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Results for: GHS

Measuring the progress of development in SA

Measuring the progress of development in SA

The General Household Survey, 2019, which tracks the progress of development and identifies persistent service delivery gaps in South Africa, was recently released by Statistics South Africa. Now in its eighteenth year, the survey has yielded a rich set of information across a wide variety of fields such as education, health, disability, social security, housing,   read more »

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country to assist government and other stakeholders in their response to the crisis. The second round of the survey (Wave 2) focused on employment, income and hunger-related issues   read more »

Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020

Media Release                                                                                                       28 April 2020 Statistics South Africa to use telephonic data collection for Quarterly Labour Force Survey (Q2) 2020 The lockdown and progression of the pandemic resulted in the discontinuation of face-to-face data collection on 19 March 2020. Further to this, Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Executive Committee took a decision to suspend   read more »

SA’s Millennials have made substantial strides in education outcomes

SA’s Millennials have made substantial strides in education outcomes

It is often said that each generation should be better off than their parents. In South Africa, generational changes have largely been impacted by important political changes that affected the choices available to Generation X’ers and Millennials in terms of their educational and labour market participations. According to a recent report, Education and Labour Market   read more »

Household access to services stabilised

Household access to services stabilised

The General Household Survey (GHS) 2018 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) found that substantial progress has been made in service delivery over the years. While progress has been uneven across the country, a quick glance at service delivery statistics suggests that household access to these services have stabilised over the last few years.   read more »

General Household Survey, 2018

Housing projects are not reducing the percentage of households in informal dwellings. The survey shows that 81,1% of all households resided in formal dwellings in 2018. Although the percentage of households that have received some kind of government subsidy to access housing has increased from 5,6% in 2002 to 13,6% by 2018, 13,1% of households   read more »

Statistician-General releases the results of the General Household Survey, 2018

Media advisory                                                                                                                               22 May 2019 Statistician-General releases the results of the General Household Survey, 2018                                                                       The Statistician-General of South Africa,   read more »

Education Series Volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africa, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                             28 March 2019 Education Series Volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africa, 2017 There has been an increase in higher education participation rates in South Africa, however, the poor transition of learners from the further training and education (FTE) phase to completion of Grade 12, to writing and passing the   read more »

More than half of youth have no money to pay for their tuition

More than half of youth have no money to pay for their tuition

More than half (or 51%) of youth aged 18–24 claimed that they did not have the financial means to pay for their tuition. Furthermore, 18% of those aged 18–24 who were not attending educational institutions indicated that their poor academic performance prevented them from participating. This is according to the “Higher Education and Skills in   read more »

Government finances: surplus, deficit and debt

Government finances: surplus, deficit and debt

Believe it or not, there was a time – not so long ago – when the South African government actually spent less than it earned. Stats SA takes a look at government spending over 13 years, focusing on how much we pay to service our debt. Harking back to better times in February’s National Budget   read more »

03-19-05 - Marginalised Groups Indicator report

The report presents information on key demographic and socio-economic indicators on marginalised groups (women, children, older persons and people with disabilities) primarily using data collected in 2018 from the GHS, QLFS, and VoCS. CS 2016 data are used for disability. The objective of the report is to inform policy, research and more »

P0318.3 - General household survey, selected development indicators, Metros

The execution of the General Household Survey (GHS) in 2009 was preceded by extensive stakeholder consultation. The main objective of the consultation was to align the questionnaire and survey process more with user needs and adjust the questionnaire more »

P0318.2 - Selected development indicators

This is an annual publication and is based on data from the General Household Survey. The publication summarizes a number of developmental indicators that are used directly or indirectly by various institutions and Government Departments for the purposes of project monitoring and data more »

P0318 - General Household Survey (GHS)

This report presents the results of the General Household Survey (GHS) conducted annually by Statistics South Africa from 2002. The survey collects information on a variety of subjects including education, health, the labour market, dwellings, access to services and facilities, transport, and quality of more »

03-00-20 - Assessing food inadequacy and hunger in South Africa

Assessing food inadequacy and hunger in South Africa in 2021 using the General Household Survey (GHS)read more »

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Household Service Delivery Statistics

The dawn of democracy in 1994 created a new dispensation in which access to basic services such as housing, water and sanitation was recognized as a fundamental human right. South Africa inherited high levels of poverty and it continues to be confronted with unequal and often inadequate access to resources, infrastructure and social services. The Bill of Rights enshrined the right to basic services and commanded that the state must take reasonable measures to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. Faced by inadequate information about the state of development in South Africa, Statistics South Africa (then called the Central Statistical Service) launched the October Household Survey (OHS) programme in 1993. The survey was discontinued in 1999 and subsequently replaced by the General Household Survey (GHS) which was instituted in 2002 in order to determine the level of development in the country and the performance of programs and projects on a regular basis. The GHS continues to evolve and key questions are continuously added and/or modified in consultation with key stakeholders to maintain the relevance and quality of data. In addition to measuring access to key services, the level of satisfaction with, as well as perceived quality of selected services provided by Government are also more »