth its weight in gold, but recent figures released by Stats SA indicate that South African households will have to make more room in their budgets to pay for rising tuition fees. Stats SA updates education inflation figures   read more »

Producer inflation continues to fall

Producer inflation continues to fall

Headline producer inflation, which measures the change in prices of final manufactured goods, has continued to decline. The annual rate fell to 3,5% in January 2015, down from 5,8% in December 2014 and a peak of 8,8% in April 2014. Falling prices for coal and petroleum products continued to drive producer inflation down, while higher   read more »

Producer inflation dips below 6% in December

Producer inflation dips below 6% in December

Sharp decreases in the prices of manufactured petroleum products drove producer inflation down, from 6,5% year-on-year in November to 5,8% in December. However, there were noticeable increases in year-on-year prices for meat, tobacco and dairy products. Stats SA’s latest Producer Price Index publication, released on Thursday, 29 January 2015, shows that prices for final manufactured   read more »

CPI inflation slows in December

CPI inflation slows in December

Annual CPI inflation dropped to 5,3% in December 2014 from 5,8% in November 2014. Petrol and food prices, which are key drivers of changes in the CPI, both showed lower annual inflation rates. Food inflation continued its slowing trend with a 7,4% annual rate compared to 7,7% in November 2014. The main drivers of the   read more »

CPI inflation drops to 5,8%

CPI inflation drops to 5,8%

Annual CPI inflation dropped to 5,8% in November 2014 from 5,9% in October.  Petrol and food prices, which are key drivers of changes in the CPI both showed lower annual inflation rates.  Food inflation continued its slowing trend with a 7,7% annual rate compared to 8% in October.  The main drivers of the steadily declining   read more »

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

The headline inflation rate was steady at 5,9% in October 2014.  A 2,6% monthly increase in the price of beer was the main driver of the 0,2% change in the headline CPI between September and October.  For the first time, consumers now pay an average of R50 for a six pack of 340ml cans of locally made beer. Wine   read more »

P0310.1 - National Poverty Lines

In 2012, the South African government adopted the use of three national poverty lines for the measurement and monitoring of money-metric poverty in the country. For the construction of these lines, Statistics South Africa used an internationally recognized approach, namely the cost-of-basic-needs approach which links welfare to the consumption of goods and services. The National Poverty Lines statistical release provides the annual inflation-adjusted line values for South Africa’s three official poverty lines, namely the food poverty line (FPL), lower-bound poverty line (LBPL) and upper-bound poverty line (UBPL). These lines capture different degrees of poverty and allow the country to measure and monitor poverty at different more »

P0142.1 - Producer Price Index (PPI)

This publication contains results of the monthly Surveys of Prices of Locally Produced Commodities (which are locally sold or exported). These indices for commodities are classified to designated industries of the South African economyread more »

P0142.7 - Export and import unit value indices

Export and import unit value indicesread more »

P0151.1 - Construction Materials Price Indices

This publication consists of indices for contract prices adjustment provisions (CPAP) as well as construction input price indices (CIPI).read more »

P0141 - Consumer Price Index (CPI)

This release contains results of the monthly Survey of Consumer (Retail) Prices. The purpose of the survey is to collect and provide information regarding changes in the overall level of prices of all goods and services bought by the average household. This publication contains the CPI (Inflation) rates. The P0141 contains information on all urban areas and the Additional tables contains information for provinces, Primary urban areas, Secondary urban areas and Rural more »

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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) are the two primary measures of inflation for South Africa. Both indicators are published on a monthly basis.The Consumer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers. The headline CPI is used as the inflation target measure which guides the South African Reserve Bank on the setting of interest rates.

The Producer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices charged by producers of goods. Stats SA publishes PPIs for different industries with the PPI for final manufactured goods being the headline PPI. Additional PPIs are compiled for Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Mining and quarrying; Electricity and water; Intermediate manufactured goods; Imports and Exports; and Construction.

The PPI is widely used by businesses as a contract escalator and as a general indicator of inflationary pressures in the economy.

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