Fewer companies going bust

The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: manufacturing

Fewer companies going bust

Fewer companies going bust

Despite growing concern over the current state of the economy, recent data show that fewer companies closed down in 2014 compared to 2013. The good news is that this is a trend that has been happening for some time. According to the latest Statistics of liquidations and insolvencies report, released by Stats SA on Monday   read more »

Formal employment declines in third quarter

Formal employment declines in third quarter

The September 2014 Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) report, released on 11 December 2014, shows that total formal non-agricultural employment decreased by 129 000 jobs from 8,67 million in June 2014 to 8,54 million in September 2014. 132 000 jobs were lost in the government sector. The main contributor to this decline was the Independent Electoral   read more »

A glimmer of hope in a time of darkness?

A glimmer of hope in a time of darkness?

With the current electricity supply problems gripping the country, some comfort can be drawn from recent financial data that indicates intensive investment in infrastructure by players in the electricity, gas and water supply industry. The recently published Quarterly financial statistics report, which provides a range of financial statistics on industries in the South African economy,   read more »

Real gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices increased by 1,4 per cent during the third quarter of 2014

25 November 2014: 11:30 a.m. PRESS STATEMENT Real gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices increased by 1,4 per cent during the third quarter of 2014 The seasonally adjusted real GDP at market prices for the third quarter of 2014 increased by an annualised rate of 1,4 per cent compared with an increase of 0,5   read more »

Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) 2013

PRESS STATEMENT                                                                                               19 November 2014 Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) 2013 The Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) estimates the total turnover of all industries at R6 969 677 million (R7,0 trillion) for 2013, an increase of 8,9% compared with the revised estimate of R6 399 775 million (R6,4 trillion) for 2012. According   read more »

Mbalo Brief – November 2014

As the year draws to a close, South Africans young and old are preparing themselves for the festivities that come with the end of the year. While some are preparing to spend the holidays away from their homes, others are planning on spending the festive season with their loved ones at home. The festive season is also known to   read more »

Female employment in community and social services on the rise

The percentage of females employed in the community and social services sector (which includes government services) has shown the largest increase between 2001 and 2014, at just over 10%. The trade industry has shown the greatest decrease in the percentage of women employed (-9,8%), followed by the manufacturing (-3,5%) and agriculture (-2,2%) industries. This is   read more »

Unemployment rate decreases slightly

Unemployment rate decreases slightly

Quarterly changes reflect an increase in employment (22 000) and a decrease in unemployment (3 000). This resulted in a slight decrease in the unemployment rate from 25,5% in quarter 2: 2014 to 25,4% (0,1 of a percentage point) in quarter 3: 2014. Job gains were recorded in both the formal (88 000) and informal (28 000) sectors between   read more »

Meat prices beefing up the cost of Braai Day

Meat prices beefing up the cost of Braai Day

Patrick Kelly – Executive manager for Price statistics, Statistics South Africa, explores the true cost of ‘Braai Day’. South Africans love meat. This is obvious from our cultural affinity for a braai or ShisaNyama. Many celebrated ‘Braai Day’ on this week’s Heritage Day holiday. This importance is also evident from the prominence of meat products   read more »

Non-agricultural formal employment increases in second quarter

Non-agricultural formal employment increases in second quarter

The June 2014 Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) survey showed that total formal non-agricultural employment increased by 155 000 jobs in the second quarter. The quarterly increase in employment was mainly due to increases in the community, social and personal services industry (+143 000 or +5,8%); the trade industry (+17 000 or +1,0%); the construction industry (+5 000 or +1,2%);   read more »

P3051.1 - Manufacturing statistics: Products manufactured: food and beverages

This statistical release contains details of food products and beverages manufactured by manufacturing establishments in the Republic of South Africa.read more »

P3051.4 - Manufacturing statistics: Products manufactured: basic metal and fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts and miscellaneous products

This statistical release contains details of basic metal and fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts and miscellaneous products manufactured by manufacturing establishments in the Republic of South Africa.read more »

P3051.2 - Manufacturing statistics: Products manufactured: textiles, clothing, leather and leather products, footwear, wood and wood products, furniture, paper and paper products and printing

This statistical release contains details of textiles, clothing, leather and leather products, wood and wood products, furniture, paper and paper products and printing manufactured by manufacturing establishments in the Republic of South Africa.read more »

P3042.3 - Manufacturing: Capital Expenditure on new assets

This statistical release contains information on capital expenditure on new assets in the manufacturing industry according to manufacturing divisions and major groups.read more »

P3041.4 - Manufacturing statistics: Value of sales (divisions, major group and subgroups)

This statistical release reflects the revised sales of the manufacturing industry according to divisions, major groups and sub groups after having adjusted the level of the value of sales as indicated by the Census of Manufacturingread more »

City of Cape Town

The City of Cape Town as a municipal entity of today is just over ten years old. However, the Mother City has the oldest municipal structure in the country, going back to its first Council meeting held on 8 April 1652 – on a sailing ship anchored in Table Bay.

The Mother City is South Africa’s oldest city, with an area of 2 461 km2. It is the legislative capital of South Africa, the administrative and economic centre of the Western Cape Province.

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