The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: data

The number of volunteers has increased in the country since 2010

10 September 2015 Media Release In 2014, there were 2,2 million volunteers compared to 1,3 million in 2010, constituting an increase of about 898 000 volunteers. The country’s volunteer rate increased by 2,1 percentage points to 5, 8% in 2014. The number of volunteered hours increased from the 419,2 million in 2010 to 610,4 million in   read more »

Bucket toilets: an update

Bucket toilets: an update

The bucket toilet system remains a persistent phenomenon in seven of the nine provinces, despite measures to eradicate it. Where are bucket toilets still in use? And is South Africa succeeding in reducing its usage? Data from Stats SA’s latest Non-financial census of municipalities provides some insight into these questions. Eastern Cape boasts largest decrease   read more »

Municipal service delivery: less for free

Municipal service delivery: less for free

More basic services are being extended to municipalities’ constituencies, but fewer of these services are being provided for free.   This is according to the 2014 annual Non-financial census of municipalities report, which provides municipal data on various services (i.e. electricity, water, sewerage and sanitation, and solid waste management), details on indigents, and information on   read more »

Hotel occupancy falls, but income from accommodation is up

Hotel occupancy falls, but income from accommodation is up

Hotel occupancy fell to 48,2% in June 2015, according to preliminary figures in Stats SA’s latest Tourist accommodation release. The hotel occupancy rate followed a seasonal pattern by falling in June after peaking in both October (62,4%) and February (60,6%)1. However, hotels had proportionally fewer rooms filled in June compared with the same month in   read more »

Extra-budgetary institutions focus their spending on social protection

Extra-budgetary institutions focus their spending on social protection

Stats SA’s latest extra-budgetary accounts (EBA) statistical release contains economically and functionally classified financial data on 233 funds for the 2013/14 fiscal year. EBAs do not operate through normal parliamentary budgetary processes, but they perform an integral role in delivering services of the national government. Some examples of EBAs include the South African Revenue Service,   read more »

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to rely heavily on national government to finance their budgets, according to data from the latest release of Stats SA’s Financial census of municipalities report. For every R1 of revenue received by municipalities in the year 2014, 33c was in the form of grants and subsidies from national and provincial government. The   read more »

Stats SA releases Mid-year population estimates, 2015

Media Invite The Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, will release the 2015 Mid-year population estimates report at a media briefing to be held on 23 July 2015 in Pretoria. The report includes data on HIV prevalence estimates and the number of people living with HIV, fertility rates and average life expectancy at birth. The report also   read more »

Where not to have your cake and eat it

Where not to have your cake and eat it

Digging a little deeper into the latest consumer price data shows how you can make informed choices about your sweet tooth. If you love to have cake on a regular basis, it might be interesting to know that you are now paying almost 30% more for a cake than you did in June 2010. The   read more »

Statistics Council

Statistics Council Members PDF Statistics Council Statement on Census 2001 PDF Statistics Council Sub-Committee Comment on the Census 2001 results Preliminary investigations indicate that the 2001 census probably resulted in: an underestimate of the number of children below age five* an over-estimate of the number of teenagers aged between 10 and 20 an underestimate of   read more »

Editing manual

Description: This document describes the automated computer edits that were applied to the raw data to arrive at meaningful results. It describes the specifications used to define the universe for the different variables and derived variables, and how imputation was used to allocate values for unavailable, unknown, incorrect or inconsistent responses. Download instructions: This product   read more »

P0301 - Community Survey, 2007

This release provides key results emanating from the analysis of the data that were collected in the Community Survey 2007. The specific objectives are: (i) To provide emerging trends and differentials with regard to demographic, socio-economic and social profiles of the population of South Africa. (ii) To highlight some of the successes that have been achieved to date and the challenges that need to be addressed in meeting the development goals government has set. read more »

CensusHandBook - Using the 2001 Census: Approaches to analysing data

A collaboration between Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)read more »

report-03-06-01 - The coverage and quality of birth registration data in South Africa

The report examines the birth registration process with special reference to South Africa and focus on the content, coverage and the quality of the register. It estimates the completeness of the birth register for the nine provinces and the country as a whole. It also provides estimates of fertility based on data from register and compare those with estimates from Census. Furthermore, the report describes the levels and trends in birth registration over time. Lastly, it estimates patterns of future registrations and adjustment factors that could be used to make the register more robust for analysis purposes. read more »

D0405.5 - Statistics of the Tourism Satellite Account and assessment of data sources related to tourism in South Africa

The aim of this discussion document is to give an overview of the basic data requirements needed to compile a TSA, as well as to do an assessment of the data sources that are currently available in South Africa. This discussion document is also a follow-up on the discussion document Status of the tourism satellite account in South Africa (D0405.3) published on the Stats SA website ( in April more »

D0405.4 - Country experience in the compilation of Tourism Satellite Accounts

The aim of this discussion document is to investigate international country experiences (international best practices) in compiling and populating the TSA tables (i.e. data sources used, assumptions made and ratios used), as well as to make recommendations for the development and compilation of the TSA tables for South Africa. read more »

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