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Results for: unemployment

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q3:2019

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                              read more »

Constitutional institutions: a financial snapshot

Constitutional institutions: a financial snapshot

Constitutional institutions are tasked with strengthening South Africa’s democracy, by keeping a watchful eye on government and society at large. Recent financial data show which constitutional institutions are receiving the biggest piece of the revenue pie. The Auditor-General was the largest recipient of revenue in the 2017/18 fiscal year, taking up 56% of revenue received   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q2:2019

MEDIA RELEASE 30 July 2019 Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q2:2019 The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the second quarter of 2019 released by Statistics South Africa, indicate that the official unemployment rate increased by 1,4 percentage points to 29,0% compared to the first quarter of 2019. The number of   read more »

SA population reaches 58,8 million

SA population reaches 58,8 million

The estimated population of South Africa stands at 58,78 million, according to the recently released 2019 mid-year population estimates (MYPE). The MYPE report provides population estimates at national and provincial levels, disaggregated by age and sex. World Population Day, which took place on the 11th July, focused on enabling the youth with the necessary skills   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q1:2019

 MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                               14 May 2019                    Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q1:2019  The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the first quarter of 2019 released by Statistics South Africa, indicate that the official unemployment rate increased by 0,5 of a percentage point to 27,6% compared to the fourth quarter   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q4:2018

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                              12 February 2019   Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q4:2018   The results of the Quarterly   read more »

Plugging the skills gap one leak at a time

Plugging the skills gap one leak at a time

Recent news reports of sewage spills in the Vaal Dam have again raised concerns over South Africa’s water resources. In order to reduce the costs of maintaining the country’s water network, government has embarked on a programme to train unemployed youth with skills to patch up ageing infrastructure. An important tool to fight joblessness is   read more »

How do women fare in the South African labour market?

How do women fare in the South African labour market?

The South African labour market is more favourable to men than it is to women and men are more likely to be in paid employment than women, regardless of race. According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey released by Statistics South Africa, the official unemployment rate has been relatively high since 2008. In the last   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q2:2018

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                    31 July 2018   Quarterly Labour Force Survey – QLFS Q2:2018   The official unemployment rate increased by 0,5 of a percentage point to   read more »

Migrants flock to Gauteng

Migrants flock to Gauteng

According to the Mid-year population estimates report for 2018 released by Statistics South Africa, the population of South Africa is estimated at 57,7 million as at 1 July 2018. While births and deaths are considered the main drivers of population change, migration continues to be significant, not only demographically but politically, economically and socially. The report shows   read more »

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uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipalityi s one of five municipalitiesthat fall within uMkhanyakude District Municipality.  uMhlabuyalingana is located in the far northern part of KwaZulu-Natal, sharing its northern border with the country of Mozambique.

The municipality is deeply rural, with almost its entire population living in traditional authority areas. Several nature reserves are located within the municipality, including the Isimangaliso Wetland Park which is a World Heritage Site (Wikipedia).

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Jozini Local Municipality is under Umkhanyakude District Municipality, located in the north eastern part of Kwazulu Natal.  The municipality shares a border with Swaziland to the west and Mozambique to the north.  It  covers 3057 km² of the total  area  of Umkhanyakude  District Municipality.  Jozini was predominatly a rural municipality with 89% of the population residing in rural areas under the jurisdiction of tradional authorities. Main towns *** Census 2011 reveals that Jozini is the most populated municipalty within Umkhanyakude making up (186 502) 29.8% of the Umkhanyakude District. Jozini has a large dam constructed on the Phongola River on the eastern end of a narrow gorge separating the Lebombo  and Ubombo mountains.  The main towns include Ingwavuma, Jozini, uBombo, Bhambanana, Mkuze and more »

The Big 5 False Bay

Big Five False Bay Municipality is located is a municipality under Umkhanyakude District Municipality.  It is located in the northern part of KwaZulu-Natal province and covers approximately 1191km² of Umkhanyakude Disrict Municipality.  The Municipality has a population of 35 258, the smallest population within the Umkhanyakude District Municipality.

The Municipality is largely rural.  Majority of the population occupy the north-eastern part, which is densely populated by rural traditional communities.  A large proportion of land is used for agriculture and game lodge activities and is sparsely populated.  Hluhluwe is the main semi-urban area for the Municipality.

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Hlabisa Municipality is one of the local Municipalities under Umkhanyakude district in the KwaZulu-Natal province.  The municipality was named after the surname, Hlabisa, of two Nkosi's in the area.  The municipality is generally characterised by rural communities predominantly under traditional areas.  91% of land was under traditional authority, 3% commercial farmland and 6% urban.  The major town is Hlabisa, with secondary nodes of Mpembeni, Zibayeni and more »


Mtubatuba is one of the five municipalities within Umkhanyakude District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal. Mtubatuba was named after the inkosi Mtubatuba of the Mkhwanazi Clan.  It is situated on the north-east coast of the province, and was home to 175  425 people.  Covering an area of approximately 1970km² Mtubatuba Municipality was one of the most urbanised municipality within the district, with 15% of the municipality falling under urban areas. The two main town areas are Mtubatuba and St Lucia.  The vast majority of the municipality was under traditional authority - almost 80% - indicating a high proportion of people residing in scattered, rural villages under the jurisdiction of traditional authorities.  The Isimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site falls under more »

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