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Fertility planning in South Africa.

Fertility planning in South Africa.

For most women, the news that they are expecting a baby is a happy event filled with excitement in anticipation of the arrival of their bundle of joy. However, not all births are “wanted”. A recent report by Statistics South Africa entitled Unwanted Fertility in South Africa reveals that about 20% of all births in   read more »

Unwanted Fertility in South Africa 2016 Report

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                     02 March 2020 Unwanted Fertility in South Africa 2016 Report According to the 2016 Unwanted fertility report released by Statistics South Africa, amongst women born in 1965-1969, about 54% of them experienced fertility when they did not plan to have any more births, and this was an increase from 13,2% in the 1998   read more »

SA’s Millennials have made substantial strides in education outcomes

SA’s Millennials have made substantial strides in education outcomes

It is often said that each generation should be better off than their parents. In South Africa, generational changes have largely been impacted by important political changes that affected the choices available to Generation X’ers and Millennials in terms of their educational and labour market participations. According to a recent report, Education and Labour Market   read more »

Statistician-General to release the ‘Education Series Volume VI: Education and Labour Market Outcomes in South Africa.

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                20 February 2020 Statistician-General to release the ‘Education Series Volume VI: Education and Labour Market Outcomes in South Africa. The Statistician-General, of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will   read more »

Statement from the South African Statistics Council on Stats SA funding

February 2020 Professor David Everatt, Chairperson, on behalf of the South African Statistics Council,  0834559466 Stats SA is a globally recognised centre of excellence for producing official statistics. Stats SA is the only source of official statistics in South Africa. It has both kept in touch with or led best practice, notably in developing   read more »

Mining loses shine for the second year in a row

Mining loses shine for the second year in a row

Exactly a week after delegates closed the 26th Investing in African Mining Indaba, Stats SA released data on the performance of the mining industry in 2019. The level of production was 1,3% lower in 2019 than 2018, which in turn was 2,1% lower than 2017. Despite a positive showing from both copper and manganese, a   read more »

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Census 2021 Mini Test Phase 2 begins

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) Census 2021 Mini Test Phase 2 begins

Fieldworkers from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) will be collecting data from Special Dwelling Institutions (SDIs), the transients, homeless and population in dwelling units from 15 February to 13 March 2020 during the Census 2021 Mini Test – Phase 2. The test will be conducted in selected areas in Bojanala, Buffalo City, Capricon, City of   read more »



South Africa is known as one of the most unequal countries in the world, reporting a per-capita expenditure Gini coefficient of 0,67 in 2006, dropping to 0,65 in 2015. This is according to the Inequality Trends in South Africa report released by Stats SA. According to the Palma ratio, the top 10% of the population   read more »

Stats SA’s NHTS aims to inform transport planning

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                     29  January  2020                                                              Stats SA’s NHTS   read more »

Inflation quickens slightly in December

Inflation quickens slightly in December

Annual consumer inflation edged up to 4,0% in December from November’s 3,6%. The main contributors to the 4,0% rate were food and non-alcoholic beverages; housing and utilities; transport; and miscellaneous goods and services. The food and non-alcoholic beverages category recorded an annual rate of 3,9%, slightly higher than the 3,5% recorded in November. Bread and   read more »

Report-03-20-11 - Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data Technical report

Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data Technical reportread more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

Report-03-10-08 - The South African MPI: Creating a multidimensional poverty index using census data

The main purpose of this report is the provision of poverty maps and poverty data at provincial and municipal level. In so doing, this report details how the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) was conceptualised and constructed using data collected by Stats SA through Census 2001 and 2011. The SAMPI, based on the Alkire-Foster method, provides another tool in Stats SA`s ongoing efforts to measure poverty and deprivation in the country. The SAMPI was born out of the desire to develop a new product that could build onto the work started with the development of the Provincial Indices of Multiple Deprivation (PIMD) after Census 2001. Unlike the PIMD, the SAMPI has the advantage of being fully decomposable by demographic and geographic variables; this shows not only in what aspects the poor are deprived, but also reveals the interconnections among those deprivations. read more »

P0211.4.1 - National and provincial labour market: Dynamics

The national labour market results mask variations at provincial level which can often be quite large. The nine provinces differ in population size, land mass, demographic profile, and economic structure. This report is the second in a quarterly series which will be released when the QLFS results are reported. The aim is to provide users with an analysis of various aspects of the South African labour market at provincial level, based on current labour market information. The analysis in this report is based solely on the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) conducted in the third and fourth quarters of 2012 (Q3: QLFS) and (Q4: QLFS). The data have been revised to reflect the new population benchmarks from the population census of 2011 read more »

Report-03-19-00 - Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa

A social profile is concerned with factors and processes that influence vulnerability towards various pressures that may prohibit an individual from enjoying life. This report attempts to highlight some of these challenges by providing a snapshot of vulnerable groups (specifically children, youth, women, people with disabilities and the elderly) in terms of issues such as household characteristics, housing, access to basic services, economic participation and income, health and well being, and finally education and skills development. Data will be drawn from the General Household Surveys for the period 2002-2009. It is hoped that the report will enhance awareness of the challenges faced by these vulnerable groups and that data will contribute to a better understanding of their respective development dynamics. Each section will focus on a specific special vulnerable group and will use indicators selected on account of their importance to the specific group to explore changes, challread more »

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