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Results for: unemployment

Tightening municipal statistics: Stats SA’s alignment to mSCOA

Municipal financial systems have been overhauled. Under the new Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts (mSCOA) framework, municipalities have changed the way in which they do their finances. As a result, Stats SA implemented changes to its Quarterly financial statistics of selected municipalities (QFSSM) survey. What is the QFSSM? Not only does Stats SA publish data   read more »

How COVID-19 affected food security in SA

How COVID-19 affected food security in SA

The COVID-19 pandemic has had serious implications for the global economy, with food security and nutrition being particularly impacted. South Africa, like many countries around the world, has not been spared. According to a report released by Statistics South Africa, Measuring Food Security in South Africa: Applying the Food Insecurity Experience Scale, almost 23,6 per   read more »

Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q3:2021

MEDIA RELEASE 30 November 2021 Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q3:2021 The official unemployment rate was 34,9% in the third quarter of 2021. The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the third quarter of 2021 show that the number of employed persons decreased by 660 000 in the third quarter of   read more »

The South African economy sheds more than half a million jobs in the 3rd quarter of 2021

The South African economy sheds more than half a million jobs in the 3rd quarter of 2021

According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the 3rd quarter of 2021, the number of employed persons declined by 660 000 to 14,3 million compared to the 2nd quarter of 2021. The decline in employment is coupled with a decline in the number of unemployed persons to 7,6 million from 7,8 million, resulting in   read more »

South African labour market is more favourable to men than women

South African labour market is more favourable to men than women

Equal opportunity and equal treatment in the labour market are at the core of decent work. Unfortunately, women in South Africa and around the world still face additional challenges that hinder them from accessing employment. Once they are in employment, appointments to decision-making positions and jobs in certain sectors, or of certain characteristics, remain elusive.   read more »

Statistics South Africa and the POPI Act

One of the primary responsibilities of Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is to conduct surveys and collect information from households and businesses. How does Stats SA’s activities relate to the POPI Act? What is the POPI Act? The Protection of Personal Information Act (Act No. 4 of 2013), known as the POPI Act1, is South   read more »

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

There is no doubt that South Africa has made significant progress towards achieving gender equality since 1956, when 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. Activists rebelled against a patriarchal system designed to control women and reduce them to submissive beings   read more »

Youth still find it difficult to secure jobs in South Africa

Youth still find it difficult to secure jobs in South Africa

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the 16 June 1976 student uprising in Soweto. In 1994, the new democratic government declared 16 June as National Youth Day and June as the Youth Month. With the focus on the youth under the theme: “The Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive   read more »

Frame Update Project

Collection of contact details In March 2020, in the interest of respondent and staff safety, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) took a decision to stop all face-to-face fieldwork operations, and collect data for household surveys telephonically. Regular surveys that have been affected by this decision were the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), which gives us   read more »

Statistics South Africa to resume field visits to ensure data integrity for household surveys amid COVID-19 restrictions

  For immediate release                                                                                                                                                 1 April 2021 Statistics South Africa to   read more »

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uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipalityi s one of five municipalitiesthat fall within uMkhanyakude District Municipality.  uMhlabuyalingana is located in the far northern part of KwaZulu-Natal, sharing its northern border with the country of Mozambique.

The municipality is deeply rural, with almost its entire population living in traditional authority areas. Several nature reserves are located within the municipality, including the Isimangaliso Wetland Park which is a World Heritage Site (Wikipedia).

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Jozini Local Municipality is under Umkhanyakude District Municipality, located in the north eastern part of Kwazulu Natal.  The municipality shares a border with Swaziland to the west and Mozambique to the north.  It  covers 3057 km² of the total  area  of Umkhanyakude  District Municipality.  Jozini was predominatly a rural municipality with 89% of the population residing in rural areas under the jurisdiction of tradional authorities. Main towns *** Census 2011 reveals that Jozini is the most populated municipalty within Umkhanyakude making up (186 502) 29.8% of the Umkhanyakude District. Jozini has a large dam constructed on the Phongola River on the eastern end of a narrow gorge separating the Lebombo  and Ubombo mountains.  The main towns include Ingwavuma, Jozini, uBombo, Bhambanana, Mkuze and more »

The Big 5 False Bay

Big Five False Bay Municipality is located is a municipality under Umkhanyakude District Municipality.  It is located in the northern part of KwaZulu-Natal province and covers approximately 1191km² of Umkhanyakude Disrict Municipality.  The Municipality has a population of 35 258, the smallest population within the Umkhanyakude District Municipality.

The Municipality is largely rural.  Majority of the population occupy the north-eastern part, which is densely populated by rural traditional communities.  A large proportion of land is used for agriculture and game lodge activities and is sparsely populated.  Hluhluwe is the main semi-urban area for the Municipality.

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Hlabisa Municipality is one of the local Municipalities under Umkhanyakude district in the KwaZulu-Natal province.  The municipality was named after the surname, Hlabisa, of two Nkosi's in the area.  The municipality is generally characterised by rural communities predominantly under traditional areas.  91% of land was under traditional authority, 3% commercial farmland and 6% urban.  The major town is Hlabisa, with secondary nodes of Mpembeni, Zibayeni and more »


Mtubatuba is one of the five municipalities within Umkhanyakude District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal. Mtubatuba was named after the inkosi Mtubatuba of the Mkhwanazi Clan.  It is situated on the north-east coast of the province, and was home to 175  425 people.  Covering an area of approximately 1970km² Mtubatuba Municipality was one of the most urbanised municipality within the district, with 15% of the municipality falling under urban areas. The two main town areas are Mtubatuba and St Lucia.  The vast majority of the municipality was under traditional authority - almost 80% - indicating a high proportion of people residing in scattered, rural villages under the jurisdiction of traditional authorities.  The Isimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site falls under more »

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