The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: per capita income

Finding a home in a big pond

Finding a home in a big pond

Finding a home in a big pond It is often said that small businesses hold the key to economic growth. Recently released data paint an interesting picture of where small businesses are making a substantial contribution to economic activity. Stats SA’s latest Quarterly financial statistics reports that the private sector earned a total of R2,1   read more »

A quick look at debt in the private sector

A quick look at debt in the private sector

Data from Stats SA’s Annual financial statistics (AFS) report shows that the debt-to-equity ratio for the private sector as a whole has dropped since 2005. The debt-to-equity ratio is a measure of how much debt a company or industry has incurred to finance its operations relative to equity. Debt refers to how much an industry   read more »

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Stats SA’s latest Quarterly Financial Statistics report provides detailed financial statistics on the private sector, for the quarter ending September 2015. How did business turnover fare over this period? The following short article covers key turnover statistics from the report. Total turnover Total turnover in the private sector increased by 3,3% in the September 2015   read more »

Measuring household expenditure on public transport

01 December 2015 Media Release Taxis most used mode of public transport Taxis are the commonly used mode of public transport in South Africa with just more than half (51,0%) of the households that use public transport (76,7%) relying on them, followed by busses (18,1%) and trains (7,6%). This was highlighted in the Measuring household   read more »

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to depend on government for revenue

Rural municipalities continue to rely heavily on national government to finance their budgets, according to data from the latest release of Stats SA’s Financial census of municipalities report. For every R1 of revenue received by municipalities in the year 2014, 33c was in the form of grants and subsidies from national and provincial government. The   read more »

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

The total turnover measured for selected industries increased by 8,9%, from R6,4 trillion in 2012 to just under R7,0 trillion in 2013, despite a decrease of 11 324 enterprises between the two years1. Enterprises in the electricity, gas and water supply industry experienced the largest percentage increase in turnover (+12,5%). The results on what drives income   read more »

Poverty Trends in South Africa

Press Statement                                                                                                          3 April 2014 Poverty Trends in South Africa South Africa winning war on poverty Poverty levels in the country have declined as the number of people living below the poverty line dropped since 2006. The Poverty Trends Report released by Statistics South Africa reveals that people   living below the food poverty line   read more »

Quarterly Financial Statistics: Ratio Analysis

Quarterly Financial Statistics: Ratio Analysis

Given the vast amount of information appearing in detailed financial statements of companies, it may be difficult to discern significant relationships and trends in the data. One way to address this challenge is to use accounting ratios, which provides substantial insights into the relationships between variables and can indicate certain trends. Accounting ratios are calculated   read more »

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Aganang is largely a rural municipality situated 45 km from Polokwane City with four Traditional Authorities with 19 Wards.A large percentage of the municipality is in the administration of the Traditional Authorities.

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Polokwane Municipality is situated in the central part of the Limpopo Province. The municipality shares the name with the biggest town in Limpopo called Polokwane. Locally it shares borders with three other local municipalities within Capricorn District as well as local municipalities in Mopani and Waterberg Districts. It is the largest metropolitan complex in the north and a major economic centre with 38 wards. Its proximity to the neighboring countries of Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland makes it a perfect gateway to Africa and an attractive tourist destination. The settlement types indicates that it is more urban than more »


Lephalale Local Municipality is named after the local river, a tributary of the Limpopo River, which has been the source of life to the people of this area for centuries. The town of Lephalale is located a mere 280 km from Tshwane and is a recognised gateway to Botswana and other Southern African countries. Lephalale is the home of the Medupi Power Station that is currently under construction. The Matimba Power Station delivers 3 990 megawatts to the South African grid.

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Belabela is home to one of the world’smost famous hot mineral water springs, bubbling 22 000 litres per hour, with a temperature of 53°C.The natural hot water is rich in sodium chloride, calcium carbonate and other salts that have healing properties.Belabelaremains one of the most popular health and holiday resort towns in South Africa and a preferred destination for local and foreign tourists.The area has pleasantly mild climate during the winter months and an average of 286 sunny days per year,which adds to the popularity of the destination.

Geographically, BelabelaLocal Municipality is strategically positioned in the Waterberg District Municipality of the Limpopo province. Belabela shares borders with Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North West provinces. South Africa’s famous national route, N1, runs through the municipality and the town’s main Central Business District (CBD) area is only 10km away from this major route. Belabelais 174 km from the provincial capital Polokwane.

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The Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality is a category B4 municipality that is located within the Sekhukhune District Municipality of Limpopo. The name (Makhuduthamaga) is derived from the liberatory name given to those who supported the anti-apartheid struggle in Sekhukhuneland in the 1950s. Makhuduthamaga raged a war against the white commissioner and his assailants, Marentsara. In its State of Local Government in South Africa overview report, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA 2009) describes category B4 municipalities as municipalities which are mainly rural with communal tenure and with, at most, one or two small towns in their area. The municipality is completely rural in nature, dominated by traditional land ownership. It comprises a land area of approximately 2 096 km². It is made up of 189 settlements with a population of 274 358 people and 65 217 households, which amounts to more than 24% of the district, according to Census 2011. Like most rural municipalities, Makhuduthamaga is characterized by a weak economic base, poor infrastructure, major service delivery backlogs, dispersed human settlements and high poverty levels. It shares borders with Fetakgomo to the north-east, Ephraim Mogale to the west, Elias Motsoaledi to the south and Lepelle Nkumpi Municipality in the north. Jane Furse, the headquarters of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, is located 347 km north-east of Johannesburg, 247 km north-east of Pretoria, 189 km southeast of Polokwane, and 70 km south-west of Burgersfort


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