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STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA Stats SA provides scientific knowledge that enables society to understand complex socio-economic phenomena. It draws its mandate from the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No 6 of 1999). Stats SA strives to excel in the following five competencies: Intellectual capability to lead the scientific work of statistics, Technological competence for purposes of large-scale   read more »

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

In September 2022, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) implemented new samples for the following monthly surveys: P3041.2 – Manufacturing: Production and sales; P6141.2 – Wholesale trade sales; P6242.1 – Retail trade sales; P6343.2 – Motor trade sales; P6410 – Tourist accommodation; P6420 – Food and beverages; and P7162 – Land transport.   New samples for   read more »

Provincial government finances: the impact of COVID-19

Provincial government finances: the impact of COVID-19

South Africa’s 122 provincial government departments spent R613,6 billion in 2020/21, according to the latest Financial statistics of provincial government statistical release. This is R16,9 billion more than the R596,8 billion recorded in 2019/20, representing a rise of 2,8%.1 The 2,8% rise is muted compared with the previous three years that recorded increases of around 7,0%. A closer   read more »

Softer fuel prices take the edge off inflation in August

Softer fuel prices take the edge off inflation in August

Annual consumer inflation dipped to 7,6% in August from 7,8% in July. The monthly increase in the consumer price index (CPI) was 0,2%, the lowest reading since January 2022 when it was also 0,2%. Fuel prices decreased by 3,8% between July and August, with petrol falling by 5,0% and diesel by 0,9%. This pushed the   read more »


MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                              18 September 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stats SA prepares to collect comprehensive information on household income and expenditure by visiting over 31 000 dwelling units across the country during the Income & Expenditure Survey (IES 2022/23). The IES 2022/23 is a household-based sample survey specifically designed to collect detailed household income and expenditure   read more »

South African GDP declines by 0,7%

South African GDP declines by 0,7%

After two consecutive quarters of positive growth, real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0,7%1 in the second quarter of 2022 (Q2: 2022). The devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal and load shedding contributed to the decline, weakening an already fragile national economy that had just recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Manufacturing the biggest drag on GDP The flooding   read more »

Stats Biz – August 2022

Cautious relief was the response to Stats SA’s announcement in June that gross domestic product (GDP) had returned to pre-pandemic levels. The economy took seven quarters to get back on its feet while struggling under the strain of the pandemic. How does this compare with other countries? Data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides   read more »

Government finances: Social spending jumped in 2020/21

Government finances: Social spending jumped in 2020/21

The 254 institutions known as extra-budgetary accounts and funds (EBAs) form an important arm of government. Financial data for 2020/21 (1 April to 31 March) show a sharp rise in EBA spending as government rushed to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. Much of the increase was on social benefits, mainly for the COVID-19 Temporary   read more »

Experience of crime in SA increased over the 2021/22 period

Experience of crime in SA increased over the 2021/22 period

Over the past few years, South Africa has seen rising levels of crime. The issue of crime is one that is experienced by almost all citizens, irrespective of their economic status or where they live. New data released by Statistics South Africa shows that household crimes experienced in the twelve months preceding the interview increased   read more »

Economic recovery from COVID-19: Not all countries are equal

Economic recovery from COVID-19: Not all countries are equal

The South African economy took almost two years to recover from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. How does this compare with other countries? After plummeting in the second quarter of 2020 – when lockdown restrictions were at their most stringent – South African gross domestic product (GDP) clawed itself back to pre-pandemic levels in   read more »

Report-03-20-11 - Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data – Technical report

Measuring household expenditure on public transport: In-depth analysis of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 data – Technical reportread more »

SAStatistics - South African Statistics

This annual publication makes available - in a single volume - comprehensive time series statistical data on important facets of South African more »

Report-03-10-08 - The South African MPI: Creating a multidimensional poverty index using census data

The main purpose of this report is the provision of poverty maps and poverty data at provincial and municipal level. In so doing, this report details how the South African Multidimensional Poverty Index (SAMPI) was conceptualised and constructed using data collected by Stats SA through Census 2001 and 2011. The SAMPI, based on the Alkire-Foster method, provides another tool in Stats SA`s ongoing efforts to measure poverty and deprivation in the country. The SAMPI was born out of the desire to develop a new product that could build onto the work started with the development of the Provincial Indices of Multiple Deprivation (PIMD) after Census 2001. Unlike the PIMD, the SAMPI has the advantage of being fully decomposable by demographic and geographic variables; this shows not only in what aspects the poor are deprived, but also reveals the interconnections among those deprivations. read more »

P0211.4.1 - National and provincial labour market: Dynamics

The national labour market results mask variations at provincial level which can often be quite large. The nine provinces differ in population size, land mass, demographic profile, and economic structure. This report is the second in a quarterly series which will be released when the QLFS results are reported. The aim is to provide users with an analysis of various aspects of the South African labour market at provincial level, based on current labour market information. The analysis in this report is based solely on the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) conducted in the third and fourth quarters of 2012 (Q3: QLFS) and (Q4: QLFS). The data have been revised to reflect the new population benchmarks from the population census of 2011 read more »

Report-03-19-00 - Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa

A social profile is concerned with factors and processes that influence vulnerability towards various pressures that may prohibit an individual from enjoying life. This report attempts to highlight some of these challenges by providing a snapshot of vulnerable groups (specifically children, youth, women, people with disabilities and the elderly) in terms of issues such as household characteristics, housing, access to basic services, economic participation and income, health and well being, and finally education and skills development. Data will be drawn from the General Household Surveys for the period 2002-2009. It is hoped that the report will enhance awareness of the challenges faced by these vulnerable groups and that data will contribute to a better understanding of their respective development dynamics. Each section will focus on a specific special vulnerable group and will use indicators selected on account of their importance to the specific group to explore changes, challread more »

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