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Results for: inflation

The importance of tracking prices: the case of petrol

The importance of tracking prices: the case of petrol

Changing fuel prices affect us all. With the recent downward trend in prices seemingly coming to an end, South Africans are again left wondering how the petrol price will affect their pockets. Consumer inflation data released today1 provide an indication of the impact that the recent period of low petrol prices had on the cost   read more »

CPI drops to levels last seen in 2011

CPI drops to levels last seen in 2011

Annual CPI inflation dropped to 4,4% in January 2015 from 5,3% in December 2014, the lowest since April 2011, when the CPI stood at 4,2%. Key drivers pulling the CPI down were petrol and food. The 127c/l drop in the price of petrol in January further contributed to the decline in the CPI for petrol,   read more »

Meat prices beefing up the cost of Braai Day

Meat prices beefing up the cost of Braai Day

Patrick Kelly – Executive manager for Price statistics, Statistics South Africa, explores the true cost of ‘Braai Day’. South Africans love meat. This is obvious from our cultural affinity for a braai or ShisaNyama. Many celebrated ‘Braai Day’ on this week’s Heritage Day holiday. This importance is also evident from the prominence of meat products   read more »

Stats SA launches Living Conditions Survey (LCS)

Stats SA launches Living Conditions Survey (LCS)

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) launched the Living Conditions Survey (LCS) 2014/15 in Pretoria today. The LCS is a periodic survey which is conducted every 5 years. The survey aims to identify and profile poverty in South Africa, and gives policy-makers information on who is poor, where the poor are located and what it is   read more »

Poverty Trends in South Africa

Press Statement                                                                                                          3 April 2014 Poverty Trends in South Africa South Africa winning war on poverty Poverty levels in the country have declined as the number of people living below the poverty line dropped since 2006. The Poverty Trends Report released by Statistics South Africa reveals that people   living below the food poverty line   read more »

Related documents

Related documents

The Consumer Price Index is South Africa’s measure of consumer inflation. In 2006 we began a process of reviewing and improving the way we collect CPI data and compile the index. This page is designed to provide CPI users with more detailed information on CPI methodology, and on changes that are taking place to improve   read more »

Filling your tank costs you more

Filling your tank costs you more

Over the past 12 months, the petrol price has increased by R2,49. This translates to an extra R124,50 to fill a 50 litre tank. The annual inflation rate for petrol is 23%, the highest since December 2011, when it was 26,3%. This is just one of the factors which led to the annual CPI inflation   read more »

What is the Consumer Price Index?

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures monthly changes in prices for a range of consumer products. Changes in the CPI record the rate of inflation. The CPI can also be used as a cost-of-living index. HOW IS THE CPI MEASURED? The prices of goods and services consumed by South Africans are used to calculate an   read more »

What do South Africans spend their money on

What do South Africans spend their money on

Statistics South Africa conducts an Income and Expenditure Survey (IES) every 5 years. The IES seeks to establish what South Africans spend their money on, so that the basket of goods which makes up the Consumer Price Index (CPI), used to calculate the inflation rate, can be updated. The last IES was conducted between September   read more »

P0310.1 - National Poverty Lines

In 2012, the South African government adopted the use of three national poverty lines for the measurement and monitoring of money-metric poverty in the country. For the construction of these lines, Statistics South Africa used an internationally recognized approach, namely the cost-of-basic-needs approach which links welfare to the consumption of goods and services. The National Poverty Lines statistical release provides the annual inflation-adjusted line values for South Africa’s three official poverty lines, namely the food poverty line (FPL), lower-bound poverty line (LBPL) and upper-bound poverty line (UBPL). These lines capture different degrees of poverty and allow the country to measure and monitor poverty at different more »

P0142.1 - Producer Price Index (PPI)

This publication contains results of the monthly Surveys of Prices of Locally Produced Commodities (which are locally sold or exported). These indices for commodities are classified to designated industries of the South African economyread more »

P0142.7 - Export and import unit value indices

Export and import unit value indicesread more »

P0151.1 - Construction Materials Price Indices

This publication consists of indices for contract prices adjustment provisions (CPAP) as well as construction input price indices (CIPI).read more »

P0141 - Consumer Price Index (CPI)

This release contains results of the monthly Survey of Consumer (Retail) Prices. The purpose of the survey is to collect and provide information regarding changes in the overall level of prices of all goods and services bought by the average household. This publication contains the CPI (Inflation) rates. The P0141 contains information on all urban areas and the Additional tables contains information for provinces, Primary urban areas, Secondary urban areas and Rural more »

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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) are the two primary measures of inflation for South Africa. Both indicators are published on a monthly basis.The Consumer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers. The headline CPI is used as the inflation target measure which guides the South African Reserve Bank on the setting of interest rates.

The Producer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices charged by producers of goods. Stats SA publishes PPIs for different industries with the PPI for final manufactured goods being the headline PPI. Additional PPIs are compiled for Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Mining and quarrying; Electricity and water; Intermediate manufactured goods; Imports and Exports; and Construction.

The PPI is widely used by businesses as a contract escalator and as a general indicator of inflationary pressures in the economy.

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