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Results for: data

Stats SA to make more detailed CPI data available

More detailed data from the consumer price index (CPI) will be made available on the Stats SA website from this month onwards, starting with the July 2018 CPI release that will be published on 22 August 2018. New time series will be available in Excel and ASCII formats at a further level of detail than   read more »

How satisfied are you with accessing and using our data?

  How satisfied are you with accessing and using our data?   Share with us your data access and usage experience over the past year by completing the 2018 User Satisfaction Survey (USS).  This will enable us to serve you better. The survey will only take 5-15 minutes. As an organisation we are mandated to   read more »

Stats SA on a mission to cut costs, reduce turnaround time as it pilots digital data collection

Media Release                                                                                                             read more »

Data users, have your say!

Data users, have your say!

We invite you to participate in the 2017 Stats SA User Satisfaction Survey (USS). Your opinion is critical to us and we intend to use the valuable results of this short survey to improve our data dissemination. The survey only takes between 5 -15 minutes to complete.   As an organisation we are responsible for disseminating official statistics to you,   read more »

UN World Data Forum wraps up

PRESS RELEASE UN World Data Forum wraps up with launch of Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data   United Arab Emirates selected to host next Forum   (Cape Town, 18 January)  — The inaugural United Nations World Data Forum is concluding today with the launch of a global plan for better data   read more »

Fwd: Media advisory:The UN World Data Forum to close with an outline of Global Action Plan on achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Media advisory                                                                                                            17   read more »



The United Nation World Data Forum Secretariat announced the launch of the “Virtual UN World Data Forum” at This is a platform that will allow participants of the first UN World Data Forum, as well as other members of the global data and statistics community, to carry forward the conversations around innovative data solutions   read more »

Media advisory: South Africa hosts inaugural United Nations World Data Forum on Sustainable Development Data

Media advisory                                                                                                             read more »

Tuition fee trends over time: what do the data show?

Tuition fee trends over time: what do the data show?

In a previous article, Stats SA outlined the importance of tuition fees – as a portion of total income – to the financial security of higher education institutions (HEIs)1 for the 2015 financial year. In this article, we provide a 10-year perspective of tuition fees to assess the significance of this source of HEI income.   read more »

Media Statement: Gauteng partners Stats-SA in using data to improve infrastructure delivery

To: All Media Att: News Editors For Immediate Release 19 October 2016   Gauteng partners Stats-SA in using data to improve infrastructure delivery The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure development (DID) is partnering with Stats-SA to tap into its rich experience on data management to move closer to becoming a modern and smart organisation when it   read more »

Report-03-18-04 - GHS series V: Energy

The is primary objective of this volume is to report on the energy-related behaviour and perceptions of households in South Africa using data that was collected between 2002 and 2012 as part of the General Household Survey (GHS). The GHS is specifically designed to measure the multiple facets of the living conditions of South African households and contributes, amongst other things, towards the monitoring of selected indicators in relation to the performance of various government departments. The study will lend special focus to data collected in that year. The report will address the following specific objectives: Determine access to electricity; Explore sources of energy used by households for cooking, heating and lighting; Explore levels of energy poverty; Explore satisfaction with electricity provisions, perceptions about the quality of electricity and pricing of electricity; Explore views on electricity-saving more »

D0351.4 - Documented Immigrants in South Africa

This discussion document contains results from the analysis of data on 2011 recipients of temporary and permanent residence permitsread more »

Report-03-10-01 - Subjective Poverty in South Africa: Findings of the Living Conditions Survey

Subjective Poverty in South Africa is a report based on the results of the Living Conditions Survey (LCS) conducted between September 2008 and August 2009. The main aim of this survey is to provide data that will contribute to better understanding poverty in South Africa and to provide data for monitoring levels of poverty over time. Measurement of poverty levels, like the measurement of any other phenomenon such as unemployment, fertility or mortality requires a standard definition to be applied over time to properly determine trends. A debate on the definition of poverty in South Africa has been a continuous one in which several approaches have emerged. Two of the main concepts at the core of the definition of poverty are objective and subjective poverty. Subjective poverty, the subject of this report, is an individual`s assessment of his or her own welfare, utility or happiness. It challenges the mainstream view that poverty is an objective, money-metric and uniformly applicread more »

Report-03-10-03 - Poverty Profile of South Africa: Application of the poverty lines on the LCS

Poverty is a key development problem in social, economic and political terms. In post-apartheid South Africa, fighting the legacy of poverty and under-development has always been a central theme of Government. Hence, the demand for regular, quality poverty data to inform Governmentread more »

P0141.7 - Consumer Price Index New basket price survey results

From January 2008 to December 2008 Stats SA collected prices for goods and services for the new CPI basket. These prices were used to calculate the indices according to the new weights published in July 2008. These indices were also re-based to 2008=100. These indices will form the basis for calculating the year-on-year changes in the CPI for 2009 and the month-on-month change between December 2008 and January 2009. These indices do not replace the officially published figures for 2008 and do not constitute a revision of the 2008 inflation numbers. The table numbering in this publication has the same format as the new monthly publication P0141 as from January 2009. The tables not included in this publication have no historical data for more »

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