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Results for: mortality

Closing in on the 55 million mark: A growing population with changing needs.

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) today released mid-year population estimates which put South Africa’s population at just over 54,9 million as at July 2015. The population increased by 1,65% between 2014 and 2015, with Gauteng remaining the most populous province, with almost 13,2 million inhabitants, followed by KwaZulu-Natal with a population of almost 10,9 million.   read more »

Mbalo Brief – July 2015

Every year on 18 July, schoolchildren, public servants, business people, organisations and men and women from all walks of life, devote 67 minutes of their time to a community service activity. This is in commemoration of the 67 years that the late Nelson Mandela spent fighting for human rights and social justice. Over the years,   read more »


Introduction ZIP (23KB) PDF (290KB) Information on Geography ZIP (88KB) PDF (329KB) Information on Persons ZIP (1.9MB) PDF (1.5MB) Information on households and housing ZIP (663KB) PDF (712KB) Information on Mortality ZIP (72KB) PDF (207KB) Imputation flags for households and persons ZIP (75KB) PDF (113KB) Questionnaire A PDF (145KB) Questionnaire B PDF (94KB) Questionnaire C   read more »

Calling a spade a spade: deaths due to HIV moves into top 5

The 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death release shows that HIV disease has moved from being ranked sixth in 2012 to being ranked third in 2013. Of the 458 933 deaths registered at the Department of Home Affairs in 2013 and processed by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), 5,1% were due to HIV disease, an increase   read more »

Statement by President Jacob Zuma

Statement by President Jacob Zuma marking 50 day countdown to Census 2011, Union Buildings, Pretoria, Tshwane 22 Aug 2011 Minister Trevor Manuel, Ladies and gentlemen of the media, Today, 22 August 2011 we begin the 50 day countdown towards the National Census. The Minister responsible for Statistics South Africa, Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel,   read more »

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click here to download a printable version. 1. What is a population census? A population census is a snapshot of a country at a particular moment in time. South Africa’s census will be held in October this year. Census night is the 9th of October 2011. The picture we are taking will tell us how many people   read more »

Census Archives

Date Documents News: 12 December 2011 CENSUS 2011 Data-Processing 20 Sepember 2011 STATEMENT TO PARLIAMENT ON CENSUS 2011 19 Sepember 2011 Stats SA meets Faith Based Organisations on Census 2011 19 Sepember 2011 CONTRALESA partners with Census 2011 19 Sepember 2011 Census 2011 : What to Expect ? What to do? (jpg 780KB) 8 Sepember 2011   read more »

Fewer deaths recorded in 2012

Fewer deaths recorded in 2012

The overall number of deaths in South Africa continues to decline. This was one of the findings from the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2012: Findings from death notification report, which was released by Statistics South Africa on Thursday. Just over 480 thousand deaths were registered in South Africa in 2012. This   read more »

Media Release, Mid –Year Population Estimates 2014

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) estimates the population of South Africa to be 54 million as at July 2014, where about 30,0% of the population is aged younger than 15 years and approximately 8,4% (4,54 million) is 60 years or older. The Mid-year population estimates further indicate that approximately fifty-one per cent (approximately 27,64 million)   read more »

Life expectancy continues to rise as South Africa’s population breaks 54 million

Life expectancy continues to rise as South Africa’s population breaks 54 million

South Africa’s population now stands at just over 54 million. This is the main finding of Stats SA’s latest Mid-year Population Estimates report, which was released on Thursday. Based on the 2014 series, the country’s population experienced an estimated net increase of 844 000 individuals (1,58% growth) from July 2013 to July 2014. Gauteng remains the   read more »

P0301 - Community Survey, 2007

This release provides key results emanating from the analysis of the data that were collected in the Community Survey 2007. The specific objectives are: (i) To provide emerging trends and differentials with regard to demographic, socio-economic and social profiles of the population of South Africa. (ii) To highlight some of the successes that have been achieved to date and the challenges that need to be addressed in meeting the development goals government has set. read more »

Report-03-09-06 - Trends in the percentage of children who are orphaned in South Africa: 1995 - 2005

This paper uses information in the public domain from the 1995-1998 October Household Surveys, the 2001 Census, and the 2002-2005 General Household Surveys to estimate the percentage of children (age 0-14) who are maternal orphans, paternal orphans, double orphans (both parents dead), and who have at least one dead parent. Estimates are made for all South Africans, for Africans, for non-Africans and for Africans in Kwazulu-Natalread more »

Report-03-09-05 - Adult mortality (age 15-64) based on death notification data in South Africa

This analytical report analyses data for people age 15-64. In this report, the data on deaths by age, sex, and year of death are adjusted to take into account incompleteness of death registration. The report found that death rates rose for every five year age group between 1997 and 2004. Mortality from unnatural causes of death change little over this more »

P0309.2 - Causes of death in South Africa, 1997-2001: Advance release of recorded causes of death

This release is the first Stats SA publication to report on the causes of death as well as giving basic mortality data. It is based on an analysis of a 12% sample of death notification forms received from the Department of Home Affairs for the each of the five years given. read more »

DiscussFertilityTrends - Additional evidence regarding fertility and mortality trends in South Africa and Implications for population projections

The objectives of this study are to provide additional evidence regarding fertility and mortality trends in South more »

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