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Results for: south africa population

Poverty Trends in South Africa: An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 & 2015

  Media Release                                                                                                        22 August 2017 Poverty Trends in South Africa: An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 & 2015 The proportion of the population living in poverty declined from 66,6% (31,6 million persons) in 2006 to 53,2% (27,3 million) in 2011, but increased to   read more »

New mid-year estimates reveal ageing population

The latest mid-year population estimates produced by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) show that South Africa’s population is estimated at 56,5 million people. The estimates indicate that the proportion of elderly (60 years and older) in South Africa is growing, reaching 8,1 % in 2017. According to the estimates, there are 4,6 million people in   read more »

SADHS: A Mirror for South African Health

Risky sexual behaviour still a reality in South Africa Statistics South Africa recently released the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016 Key Indicator Report. The report, which presents key findings from the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) that was conducted in 2016, is intended to provide policy makers and programme managers with   read more »

Media release: South Africa Demographic and Health Survey

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                             15 May 2017 South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016 Key Indicators Report                          The results of the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey, 2016 as presented in the Key Indicators Report released today show that the total fertility rate (TFR) for the 3 years preceding the survey was 2,6 children per woman. The   read more »

Media release: The state of basic service delivery in South Africa

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                           30 March 2017 The state of basic service delivery in South Africa: In-depth analysis of the Community Survey 2016 data   Tremendous progress has been made over the past few decades in the delivery of basic services. The Community Survey 2016 found that 89,8% of households used piped water, 63,4% used flush toilets   read more »

Media advisory: Mortality and causes of death in South Africa

Media advisory                                                                                              24 February 2017 Statistician-General to release report on Mortality and causes of death in South Africa The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will publish the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2015 statistical release at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 at Stats   read more »

A tale of three economies in Africa

A tale of three economies in Africa

One of many comparisons between countries is the size of their economies. In the recent past, a number of people noted that Nigeria had overtaken South Africa as the largest economy on the African continent. Subsequently, articles were written about South Africa being pushed into third place by Egypt, only to regain the silver medal   read more »

Africa Rising: Growth in Africa through steadfast statistics

Africa Rising: Growth in Africa through steadfast statistics

The continent is working towards attaining “the Africa we want”. Key to achieving this goal, through the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063, are quality and relevant statistics.   African Statistics Day is celebrated each year on 18 November. Africa celebrates this day to raise awareness of the importance of statistics in all aspects of   read more »

Media Release: Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa, 2015

Media Release                                                                                                    11 October 2016   Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa, 2015   Statistics South Africa today released the Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa, 2015 report which shows that between 2009 and 2015 employment increased from 14,2 million to 15,7 million. This rise, however, did not keep pace with the increase in the   read more »

Media invite: 5th ISIbalo Conference of African Young Statisticians

10 June 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Building statistical capacity to address data demands in monitoring sustainable development in Africa: The  5th ISIbalo Conference of African Young Statisticians, Pretoria, 13-17 2016 As South Africa marks the 40th Anniversary of the 1976 Youth Uprisings, young statisticians from across the continent will congregate in South Africa for the 5th   read more »

SAM - Overview of the 1998 Social Accounting Matrix

This report provides further insight into the previously published Social Accounting Matrix, Report No. 04-03-02 (1998). Its main focus is on the income and expenditure patterns of the South African population. The aim of the report is not to give a detailed analysis or any policy simulations, but rather to give an overview of the 1998 Social Accounting Matrix that was published in November more »

TechPaperMaritalStatus - Marital status and the South African labour market

This report examines the extent to which marital status is relevant in the South African labour market today. In addition to marital status, this report analyses participation rates and other labour market indicators in terms of three demographic variables. These are sex, age and population more »

TechPaperAgeSex - The population of South Africa: An overall and demographic description of the South African population based on Census 1996

This report gives a profile of the South African population, as provided by Census 1996. In addition to the usual variables, the report provides breakdowns by age-sex groupings. read more »

LivingInSA - Living in South Africa

This report is a summary of the findings of the 1995 October Household Survey. It paints a demographic, social and economic picture of life in South more »

EducationInSA - Education in South Africa: Selected findings from Census 96

This report examines the responses to the three education questions contained in South Africas 1996 population census. It focuses, in particular, on what the census tells us about the links between education and the characteristics of households and more »

Great Kei

The Great Kei Local Municipality is located within the Eastern Cape province and covers an area of 1421 km. The municipality is bounded in the east by the Great Kei River and MnqumaLocal Municipality, in the south-east by the coastline between Kwelera and Kei Mouth, in the west by the Buffalo City Metropolitan, and by the AmahlathiLocal Municipality, which is situated to the north. Source: ( more »


Amahlathi Local Municipality is an administrative area in the Amatole District of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Amahlati is an isiXhosa name that means a place where many trees are grouped together, a forest. Forests are a key feature of the area. Source: (

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Ngqushwa Local Municipality, located in the Eastern Cape, is bounded on the east by the Great Fish River and on the south by the Indian Ocean. The municipality is an amalgamation of two towns namely, Hamburg and Peddie. It is one of the eight municipalities that fall under the Amathole District Municipality. Source: Ngqushwa municipality more »


Inkwanca Local Municipality is an administrative area in the Chris Hani District of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Inkwanca is an isiXhosa name meaning cold. The municipal area is the coldest area in the country and the lowest temperatures are recorded in the area every year. (http:// en

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Sakhisizwe Local Municipality is an administrative area in the Chris Hani District Municipality of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Sakhisizwe is an isiXhosa name meaning "we are building the nation" ( more »

Work & Labour Force

There are different forms of work, these include work as employment (work to generate income), unpaid work which includes volunteer work and domestic work for own final household consumption. Statistics South Africa measures all forms of work including work which should be abolished like child labour.

