The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

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Lifting the veil on violence against children in South Africa

Lifting the veil on violence against children in South Africa

A report released by Statistics South Africa titled Child Series Volume II: Crime Against Children shows that rape cases for children increased by 6,3 percentage points between 2015/16 and 2019/20, whilst both common assault and assault with grievous bodily harm (GBH) decreased by 2,1 and 3,5 percentage points respectively. Moreover, sexual assault cases for children   read more »

February 2024

South Africa will have its seventh democratic elections in 2024. Every five years, South Africa holds national and provincial elections to elect the new National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province. The 2024 national and provincial elections date will be announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in due course. In terms of the Constitution, elections   read more »

The shift in government spending patterns over time

The shift in government spending patterns over time

There is so much need but not enough money. Often faced with hard decisions on where to allocate scarce resources, governments usually have their own unique spending priorities. The South African government spent R2 187 billion (or R2,19 trillion) in the 2021/2022 fiscal year. This was R83 billion more than the R2 104 billion recorded in 2020/2021. Stats SA’s Financial statistics   read more »

Consumer inflation slowed in November

Consumer inflation slowed in November

Following a three-month upswing, headline consumer inflation cooled to 5,5% in November from 5,9% in October. The monthly change in the consumer price index (CPI) was -0,1%. The decline was mainly driven by a monthly decrease of 5,5% in the fuel price index, which drove the annual rate for fuel lower to 1,8% in November   read more »

Metal ores push up mining turnover

Metal ores push up mining turnover

The mining industry’s contribution to total turnover in the South African formal business sector has increased over the years. A comprehensive time series, available from the Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) statistical release, provides a breakdown of how the turnover pie has shifted over the years. The survey reference period for the latest AFS (i.e. AFS   read more »

South Africa’s tourism trade balance entered negative territory in 2021

South Africa’s tourism trade balance entered negative territory in 2021

International visitors to South Africa bring much-needed foreign exchange. Dollars, euros and pounds are converted to rands and spent on tourism products like food, accommodation, recreation and transport. This helps drive domestic tourism-related activities within the country. There is often a lot of attention on the amount of money that non-resident visitors, comprising both tourists   read more »

Economic wrap-up for September 2023

Economic wrap-up for September 2023

Stats SA published a variety of reports, statistical releases and discussion documents in September. Here is a rundown of key economic indicators. GDP: SA invests in machinery & equipment and households cut back on spending In September, Stats SA released both national and provincial gross domestic product (GDP) figures. On the national front, GDP recorded   read more »

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

In September 2023, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) published the results of a number of monthly surveys, which are based on new samples. These are: P3041.2 – Manufacturing: Production and sales; P6141.2 – Wholesale trade sales; P6242.1 – Retail trade sales; P6343.2 – Motor trade sales; P6410 – Tourist accommodation; P6420 – Food and beverages;   read more »

Jobs in the non-agricultural sector rise in the second quarter of 2023

Jobs in the non-agricultural sector rise in the second quarter of 2023

The formal non-agricultural sector added 39 000 jobs in the second quarter of 2023, reaching almost 10,1 million jobs. According to the latest Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q2:2023) survey released by Stats SA, there was a year-on year net increase of 104 000 jobs. Between March and June 2023, total (full- and part-time) employment rose   read more »

Stats SA releases new provincial GDP figures

Stats SA releases new provincial GDP figures

After a two-year hiatus, Stats SA has released an experimental set of provincial gross domestic product (GDP) data. Provincial-level figures used to be included annually with the GDP release. Following the publication of the 2019 data, the provincial series was temporarily held back as Stats SA embarked on a complete revamp of national accounts. This   read more »

Report-71-03-02 - Transport Series Volume ll: Thematic report on Exploring social disparities in accessing work place and

Transport Series Volume ll: Thematic report on Exploring social disparities in accessing work place and educational institutions: using travel time and travel cost, 2016read more »

03-10-17 - 03-10-17 Gender Series report: Economic empowerment, 2001-2017

Gender Series report: Economic empowerment, 2001-2017read more »

Report 03-18-08 - GHS Series report on the environment, Volume IX

GHS Series report on the environment, Volume IXread more »

Report 03-19-04 - Vulnerable Groups Series III Report: The Social Profile of Children aged 7-17 years, 2002-2016

Vulnerable Groups Series III Report: The Social Profile of Children aged 7-17 years, 2002-2016read more »

92-01-04 - Education Series Volume IV: Early Childhood Development in South Africa

Education Series Volume IV: Early Childhood Development in South Africaread more »

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