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Results for: mortality

Statistics South Africa releases the Mid-year population estimates

Media Advisory                                                                                           21 July 2022   Statistics South Africa releases the Mid-year population estimates The Statistician-General of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will release the 2022 Mid-year population estimates report at a media briefing to be held on Thursday, 28 July 2022 in Pretoria. The report provides estimates of the population of South Africa and   read more »

The Young and the Restless – Adolescent Health in SA

The Young and the Restless – Adolescent Health in SA

In South Africa, adolescents aged 10-19 represent a significant proportion of the population at 17,4% and contribute to 2,1% of the total mortality. The health and well-being of adolescents is of particular importance in society as they represent the future work force and contributors to potential economic productivity. However, adolescents may face many challenges such   read more »

Stats SA to undertake nationwide Census in eight days

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                                        25 January 2022 Stats SA to undertake nationwide Census in eight days Statistics South Africa outlined the country’s state of readiness to undertake a population and housing census at a media briefing in Pretoria on Tuesday. Deputy Minister in the Presidency Thembi Siweya visited Stats SA’s head office at Salvokop and received a   read more »

Stats SA to undertake nationwide Census in eight days

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                                        25 January 2022 Stats SA to undertake nationwide Census in eight days Statistics South Africa outlined the country’s state of readiness to undertake a population and housing census at a media briefing in Pretoria on Tuesday. Deputy Minister in the Presidency Thembi Siweya visited Stats SA’s head office at Salvokop and received a   read more »

Mbalo Brief – August 2021

Population estimation or projections are important for any country because they help organizations, governments, researchers and policy makers to plan and make decisions about the future of the country. Projections can help these organizations estimate the volume of basic human need such as food, water, sanitation, housing, power and transportations required by the population of   read more »

COVID-19 epidemic reduces life expectancy in 2021

COVID-19 epidemic reduces life expectancy in 2021

The population of South Africa was estimated to be 60,14 million at mid-year 2021, an increase of about 604 281 (1,01%) since mid-year 2020. The latest Mid-year population estimates, 2021 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), shows that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted mortality and migration in the country since the start of the pandemic   read more »

TB tops leading causes of death in SA in 2018

TB tops leading causes of death in SA in 2018

The total number of deaths that occurred in South Africa and were processed by Stats SA in 2018, were 454 014. According to Mortality and causes of death in South Africa: Findings from death notification for 2018 which was released recently by Statistics South Africa, the highest number of deaths that occurred in 2018 were among   read more »

Education Series Volume VII: Children’s education and well-being in South Africa, 2018

Media Release                                                                                                                                      25 February 2021 Education Series Volume VII: Children’s education and well-being in South Africa, 2018 Statistics South Africa today released Children’s education and well-being in   read more »

Wellbeing of children in SA is vital for a brighter future

Wellbeing of children in SA is vital for a brighter future

The old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, has often been quoted to emphasise what it takes to raise a successful and well-rounded child into adulthood. Raising a child requires attention to their inner and outer growth at every phase of their lives. However, when measuring the overall wellbeing of children,   read more »

Mapping vulnerability to COVID-19

Mapping vulnerability to COVID-19

With South Africa officially facing its second wave of COVID-19 infections, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has released an innovative online mapping tool that shows which communities may be more adversely affected by COVID-19 outbreaks. The South African Covid-19 Vulnerability Index (VIndex) was developed as a way of using the smallest area population data available   read more »

Report 00-80-05 - Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa Demography Volume plus SA Corona Virus Index

Former document describes the impact that Covid-19 had on the demography of the country. Latter is an index that assesses the relative risk of contracting Covid-19 at small area levelsread more »

Report-03-06-03 - Maternal Health Indicators

Maternal Health Indicatorsread more »

03-09-14 - Estimating completeness of adult mortality data at sub-national level

Estimating completeness of adult mortality data at sub-national levelread more »

03-09-13 - Under five mortality rate

Findings from Census 2011 and other data sources read more »

Report-03-01-62 - Census 2011: Estimation of mortality in South Africa

Census 2011: Estimation of mortality in South Africaread more »

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