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Turnover and capital investment in the private sector rise

Turnover and capital investment in the private sector rise

Total turnover in the private sector increased by 1,6% in the quarter ended June 2015 compared with the quarter ended March 2015, according to Stats SA’s latest Quarterly financial statistics report. The electricity, mining, trade, manufacturing and transport sectors reported increases in turnover, while decreases were recorded for construction, community services (excluding government institutions) and   read more »

A glimpse at provincial government’s bank account

A glimpse at provincial government’s bank account

How are provincial governments using your tax money? Stats SA’s latest Financial Statistics of Provincial Government report describes the spending patterns of provincial government. Where do provinces get their money from? Mostly, from our tax contributions. Financial statements from 124 provincial government departments show that provincial governments sourced R429,9 billion in revenue in 2013/14. R415,7   read more »

The number of volunteers has increased in the country since 2010

10 September 2015 Media Release In 2014, there were 2,2 million volunteers compared to 1,3 million in 2010, constituting an increase of about 898 000 volunteers. The country’s volunteer rate increased by 2,1 percentage points to 5, 8% in 2014. The number of volunteered hours increased from the 419,2 million in 2010 to 610,4 million in   read more »

Bucket toilets: an update

Bucket toilets: an update

The bucket toilet system remains a persistent phenomenon in seven of the nine provinces, despite measures to eradicate it. Where are bucket toilets still in use? And is South Africa succeeding in reducing its usage? Data from Stats SA’s latest Non-financial census of municipalities provides some insight into these questions. Eastern Cape boasts largest decrease   read more »

Municipal service delivery: less for free

Municipal service delivery: less for free

More basic services are being extended to municipalities’ constituencies, but fewer of these services are being provided for free.   This is according to the 2014 annual Non-financial census of municipalities report, which provides municipal data on various services (i.e. electricity, water, sewerage and sanitation, and solid waste management), details on indigents, and information on   read more »

Hotel occupancy falls, but income from accommodation is up

Hotel occupancy falls, but income from accommodation is up

Hotel occupancy fell to 48,2% in June 2015, according to preliminary figures in Stats SA’s latest Tourist accommodation release. The hotel occupancy rate followed a seasonal pattern by falling in June after peaking in both October (62,4%) and February (60,6%)1. However, hotels had proportionally fewer rooms filled in June compared with the same month in   read more »

Extra-budgetary institutions focus their spending on social protection

Extra-budgetary institutions focus their spending on social protection

Stats SA’s latest extra-budgetary accounts (EBA) statistical release contains economically and functionally classified financial data on 233 funds for the 2013/14 fiscal year. EBAs do not operate through normal parliamentary budgetary processes, but they perform an integral role in delivering services of the national government. Some examples of EBAs include the South African Revenue Service,   read more »

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to rely heavily on national government to finance their budgets, according to data from the latest release of Stats SA’s Financial census of municipalities report. For every R1 of revenue received by municipalities in the year 2014, 33c was in the form of grants and subsidies from national and provincial government. The   read more »

Stats SA releases Mid-year population estimates, 2015

Media Invite The Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, will release the 2015 Mid-year population estimates report at a media briefing to be held on 23 July 2015 in Pretoria. The report includes data on HIV prevalence estimates and the number of people living with HIV, fertility rates and average life expectancy at birth. The report also   read more »

Where not to have your cake and eat it

Where not to have your cake and eat it

Digging a little deeper into the latest consumer price data shows how you can make informed choices about your sweet tooth. If you love to have cake on a regular basis, it might be interesting to know that you are now paying almost 30% more for a cake than you did in June 2010. The   read more »

Report-03-20-11 - Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data – Technical report

Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data – Technical reportread more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

Report-03-10-08 - The South African MPI: Creating a multidimensional poverty index using census data

The main purpose of this report is the provision of poverty maps and poverty data at provincial and municipal level. In so doing, this report details how the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) was conceptualised and constructed using data collected by Stats SA through Census 2001 and 2011. The SAMPI, based on the Alkire-Foster method, provides another tool in Stats SA`s ongoing efforts to measure poverty and deprivation in the country. The SAMPI was born out of the desire to develop a new product that could build onto the work started with the development of the Provincial Indices of Multiple Deprivation (PIMD) after Census 2001. Unlike the PIMD, the SAMPI has the advantage of being fully decomposable by demographic and geographic variables; this shows not only in what aspects the poor are deprived, but also reveals the interconnections among those deprivations. read more »

P0211.4.1 - National and provincial labour market: Dynamics

The national labour market results mask variations at provincial level which can often be quite large. The nine provinces differ in population size, land mass, demographic profile, and economic structure. This report is the second in a quarterly series which will be released when the QLFS results are reported. The aim is to provide users with an analysis of various aspects of the South African labour market at provincial level, based on current labour market information. The analysis in this report is based solely on the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) conducted in the third and fourth quarters of 2012 (Q3: QLFS) and (Q4: QLFS). The data have been revised to reflect the new population benchmarks from the population census of 2011 read more »

Report-03-19-00 - Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa

A social profile is concerned with factors and processes that influence vulnerability towards various pressures that may prohibit an individual from enjoying life. This report attempts to highlight some of these challenges by providing a snapshot of vulnerable groups (specifically children, youth, women, people with disabilities and the elderly) in terms of issues such as household characteristics, housing, access to basic services, economic participation and income, health and well being, and finally education and skills development. Data will be drawn from the General Household Surveys for the period 2002-2009. It is hoped that the report will enhance awareness of the challenges faced by these vulnerable groups and that data will contribute to a better understanding of their respective development dynamics. Each section will focus on a specific special vulnerable group and will use indicators selected on account of their importance to the specific group to explore changes, challread more »

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