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Results for: inflation rates

Fuel inflation remains in double-digit territory as prices rise

Fuel inflation remains in double-digit territory as prices rise

It might sound like an anecdote from a reminiscing grandparent, that there was a time you could completely fill your petrol tank (45 litres) with just R270. Those good old days weren’t that long ago, actually. The price of inland 95-octane petrol fell to a low of R6,01 in January 2009 on the back of tumbling   read more »

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

It is often said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. A good education is worth its weight in gold, but recent figures released by Stats SA indicate that South African households will have to make more room in their budgets to pay for rising tuition fees. Stats SA updates education inflation figures   read more »

CPI inflation slows in December

CPI inflation slows in December

Annual CPI inflation dropped to 5,3% in December 2014 from 5,8% in November 2014. Petrol and food prices, which are key drivers of changes in the CPI, both showed lower annual inflation rates. Food inflation continued its slowing trend with a 7,4% annual rate compared to 7,7% in November 2014. The main drivers of the   read more »

CPI inflation drops to 5,8%

CPI inflation drops to 5,8%

Annual CPI inflation dropped to 5,8% in November 2014 from 5,9% in October.  Petrol and food prices, which are key drivers of changes in the CPI both showed lower annual inflation rates.  Food inflation continued its slowing trend with a 7,7% annual rate compared to 8% in October.  The main drivers of the steadily declining   read more »

Inflation for July slowed to 6,3%

Inflation for July slowed to 6,3%

The annual inflation rate slowed to 6,3% in July from the 6,6% registered in the preceding two months. Most municipalities introduce new tariffs in July each year resulting in housing and utilities contributing 0,5 of the 0,8% monthly increase in the CPI. Electricity tariffs increased 7,0%, slightly lower than the maximum 7,4% stipulated by NERSA, the   read more »

Inflation at 6,1%, outside the SARB inflation target range

Inflation at 6,1%, outside the SARB inflation target range

The headline inflation rate continues to increase, printing at 6,1% in April with a 0,5% monthly increase. The big driver of the monthly increase is food and non-alcoholic beverages prices which registered a monthly increase of 1,3%. Within food, meat (2,0% month-on-month), and particularly beef (4,2% m/m) prices have accelerated. Maize, which is another heavily   read more »

Inflation at 6%, hitting the ceiling of the SARB inflation target range

Inflation at 6%, hitting the ceiling of the SARB inflation target range

Hitting the ceiling of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) inflation target range, the CPI comes in at 6% this month, with a 1,3% monthly increase. The monthly increase is the largest since June 2008 (1,4%). The monthly increase has been steadily increasing since a low of 0,1% in November 2013. Food and non-alcoholic beverages   read more »

Holiday inflation above average

Holiday inflation above average

If you were fortunate enough to go away during the December holidays, January may be the time you look back on how much it all cost you. CPI inflation for December 2013 was 5,4%, slightly higher than the 5,3% of November 2013. But most of the specific holiday costs are showing inflation rates above this average. If you   read more »

Inflation up to 6,3%

The annual inflation rate jumped to 6,3% in July from the 5,5% recorded in June. This is the first time since April 2012 that the CPI has strayed outside of the inflation target band. The increase in the annual rate was almost totally due to the 84c/l increase in the petrol price which resulted in   read more »

Economic wrap-up for October 2023

Economic wrap-up for October 2023

Stats SA published 25 statistical releases in October. Here is a quick overview of key economic indicators shaping the South African economy. Consumer inflation rises for a second consecutive month Inflation worries were stoked once again in September. The consumer price index (CPI), which reflects the changes in prices of a representative basket of goods   read more »

DiscussCPIRural - Consumer Price Index

This discussion paper contains findings based on the CPI for rural areas as well as for the total country. This is based on the prices monitored in the smaller towns, as no pricing surveys are undertaken in the rural areas. read more »

P0141.4 - Consumer Price Index (CPI): Adjustment of base period

This publication contains historical Consumer Price Index. (CPI) figures rebased to new base periods and explanations of the adjustment of the base more »

Greater Letaba

Greater Letaba Local Municipality (GLM) is characterised by contrasts such as varied topography, population densities (low in the south, relatively dense in the north-east), and prolific vegetation in the south (timber) and sparse vegetation in the north (bushveld). The availability of natural resources such as dams, tourism attractions, nature reserves and proximity to intensive economic activities create opportunities for economic spin-offs. The “gates” to the municipal area are considered to be Sekgopo in the west, Modjadjiskloof in the south, MamailaKolobetona in the north and Makgakgapatse in the east. The municipalityincorporates the proclaimed towns of Modjadjiskloof and Ga-Kgapane, situated in the south of the municipal area, and Senwamokgope towards the north-west of the area.

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Phokwane Local Municipality incorporates the previous municipal areas of Hartswater, Jan Kempdorp, Ganspan and Pampierstad. The Phokwane Municipality is named after Queen “Phokwane”, the wife of Kgosi Galeshewe of the Barolong boo Ra-Tlhaping tribe. Phokwane is nestled in the lush green delta of the Hartswater region and boasts the second largest irrigation scheme in the Southern Hemisphere, namely the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme. The municipality has a total population of 61 321 inhabitants of whom the majority is found in the peri-urban areas of the municipality. A significant characteristic of the Phokwane population is the youth who account for 33% (ages 15–34) of the total population. The economy of Phokwane is based on agriculture, community development, retail, private household and informal sectors. These five sectors alone provide jobs to 11 160 persons within the municipal area. This accounts for 65% of employment within Phokwane. In terms of agriculture Phokwane exports grape, citrus and olive products. The dominant languages in the area are Setswana, Afrikaans and Isixhosa with each of the languages having 70%, 25% and 5% users respectively.  read more »


Camdeboo Local Municipality which incorporates the towns of Graaff-Reinet, Aberdeen, and Nieu-Bethesda is strategically situated as a portal to the mystical Karoo in an area renowned for its pristine natural environment, rich heritage, diverse peoples and cultures. The area (12,422km²) boasts a number of popular tourist attractions, beautiful landscapes and a healthy climate. Being situated in an arid area within the Cacadu district, Camdeboo faces many challenges, the biggest of which is water.The lack of sustainable and permanent water is probably the most inhibiting factor in the area’s development, as it restricts both agricultural and industrial activities. (

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