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The Home I Understand

Results for: unemployment

More people participate in the South African labour market in the 4th quarter of 2020

More people participate in the South African labour market in the 4th quarter of 2020

According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), there was an increase of 333 000 in the number of employed persons, an increase of 701 000 in the number of unemployed persons and a decrease of 890 000 in the number of people who are out of the labour force, in the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q3:2020

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                                     12 November 2020                                                                   Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q3:2020 The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the third quarter of 2020 indicate large movements out of the “other not economically active” category to “employed” and “unemployed” between quarter 2 and quarter 3 2020. The number of employed   read more »

Significant movements into the labour force in the 3rd quarter of 2020

Significant movements into the labour force in the 3rd quarter of 2020

In the 3rd quarter of 2020 there were significant movements in the South African labour market. According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), a large number of persons moved from the “other not economically active” category to “employed” and “unemployed” status between quarter two and quarter three of 2020. The movement was proportionately more   read more »

29 September Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q2:2020

The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the second quarter of 2020 indicate that the number of employed persons decreased by 2,2 million to 14,1 million compared to the first quarter of 2020. This unprecedented change is the largest quarter one to quarter two decline since the survey began in 2008. Contrary   read more »

Mbalo Brief – July 2020

On 28 July 2020, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) published the Quarterly employment statistics (QES) survey results for the first quarter of 2020. According to the survey, the formal non-agricultural sector shed 3 000 jobs in the first quarter of 2020. This brings the total number of persons employed in the formal non-agricultural sector in South Africa to   read more »

Mbalo Brief – June 2020

In this month of June, South Africans commemorate the 1976 June 16 uprising when more than 15 000 students in Soweto took to the streets to march against the Bantu education policies. Although the youth of 1976 fought against unequal education and language amongst other issues, the youth of today are faced with a different   read more »

Vulnerability of youth in the South African labour market

Vulnerability of youth in the South African labour market

The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the first quarter of 2020 indicate that employment decreased by 38 000 to 16,4 million and the number of unemployed persons increased by 344 000 to 7,1 million. As a result, the official unemployment rate increased by 1 percentage point to (30,1%) compared to the fourth quarter   read more »

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country to assist government and other stakeholders in their response to the crisis. The second round of the survey (Wave 2) focused on employment, income and hunger-related issues   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q4:2019

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                   11 February 2020                                        Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q4:2019 The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the fourth quarter of 2019 indicate that the official unemployment rate remained unchanged (29,1%) compared to   read more »

South Africa sees Improvement on Social Challenges

South Africa sees Improvement on Social Challenges

Like many countries around the world, South Africa has faced many socio-economic challenges over the years. Emphasis has been placed on improving the lives of citizens by targeting poverty, inequality and unemployment. A recently released report by Statistics South Africa, in partnership with Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD), Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit   read more »

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The Knysna municipal area covers a total surface 10 59 square kilometer.  It stretches from the Swartevlet in the Sedgefield in the west to Harkerville in the East.  The municipal area is bordered by the Outeniqua Mountains in the north and Indian Ocean in the south.

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