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A decline in tuition fees dents higher education revenue

A decline in tuition fees dents higher education revenue

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown restrictions in 2020 impacted the finances of higher education institutions. There was a subdued increase in revenue, stifled by a decline in the collection of tuition fees. Higher education institutions spent less money, largely on the back of lower operational costs. Total revenue increased, but only marginally The amount   read more »

Further delay in the release of the General Household Survey (GHS) 2020 results

Postponement Notice: GHS further delay   For immediate release                                                                            27 October 2021   Further delay in the release of the General Household Survey (GHS) 2020 results In August, Statistics South Africa announced a delay in the release of its social surveys, including the General Household Survey (GHS), which was rescheduled for release on 28 October   read more »

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

Introduction In September 2021, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) implemented new samples for the following monthly surveys: P3041.2 – Manufacturing: Production and sales; P6141.2 – Wholesale trade sales; P6242.1 – Retail trade sales; P6343.2 – Motor trade sales; P6410 – Tourist accommodation; P6420 – Food and beverages; and P7162 – Land transport. New samples for   read more »

Ecosystem Accounting

A more recent aspect of NCA is ecosystem accounting, which focuses on accounting for ecosystem assets and ecosystem services. Ecosystem Accounts fall under the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)1 Ecosystem Accounting2 framework, which provides a framework for systematic measurement of ecosystem assets, ecosystem services, and the benefits generated from ecosystem services for people and the   read more »

Five facts about the electricity, gas & water supply industry (2019)

Five facts about the electricity, gas & water supply industry (2019)

We are all keenly aware of the electricity challenges our country is facing. Here are five key facts from Stats SA’s latest report on the industry, covering data on the nation’s energy mix, electricity production, and employment. The Electricity, gas and water supply industry report for 2019 covers the results of a large sample survey   read more »

A new and improved GDP is here!

A new and improved GDP is here!

Stats SA has finalised a comprehensive overhaul of its national accounts. The latest gross domestic product (GDP) rebasing and benchmarking exercise has resulted in an upward revision in the size of the economy, as well as changes to the composition of the supply and demand sides of economic activity. Remaining relevant is key Any statistical   read more »

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

There is no doubt that South Africa has made significant progress towards achieving gender equality since 1956, when 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. Activists rebelled against a patriarchal system designed to control women and reduce them to submissive beings   read more »

Headline GDP growth rate will no longer be annualised

Headline GDP growth rate will no longer be annualised

If you work with gross domestic product (GDP) data or have an interest in economic statistics, the following note might be important to you. Stats SA announced in its most recent GDP statistical release1 that it will no longer use the annualised rate as the headline rate of change. There are several measures of economic   read more »

GDP: Quantifying SA’s economic performance in 2020

GDP: Quantifying SA’s economic performance in 2020

Stats SA’s Gross domestic product (GDP) release for the fourth quarter of 2020 (October–December) concludes the series for the year, providing a sobering overview of 2020.   Manufacturing and trade help lift growth in the fourth quarter The economy grew by 1,5% in the fourth quarter, giving an annualised1 growth rate of 6,3%. This follows   read more »

Reweighting and rebasing of the producer price index

19 February 2021 The producer price indices (PPIs) for January 2021 will reflect updates to the basket and weights, and will be rebased to December 2020 = 100. Tracking price changes of locally produced goods, the PPIs cover the following industries: manufacturing; water and electricity; mining and quarrying; and agriculture, forestry and fishing. Industry-level weights   read more »

92-01-07 - Education Series volume VII: Children's education and well-being in South Africa, 2018

The analysis presented in this report is intended to provide a better understanding on why and how children well-being and educational opportunities are changing in South Africa. The report presents the demographic characteristics of the children of South Africa in the context of the age, sex and size composition of the population in the country. It provides information on children poverty profiles, their access to social grants and their living arrangement. It also discusses the birth registration status in the country. The report also provides an overview in child mortality in South Africa with top underlying reasons of death being the particular focus. The report also includes an in-depth review of educational participation of children aged 0–17, identifying important patterns and trends. read more »

Report-03-10-23 - Gender Series volume VII: Informal Economy

To profile gender differences in South African informal economy which includes informal jobs found in both formal and informal sectors, and private households employment, and in the informal business using the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and the Survey of Employers and Self-Employed (SESE)read more »

03-10-20 - Gender Series volume VI: Education and Gender, 2009-2018

Thematic report on Education and Genderread more »

92-01-06 - Education Series Volume VI: Education and labour market outcomes in South Africa, 2018

The Education Series Volume VI report aims to present an overview of demographic and socio-economic changes observed between individuals in Generation X (1960-1979) and Y (1980-1999), as well as the so-called Born-Free generation that were born after 1994. These generations were shaped by important political, economic and social changes in South Africa, and this affected the educational and labour market opportunities and outcomes. read more »

Report-92-01-05 - Education series volume V

Education series volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africaread more »

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