Work as employment is measured from two sources, establishment surveys and household based surveys. The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) is establishment based while The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household based survey. The two sources differ in coverage, scope, unit of measurement and method of collection. Because of these differences, the two sources yield different figures. However, the two sources should be regarded as complementary rather than competitive.

Each source has advantages and limitations in terms of statistics yielded. The QES covers non-agricultural formal sector employment while the QLFS covers total employment in all industries and sectors. The QLFS can also provide information on demographic characteristics of the labour force (employment and unemployment) which the QES cannot provide.

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Crime statistics

  Crime prevention and ultimate elimination is one of the priority goals of the National Development Plan (NDP). Crime affects all people irrespective of their background, and it is a topic that attracts a lot of media attention. Analysis will show that some groupings are affected by certain types of crime more than others. Crime statistics are essential in order to understand the temporal and spatial dynamics of crime. Such understanding is vital for planning targeted interventions and assessing progress made towards achieving a crime free nation where "people living in South Africa feel safe at home, at school and at work, and they enjoy a community life free of fear. Women walk freely in the streets and children play safely outside". There are two major sources of crime statistics in South Africa, namely the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). The other smaller sources such as the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) are by no means insignificant, as they provide statistics for types of crime not adequately covered by the major players, such as domestic violence. While the methodologies used by the SAPS and Stats SA are very different, the two institutions produce crime statistics that complement each other. The SAPS produces administrative data of crime reported to police stations by victims, the public and crime reported as a result of police activity. Stats SA produces crime statistics estimated from household surveys. Crimes reported to the SAPS do not always have the same definitions as crime statistics produced from VOCS. In addition, not all crimes reported by the SAPS are reported by VOCS and vice versa. Working in close collaboration with Stats SA, the South African Police Service has undertaken to align its Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (CCSP) to the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS). Highlights of the 2017/18 Victims of Crime report Aggregate crime levels increased in 2017/18 compared to 2016/17. It is estimated that over 1,5 million incidences of household crime occurred in South Africa in 2017/18, which constitutes an increase of 5% compared to the previous year. Incidences of crime on individuals are estimated to be over 1,6 million, which is an increase of 5% from the previous year. Aggregate household crime levels increased in Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga. Individual crime levels increased in Free State, North West and Gauteng. North West experienced a drastic increase of 80% in the individual crime level. Perceptions of South Africans on crime in 2017/18 were more skeptical compared to the previous year. About 42% thought property crime increased during the past three years. This is an increase of 6,9% from the previous year. 46% thought violent crime increased during the past three years, an increase of 4,5% over the previous year. Western Cape was the most skeptical about crime trends, as 84% of Western Cape residents thought that crime in South African increased or stayed the same. Mpumalanga was the least skeptical among the nine provinces, where 65% thought that crime increased or stayed the same during the past three years. Crimes that are feared most are those that are most common. An estimated 79% of South Africans felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods during the day, which is a decrease of 6,7% from last year. About 32% of South Africans felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods at night, constituting an increase of 8% from last year. The highlights for household and individual experiences of crime from the 2016/17 VOCS report are as follows:  read more »

Gender Statistics

South Africa has a history of exclusion and discrimination on all kinds of grounds, such as race and gender. For this reason we have developed one of the most inclusive constitutions in the world, with a Bill of Rights that specifically refers to equal treatment for all regardless of race, age, disability status, socio-economic status and gender (Section 9). Legislation such as the Employment Equity Act of 1998 has facilitated access to formal employment for women, where employers are legally required to work towards more equitable representation based on gender, race and disability. Our National Development Plan 2030 envisions an inclusive society and economy, free from unequal opportunities through capacity building, redress and increased interaction. Through a combination of legislation, monitoring and accountability, significant progress has been made in this regard, especially in the public sector. For example, the percentage of women in senior management positions in the public service increased from 13% in 1998 to 42% in 2017. Gender and gender statistics are not just about women. Whereas the term sex refers to a biological male/female classification, the word gender connotes more than that. It encapsulates social and cultural differences, and also includes how an individual views him-/herself. The term gender role relates to societys concept of how men and women are expected to act. Gender stereotypes form the basis of sexism, or the prejudiced beliefs that value males over females or vice versa. Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment and/or perceptions of inequality of men in relation to women or vice versa. Even though there are instances where discrimination occurs against men, more often than not women are at a disadvantage. This is manifested in, for example, preferential access to work and/or certain jobs for men, unequal pay for equal work, bullying, domination and violence against women, selective abortion of female children, and preferential household expenditure on boys education. While great strides have been made towards equality for women, there still remains great challenges; there is a need for continued measurement and policy and programmatic interventions. In addition to monitoring progress with regard to the situation of men and women, an understanding of gender gaps in the following key areas will move the agenda of leaving no one behind forward: Market participation Equal representation of both sexes in the labour force is important; gender equality allows for an increase in the number of women participating in the work force, which expands the labour force and can contribute towards increased economic productivity and growth. Resource equity Indicators of mens and womens asset ownership and control are important measures used to monitor gender equality. This is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of whether they are male or female. Womens ownership of and control over resources is one of the key elements of empowerment. Governance Gender equality in positions of decision-making, as well as political representation, are important not only from an empowerment perspective, but also to ensure that issues affecting women are considered during policy formulation, planning and programme/project implementation. Stats SA publishes a wide range of statistics in various reports and publications, highlighting the challenges experienced by women and men in South Africa as measured through household surveys and censuses conducted by StatsSA, as well as other more »