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Economic wrap-up for August 2023

Economic wrap-up for August 2023

Stats SA published 28 statistical releases in the month of August. Here is a monthly rundown of important economic indicators. Consumer and producer inflation continue to cool Inflation figures continue to provide some good news. Remaining on a downward path, consumer headline inflation slowed to its lowest reading in two years. The annual change in   read more »

Consumer inflation lowest in two years

Consumer inflation lowest in two years

Annual consumer inflation slumped to 4,7% in July from 5,4% in June. This is the lowest reading since July 2021, when the rate was 4,6%. Consumer prices increased on average by 0,9% between June 2023 and July 2023. This is up from the monthly rise of 0,2% recorded in both May and June. Transport taps the brakes on   read more »

Three facts about the manufacturing industry (2021)

Three facts about the manufacturing industry (2021)

There are two reasons to be excited about two recent manufacturing reports. First, covering the results of a detailed 2021 survey, the reports provide provincial- and district-level data. Second, they offer detailed insight into the state of the manufacturing industry in South Africa in terms of employment, finances, and the quantities of manufactured products. The   read more »

South African economy expands by 0,4%

South African economy expands by 0,4%

After contracting by a revised 1,1% in the fourth quarter of 2022, real gross domestic product (GDP) edged higher in the first quarter of 2023 (January‒March), expanding by an estimated 0,4%.1 The manufacturing and finance industries were the major drivers of growth on the supply side of the economy. The demand side was lifted by   read more »

SA’S elderly population increasing steadily.

SA’S elderly population increasing steadily.

In 2022 the estimated population of South Africa included more than five million people aged 60 or older. This represents a 9,2 percent share of the overall South African population. According to a report by Statistics South Africa titled Marginalised Groups Series VI: The Social Profile of Older Persons, 2017–2021, more than half (60,9%) of   read more »

Safeguarding every drop: Profiling South Africa’s Strategic Water Source Areas

Safeguarding every drop: Profiling South Africa’s Strategic Water Source Areas

Water outages across the country have focussed attention on water as a vital resource. South Africa is a semi-arid country, with only a few natural source areas for water. These areas, referred to as Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs), provide much of the water that flows from our taps. SWSAs can be thought of as   read more »

GDP declines in the fourth quarter

GDP declines in the fourth quarter

After rallying in the third quarter of 2022, South African gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 1,3% in the fourth quarter (October‒December).1 Growth was dragged lower mainly by finance, trade, mining, agriculture, manufacturing and general government services. Finance and trade the biggest drags on growth Seven of the ten industries contracted in the fourth quarter.   read more »

Corporal punishment still in schools despite ban

Corporal punishment still in schools despite ban

The Abolishing of Corporal Punishment Act, No. 33 of 1997 banned the use of corporal punishment in schools. Despite the ban, corporal punishment is still used as a form of discipline more than 20 years later. Of those that reported experiencing violence at school, the most common form of violence experienced was corporal punishment by   read more »

Seasonally adjusting the components of retail trade

Seasonally adjusting the components of retail trade

Retail trade statistics have a strong seasonal pattern. For instance, actual retail sales are usually much higher in November and December because of the effect of Black Friday and the festive season. Seasonal adjustment removes these effects based on historical patterns, which helps with the analysis of underlying trends. Stats SA has published seasonally adjusted   read more »

2022: A rocky road for product prices

2022: A rocky road for product prices

Consumer inflation hit its highest level in 13 years during 2022. The average inflation rate for the year (6,9%) hides the differences in timing and extent of price increases for different product groups. Transport and food & non-alcoholic beverages (NAB) had the biggest impact on overall inflation. Breaking the year down, the headline rate was   read more »

92-01-07 - Education Series volume VII: Children's education and well-being in South Africa, 2018

The analysis presented in this report is intended to provide a better understanding on why and how children well-being and educational opportunities are changing in South Africa. The report presents the demographic characteristics of the children of South Africa in the context of the age, sex and size composition of the population in the country. It provides information on children poverty profiles, their access to social grants and their living arrangement. It also discusses the birth registration status in the country. The report also provides an overview in child mortality in South Africa with top underlying reasons of death being the particular focus. The report also includes an in-depth review of educational participation of children aged 0–17, identifying important patterns and trends. read more »

Report-03-10-23 - Gender Series volume VII: Informal Economy

To profile gender differences in South African informal economy which includes informal jobs found in both formal and informal sectors, and private households employment, and in the informal business using the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and the Survey of Employers and Self-Employed (SESE)read more »

03-10-20 - Gender Series volume VI: Education and Gender, 2009-2018

Thematic report on Education and Genderread more »

92-01-06 - Education Series Volume VI: Education and labour market outcomes in South Africa, 2018

The Education Series Volume VI report aims to present an overview of demographic and socio-economic changes observed between individuals in Generation X (1960-1979) and Y (1980-1999), as well as the so-called Born-Free generation that were born after 1994. These generations were shaped by important political, economic and social changes in South Africa, and this affected the educational and labour market opportunities and outcomes. read more »

Report-92-01-05 - Education series volume V

Education series volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africaread more »

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