Stats SA revises labour market statistics

The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: mortality

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Statistical agencies across the world periodically revise published statistical series when new information becomes available. So too does Stats SA. In the past, labour market information has been revised following the release of the results of Census 1996, Census 2001 and the large-scale Community Survey of 2007. Similarly, the current revision has been undertaken to   read more »

Late registration of births decreases

Late registration of births decreases

In 1998, 78% of birth registrations were late (births not registered in the same year, e.g. a child born in 2010 is only registered in 2012). By 2012, late birth registrations had decreased to 21%. The Department of Home Affairs has made concerted efforts to ensure that registration of births is made as easy as   read more »

Millennium Development Goals report

Millennium Development Goals report

FOREWORD Minister Trevor Manuel, the Minister in the Presidency: The National Planning Commission  We are in the home stretch, 2015 is just around the corner and this Millennium Development Goals report, the fifth in a series of reports since the adoption of the MDG‟s in 2000, is critical in understanding and knowing whether we are   read more »

South Africans are living longer

South Africans are living longer

The mid-year population estimates are used to account for population change during the period between Censuses and usually takes place at the mid-year point. This is usually done annually, rather than over a period of time as is the case with census, which is conducted after every 5 or 10 years. This year’s mid-year population   read more »

What are South Africans dying of?

What are South Africans dying of?

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has released a report dealing with Mortality and Causes of Death in South Africa. The release is based on data obtained from deaths that occurred in 2010 and were registered at the Department of Home Affairs.             Starting in 2007, less people have been dying   read more »

Report 00-80-05 - Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa Demography Volume plus SA Corona Virus Index

Former document describes the impact that Covid-19 had on the demography of the country. Latter is an index that assesses the relative risk of contracting Covid-19 at small area levelsread more »

Report-03-06-03 - Maternal Health Indicators

Maternal Health Indicatorsread more »

03-09-14 - Estimating completeness of adult mortality data at sub-national level

Estimating completeness of adult mortality data at sub-national levelread more »

03-09-13 - Under five mortality rate

Findings from Census 2011 and other data sources read more »

Report-03-01-62 - Census 2011: Estimation of mortality in South Africa

Census 2011: Estimation of mortality in South Africaread more »

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