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Results for: unemployment rate

Mbalo Brief – August 2013

Approximately 57 years ago, on 9 August 1956, more than 20 000 heroines took it upon themselves to challenge those who were imposing racist and unjust laws upon them.  Women of all races joined forces under the leadership of Lillian Ngoyi, Rahima Moosa, Helen Joseph, Sophia de Bruyn, Frances Baard, Bertha Gxowa and Albertina Sisulu   read more »

Education is key to better labour market outcomes

Employment increased by 100 000 between the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2013. Despite this, the increase in unemployment by 122 000 resulted in an increase of 0,4 of a percentage point in the unemployment rate – from 25,2% to 25,6% between the two quarters. Year-on-year, employment rose by 274 000 while unemployment rose by 254 000. Education plays   read more »

The world of work

The world of work

Labour market information relates to three groups of individuals, those that are employed, those that are unemployed and those that are not economically active (e.g. homemakers, retirees and full-time students who do not wish to work). The most recent QLFS results show that in the first quarter of 2013, of the total population in the   read more »

Mbalo Brief – July 2013

The month of July is a special month to many people all over the world because it marks the last half of the year. Many consider this month as a chance to step back and evaluate their achievements and goals for the year.  What most people do not know about July is that it starts   read more »

Which EBAs receive the most revenue?

A picture can tell an intricate story. The graphic below speaks for 257 public institutions. Figure 1 shows the distribution of revenue across South Africa’s extra-budgetary accounts and funds (EBAs). In the 2022/23 financial year, EBAs received or generated R390,2 billion in revenue, according to the latest data. EBAs play a significant role in the financial management   read more »

Economic wrap-up for July 2024

Economic wrap-up for July 2024

After a busy June, Stats SA’s publication schedule was quieter in July. The agency published 22 releases. Key highlights include an update on inflation and an exploration of South Africa’s biodiversity-based tourism sector. Consumer inflation softens to a six-month low Headline inflation edged lower to 5,1% in June from 5,2% in May. June’s print is   read more »

National government spending breaks the R2 trillion mark

National government spending breaks the R2 trillion mark

The South African national government spent R2,04 trillion1 in the 2022/23 financial year, representing a rise of 6,1% from R1,92 trillion in 2021/22. Stats SA’s latest set of national government financial data shows how these funds were distributed. Just over half of total expenses in 2022/23 was allocated to grants paid to other levels of government, institutions   read more »

Economic wrap-up for April 2024

Economic wrap-up for April 2024

  After a bumper month in March, Stats SA’s publication schedule was quieter in April. The statistical agency published 20 releases, many of which provide an update on the state of the economy. Consumer inflation remains above 5% Annual consumer inflation declined to 5,3% in March after climbing for the first two months of the   read more »

Economic wrap-up for October 2023

Economic wrap-up for October 2023

Stats SA published 25 statistical releases in October. Here is a quick overview of key economic indicators shaping the South African economy. Consumer inflation rises for a second consecutive month Inflation worries were stoked once again in September. The consumer price index (CPI), which reflects the changes in prices of a representative basket of goods   read more »

EBA spending on transport increases in 2021/22

EBA spending on transport increases in 2021/22

Extra-budgetary accounts and funds (EBAs) involved in the transport sector increased their spending in the 2021/22 fiscal year. However, despite the rise, expenditure is still below pre-pandemic levels. South Africa’s 256 EBAs are public institutions. They form an important arm of general government, responsible for delivering services to the public on behalf of government. Examples   read more »

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In 1887, when the British government annexed Zululand, they established several magisterial districts. One district was Mthonjaneni, and the centre of the district was what is known today as Melmoth, named after Sir Melmoth Osborn, the first British Chief Native Commissioner for Zululand. Melmoth was essentially a 'gold rush town'.

At the turn of the century, gold was mined at the Melmoth Gold Fields, five kilometers out of town, but this was a short-term venture. Deserted diggings can still be found in some areas.


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KwaSani is an isiZulu name. "Kwa" means "at" and "Sani" means "San people". The name was chosen because it was easy to pronounce for overseas visitors to the World Heritage Site of Ukhahlamba. KwaSani Local Municipality is strategically placed at the foothills of the Southern Drakensberg, bordering the World Heritage Site. The municipality is bordered by Umkhomazi Wilderness Area to the west, Greater Kokstad to the south-west, Eastern Cape to the south, Ingwe Local Municipality to the east, and Impendle Local Municipality to the north. The area is 1 180 km2 in extent with a population of 12 898.

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Nongoma, set in beautiful, picturesque Zululand, is located to the north of KwaZulu-Natal. Nongoma Local Municipality is Zululand’s second largest municipality in terms of population, and the second largest in terms of area. Nongoma is the Royal City of Zululand. It is the home of King Goodwill Zwelethini, and the hereditary leader of the nation and his royal palaces are among the main tourist attractions in the town. The royal family is highly respected and has a dominating presence in this rural and very traditional part of Zululand. Nongoma Town is mainly a service-oriented centre resulting from its being the seat of the Nongoma Local Municipality and centrally located with regard to surrounding rural/farming communities. The radial network of roads all converging in Nongoma Local Municipality bears testimony in this more »


The Ulundi Local Municipality is located in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal. It covers anarea ofapproximately 3 250 km².It includes the traditional authorities of Buthelezi, Hlatswayo, Jama, LukwaziNtuli, Mbatha, Mpungose, Ndebele, Ntombele, Usustu, Ximba, and Zondo. Approximately half of the municipal area consists of commercial farms and the area supports a substantial agricultural community.

Ulundi town represents the only urban area in the municipal area, and therefore plays an important role in the provision of social and economic facilities to the total population of Ulundi. This places enormous pressure on the urban area for the delivery of services. A significant number of households in the rural area are headed by females, who are usually more disadvantaged in terms of resources and education.

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Greater Letaba

Greater Letaba Local Municipality (GLM) is characterised by contrasts such as varied topography, population densities (low in the south, relatively dense in the north-east), and prolific vegetation in the south (timber) and sparse vegetation in the north (bushveld). The availability of natural resources such as dams, tourism attractions, nature reserves and proximity to intensive economic activities create opportunities for economic spin-offs. The “gates” to the municipal area are considered to be Sekgopo in the west, Modjadjiskloof in the south, MamailaKolobetona in the north and Makgakgapatse in the east. The municipalityincorporates the proclaimed towns of Modjadjiskloof and Ga-Kgapane, situated in the south of the municipal area, and Senwamokgope towards the north-west of the area.

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