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Results for: african

Stats Biz – June 2020

The South African economy recorded its third straight quarter of economic decline, falling by 2,0% in the first quarter of 2020. This followed a contraction of -1,4% and -0,8% in the fourth and third quarters of 2019, respectively. Explore the GDP, as well as other stories, in this edition of Stats Biz. Download Stats Biz   read more »

Mbalo Brief – June 2020

In this month of June, South Africans commemorate the 1976 June 16 uprising when more than 15 000 students in Soweto took to the streets to march against the Bantu education policies. Although the youth of 1976 fought against unequal education and language amongst other issues, the youth of today are faced with a different   read more »

GDP falls by 2,0%

GDP falls by 2,0%

The South African economy recorded its third consecutive quarter of economic decline, falling by 2,0% (seasonally adjusted and annualised) in the first quarter of 2020.1 This followed a contraction of -1,4% and -0,8% in the fourth and third quarters of 2019, respectively. The results presented here cover the period 1 January 2020 to 31 March   read more »

Business under lockdown: Pressure might be easing

Business under lockdown: Pressure might be easing

During the final two weeks of Level 5 lockdown, almost half of the businesses responding to our impact survey indicated that they had temporarily ceased trading. During Level 4, this fell to one-fifth, according to a follow-up survey. Other indicators from the Level 4 survey show a similar pattern as the economy returns to full   read more »

A 110-year-old trade venture

A 110-year-old trade venture

It’s fascinating to think that one of the earliest experiments in free trade happened right here in southern Africa. Exactly 110 years ago this month, the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) was born. We explore data showing how the region depends on the oldest surviving trading bloc in the world. On 31 May 1910, South   read more »

Inflation the lowest in almost 15 years

Inflation the lowest in almost 15 years

Annual CPI inflation for April reflects the impact of the first month of the COVID-19 lockdown. The rate dropped to 3,0% in April from 4,1% in March, the lowest reading since June 2005 when the rate was 2,8%. Consumer inflation is now at the bottom of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) target range of   read more »

Changes to the calculation and publication date of the April CPI

Changes to the calculation and publication date of the April CPI

The COVID-19 pandemic and the drastic actions taken to prevent its spread have fundamentally impacted the South African economy and Stats SA’s ability to measure it. Government imposed a restrictive five-week lockdown from 27 March to 30 April. Data collection for the March 2020 consumer price index had been completed before the lockdown and it   read more »

8,1% of respondents lost jobs or had to close businesses

Media Release                                                                                                                                             20 May 2020                                                      8,1% of respondents lost jobs or had to close businesses 8,1% of respondents reported that they lost their jobs or had to close their businesses   read more »

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Loss of income resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher levels of food insecurity SA

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has embarked on a series of three online web-based surveys to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals in the country to assist government and other stakeholders in their response to the crisis. The second round of the survey (Wave 2) focused on employment, income and hunger-related issues   read more »

COVID-19: Nine in ten businesses report reduced turnover

COVID-19: Nine in ten businesses report reduced turnover

The second wave of Stats SA’s COVID-19 business impact survey provides an update on how South African businesses are currently faring under lockdown. The first impact survey covered the period 30 March to 13 April 2020, and the results were published on 21 April.1 The survey asked firms in the formal sector how the COVID-19   read more »

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Impendle  local Municipality is located on the south western boundary of the uMgungundlovu District, and shares a boundary with the Sisonke District to the south and the KwaSani Municipality, which includes towns such as Underberg  and Himeville. To the north is the uMngeni which is closely tied to Impendle in terms of agriculture and potential tourism (Midlands Meander), and to east the Msunduzi Municipality which is the capital of the province and the economic hub of the District. To the west is District Management areas of the Drakensberg that fall under the Transfrontier Development Initiative related to the World Heritage Site. (uMgnugndlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).

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Pietermaritzburg, the second largest city in KwaZulu-Natal, falls within the boundaries of Msunduzi municipality. The city is both the administrative and legislative capital of the province, which boosts investor confidence, resulting in the city's economy growing at an astounding rate. Pietermaritzburg is more than just a favourable investment destination; it is one of South Africa's most desirable residential cities with well-laid-out suburbs (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Mkhambathini Local Municipality is located along the south-eastern boundary of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality and adjoins the Richmond and Msunduzi municipalities to the west, uMshwathi to the north and the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality to the east. The municipal offices are located in the town of Camperdown. Mkhambathini has several comparative advantages emanating from its location near Durban and Pietermaritzburg and adjoining Cato Ridge, which is an industrial node. The N3 runs east-west through the central part of the municipal area and that stretch of the highway has been identified in the Spatial Growth and Development Strategy as a Provincial Corridor (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Richmond Municipality is situated south of Msunduzi, west of Mkhambathini and the Sisonke District in the south west. Richmond enjoys a competitive advantage in the field of agriculture that contributes to more than 50% of the gross geographic product and employment in the area. Historically, Richmond was one of the main destinations of the Bhambatha Rebellion and the Byrne Settlers. For tourists the local museum, the old court building and the prison are great attractions, while the Umkomaas River is a popular venue for white river rafting (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Emnambithi-Ladysmith Local Municipality forms part of the Uthukela District Municipality, with Ladysmith, Ezakheni, Steadville and Colenso/Nkanyezi as main urban areas. Ladysmith is the primary urban area, located along the N11 national route, 20 kilometres off the N3 national route. The priority development issues for Emnambithi-Ladysmith Local Municipality are physical infrastructure and services; social development and services; economic development; land reform, etc. Urban areas have far more services than rural ones but a much smaller population, indicating a clear imbalance in service provision. The Driefontein Complex has been identified as an area for priority spending. It has the highest population concentration but the lowest service standards.


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