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Results for: african

Mbalo Brief – July 2014

“A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of”. These are the words of South Africa’s first democratically elected president, Nelson Rolihlahla ‘Madiba’ Mandela during an address delivered at Walter Sisulu Square in Kliptown, Soweto in   read more »

Formal sector shows marginal growth in employment

Formal sector shows marginal growth in employment

Between December 2013 and March 2014, the non-agriculture formal sector of the South African economy experienced a net increase of 9 000 employees (+0,1%), from 8 498 000 to 8 507 000 individuals. This increase was mainly due to increases in the community, social and personal services industry which gained 50 000 employees (+2,1%); the finance industry (+7 000 or +0,4%); and   read more »

National government spending breaks the R1 trillion mark

National government spending breaks the R1 trillion mark

The South African national government expenditure surpassed R1 trillion in the 2012/13 fiscal year, almost double the R567 billion spent in 2007/08. This was a finding from Stats SA’s Financial Statistics of National Government report, an annual release containing details of national government spending. Exploring expenditure trends over the last six years, the report shows   read more »

Quarterly Employment Statistics, March 2014

Key findings on employment and earnings for the quarter ended March 2014 The number of employees in the formal non-agricultural sector of the South African economy increased from an estimated 8 498 000 employees in December 2013 to an estimated 8 507 000 employees in March 2014. Statistics South Africa released the results of the   read more »

Life is somewhat better in the country

More people rely on state coffers as the percentage of individuals that benefited from social grants has increased from 12,7% in 2003 to 30,2% in 2013, and the percentage of households that received at least one grant increased from 29,9% to 45,5%. This is according to the latest results of the General Household Survey (GHS)   read more »

Households experience increased access to piped water, but are less satisfied with the service

Households experience increased access to piped water, but are less satisfied with the service

Although the number and percentage of households in South Africa with access to piped water has increased steadily over the last decade, household satisfaction with the quality of water services has decreased. This is one of the findings from the latest release of Stats SA’s General Household Survey (GHS). Conducted on an annual basis since   read more »

Media Advisory: General Household Survey (GHS) 2013

6 June 2014 General Household Survey (GHS) 2013 Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) will release the results of the General Household Survey (GHS) 2013, which will outline findings on multiple facets of the living conditions of South African households, as well as the quality of service delivery in a number of key service sectors. The   read more »

National and provincial labour market: Youth Q1: 2008 to Q1: 2014

National and provincial labour market: Youth Q1: 2008 to Q1: 2014

The unemployment rate among youth increased from 32,7% to 36,1% between 2008 and 2014; in the post recessionary period, the unemployment rate has been consistently higher among youth than among adults by more than 20 percentage points.  The report released by Statistics South Africa examines in detail various aspects of the situation faced by youth   read more »

Mbalo Brief – May 2014

It has only been five months into 2014, yet a lot has already happened. Just recently, on 7 May 2014, many South Africans went out in their numbers to vote in the fifth general election since the dawn of democracy. The African Union (AU) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) observer missions congratulated South Africa   read more »

Inflation at 6%, hitting the ceiling of the SARB inflation target range

Inflation at 6%, hitting the ceiling of the SARB inflation target range

Hitting the ceiling of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) inflation target range, the CPI comes in at 6% this month, with a 1,3% monthly increase. The monthly increase is the largest since June 2008 (1,4%). The monthly increase has been steadily increasing since a low of 0,1% in November 2013. Food and non-alcoholic beverages   read more »

Report-03-09-06 - Trends in the percentage of children who are orphaned in South Africa: 1995 - 2005

This paper uses information in the public domain from the 1995-1998 October Household Surveys, the 2001 Census, and the 2002-2005 General Household Surveys to estimate the percentage of children (age 0-14) who are maternal orphans, paternal orphans, double orphans (both parents dead), and who have at least one dead parent. Estimates are made for all South Africans, for Africans, for non-Africans and for Africans in Kwazulu-Natalread more »

P0020 - Economic Activity Survey

The Economic Activity Survey (EAS) is an annual survey, which measures overall activity in the South African economy. It is based on a sample of private and public enterprises operating in the formal non-agricultural business sector of the economy, excluding financial intermediation, insurance and government institutions. The survey is designed to provide information on selected income and expenditure items and the consolidated balance sheet. Information is collected for the financial years of enterprises that ended on any date between 1 July of one year and 30 June of the following year. The results are used within Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) for compiling the annual national accounts. Other users will include the South African Reserve Bank, government organisations, researchers and more »

C2001Stages - Census 2001: Stages in the life cycle of South Africans

This report contains descriptions of the people counted in South Africa during Census 2001, grouped according to the various stages in the life cycle: infants (aged 0read more »

DiscussSAM - Constructing a social accounting matrix: comparisons across eleven countries

This discussion document contains comparisons between the construction of a social accounting matrix across eleven countries. It aims to compare the methods and findings of the 1998 SAM for South Africa with the experiences of other countries in the compilation of their own SAM, in order to establish whether the methodologies used in other countries may be applied in the South African more »

P8001 - Economic Activity Survey

The Economic Activity Survey (EAS) is an annual survey, which measures overall activity in the South African economy. It is based on a sample of private and public enterprises operating in the formal non-agricultural business sector of the economy, excluding financial intermediation, insurance and government institutions. The survey is designed to provide information on selected income and expenditure items and the consolidated balance sheet. Information is collected for the financial years of enterprises that ended on any date between 1 July of one year and 30 June of the following year. The results are used within Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) for compiling the annual national accounts. Other users will include the South African Reserve Bank, government organisations, researchers and more »


Matjhabeng Local Municipality is one of the local municipalities under Lejweleputswa District in the Free State province and is one of five local municipalities.The major cities are Allanridge, Hennenman, Odendaalsrus, Ventersburg, Virginia and Welkom.( more »


Nala Local Municipality is situated in the northern part of Lejweleputswa District in Free State. The former Bothaville and Wesselsbron traditional local councils and a section of the Vetvaal transitional rural council have been combined to form the Nala Local Municipalityread more »


Setsoto Local Municipality is situated in the Eastern Free State within the boundaries of the Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality. The local municipality area measures 5948,35 km2 and comprises four urban areas namely Ficksburg/Meqheleng, Senekal/Matwabeng, Marquard/Moemaneng and Clocolan/Hlohlolwane, as well as some surrounding rural areas.

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Moqhaka Local Municipality is situated in the Fezile Dabi District in the Free State Province. The seat of local government is in Kroonstad.

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Ngwathe Local Municipalityis situated in the northern part of the FezileDabi DistrictMunicipality, in the northern part of the Free State Province. It is composed of 5 towns, namely: Parys, Vredefort, Heilbron,Koppiesand Edenville townareas as well as the rural areas as demarcated by the Demarcation Board of South Africa and is further divided into 19 wards.

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