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Results for: african

The decreasing importance of gold mining in South Africa

The decreasing importance of gold mining in South Africa

Monthly gold production reached a new monthly low in January, according to data released by Stats SA1. Although a number of temporary factors might have contributed to the unusually low level, general historical trends show that gold has lost the prominent place it once had in the South African economy. Stats SA has published comparable   read more »

Drop in mining production between 2013 and 2014

Drop in mining production between 2013 and 2014

Mining production decreased by 1,5% in 2014 compared with 2013. The negative outcome was largely the result of declines in platinum group metals (PGMs) (‑28,7%) and gold (‑5,1%). Iron ore production grew by 12,6% in 2014 and coal grew by 2,0%. The sharp decline in PGMs in 2014 was the result of widespread strikes in   read more »

Electricity production declining

Electricity production declining

Less electricity was generated in South Africa in 2014 compared with 2013. Recent data show that national electricity production has been in decline after peaking in 2011, highlighting the country’s continued struggle to keep the lights on. The latest Electricity produced and available for distribution publication, released by Stats SA on Thursday, 5 February 2014,   read more »

Reduce undercount to almost “zero”

“Prior to the advent of democracy, there was no reliable source of information available about us or about the country and that is why in 1996, the post-apartheid government conducted its first population census. The importance of Census 2011 cannot be over-emphasised – it is the only tool available to any nation or any country   read more »

Lehohla emphasises the importance of numbers

As Census 2011 advocacy and publicity programme is steadily gaining momentum, one thing is clear – Census 2011 is here and everyone counts! Census 2011, widely described as a ‘national effort that the country should be proud of’, has already been launched in North West, East London, Northern Cape, Limpopo and Free State. “Without numbers that are tested through   read more »

Statistics South Africa is ready for Census 2011 Big Count

In just under a year’s time all people within the borders of South Africa will be counted on the night of the 9th and 10th October 2011 in the biggest census ever conducted in this country. This census is set to provide the most comprehensive picture of the South African society and economy in the   read more »

Statement by President Jacob Zuma

Statement by President Jacob Zuma marking 50 day countdown to Census 2011, Union Buildings, Pretoria, Tshwane 22 Aug 2011 Minister Trevor Manuel, Ladies and gentlemen of the media, Today, 22 August 2011 we begin the 50 day countdown towards the National Census. The Minister responsible for Statistics South Africa, Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel,   read more »

CONTRALESA partners with Census 2011

With just under a month to go before the start of Census 2011, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has formed a partnership with the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) in an effort to ensure that rural South Africa is counted. Statistician-General Mr Pali Lehohla called on all traditional leaders to inform their   read more »

Animation brings home story of trade potential in Africa

Animation brings home story of trade potential in Africa

Modern tools of communication and dissemination of data create greater possibilities for access, understanding and use.  Stats SA and the African Development Bank have created the attached animation to tell the story of trade potential in Africa. The Statistician-General (SG) for South Africa, Mr Pali Lehohla, will share a presentation with the 24th African Union   read more »

Invitation to the 2nd ISIbalo Lecture: A World That Counts – Data Revolution for the post-2015 sustainable development goals agenda: Talk at the University of Pretoria

Invitation to the 2nd ISIbalo Lecture A World That Counts – Data Revolution for the post-2015 sustainable development goals agenda: Talk at the University of Pretoria The Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, has great pleasure in inviting you to the Data Revolution Outreach Programme, to be hosted by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of   read more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

Report-03-09-12 - Morbidity and mortality levels among the youth of South Africa

Morbidity and mortality levels among the youth of South Africa read more »

D0353.1 - Domestic trips undertaken by adult South Africans, 2013: Tourism series 1

Domestic trips undertaken by adult South Africans, 2013: Tourism series 1read more »

Report-03-10-08 - The South African MPI: Creating a multidimensional poverty index using census data

The main purpose of this report is the provision of poverty maps and poverty data at provincial and municipal level. In so doing, this report details how the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) was conceptualised and constructed using data collected by Stats SA through Census 2001 and 2011. The SAMPI, based on the Alkire-Foster method, provides another tool in Stats SA`s ongoing efforts to measure poverty and deprivation in the country. The SAMPI was born out of the desire to develop a new product that could build onto the work started with the development of the Provincial Indices of Multiple Deprivation (PIMD) after Census 2001. Unlike the PIMD, the SAMPI has the advantage of being fully decomposable by demographic and geographic variables; this shows not only in what aspects the poor are deprived, but also reveals the interconnections among those deprivations. read more »

P0211.4.1 - National and provincial labour market: Dynamics

The national labour market results mask variations at provincial level which can often be quite large. The nine provinces differ in population size, land mass, demographic profile, and economic structure. This report is the second in a quarterly series which will be released when the QLFS results are reported. The aim is to provide users with an analysis of various aspects of the South African labour market at provincial level, based on current labour market information. The analysis in this report is based solely on the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) conducted in the third and fourth quarters of 2012 (Q3: QLFS) and (Q4: QLFS). The data have been revised to reflect the new population benchmarks from the population census of 2011 read more »


Engcobo Local Municipality is located in the Chris Hani District of the Eastern Cape, the second largest province in terms of land coverage on the south-eastern seaboard of South Africa. Engcobo consists of 20 wards, extends over 2258,78km with a population of 155513, and constitutes 19,6% of the total population of the district, as per the Census 2011 information.

The majority of the population is female (56%). There are about 66 people per square kilometre. The population is predominantly black African, followed by an insignificant number of Asians/Indians, coloureds and whites.

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Sakhisizwe Local Municipality is an administrative area in the Chris Hani District Municipality of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Sakhisizwe is an isiXhosa name meaning "we are building the nation" ( more »


Elundini Local Municipality is located in Joe Gqabi District Municipality in the Eastern Cape, between the Maluti and the Drakensberg mountains. Mount Fletcher, Ugie and Maclear are the three dominant towns within this largely agricultural area. Source: (

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Senqu Local Municipality is located in the Joe Gqabi District of the Eastern Cape Province, sharing its northern border with the country of Lesotho. Senqu is a Sesotho name for the Orange River. ( 83,5% of the population lives in a non-urban environment, and major settlements include Barkley East, Mareteng and more »


Maletswai Local Municipality is an administrative area in the Joe Gqabi District Municipality of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Maletswai is a Sesotho name that means a place of salt.

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