
The South Africa I know,

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Export and import unit value indices, 25 February 2014

Highlights Stats SA will introduce a new Export and import unit value index (UVI) to replace the current Export and import price indices. The UVI series will be based on customs data from SARS and includes a much wider span of international trade transactions than is possible with the historic price index. The new index   read more »

Changes to the basket and weights of the Producer Price Index, 25 February 2014

The January 2014 statistical release of the Producer Price Index (to be released on 27 February) will show changes to the weights and basket of the indices.  The methodology of the new PPI series that was introduced last year is to update the weights on an annual basis. The PPI has weights at two levels.    read more »

Mbalo Brief – February 2014

Most of us start every year with proclamation of goals we would like to attain in that year. For some, however, these are just resolutions for New Year’s Day and are quickly forgotten as soon as the first month of the year ends. As we put 2013 – the year in which we laid to   read more »

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Statistical agencies across the world periodically revise published statistical series when new information becomes available. So too does Stats SA. In the past, labour market information has been revised following the release of the results of Census 1996, Census 2001 and the large-scale Community Survey of 2007. Similarly, the current revision has been undertaken to   read more »

Petrol price decrease puts brake on inflation

Petrol price decrease puts brake on inflation

CPI inflation registered its third successive decrease in November 2013, printing at 5,3% against October’s 5,5%. The monthly increase in the CPI was a mild 0,1%. The drop of 28c/l in the petrol price was the main cause of the slowdown in inflation in November 2013 together with decreases in certain cell phone call and   read more »

Millennium Development Goals report

Millennium Development Goals report

FOREWORD Minister Trevor Manuel, the Minister in the Presidency: The National Planning Commission  We are in the home stretch, 2015 is just around the corner and this Millennium Development Goals report, the fifth in a series of reports since the adoption of the MDG‟s in 2000, is critical in understanding and knowing whether we are   read more »

Mbalo Brief – September 2013

South Africa has recently been plagued by a series of strikes. As collective wage negotiations got underway, employers and employees came to a deadlock. Mining, car manufacturing and City Power workers were among some of the workers who downed their tools during this time. Although many would agree that this year’s ‘strike season’, as some call it, was not   read more »

Stats SA survey shows improved access to services but decline in perceived quality

22 August 2013 Stats SA’s General Household Survey (GHS) released today shows improvements in key service delivery sectors, as well as a decline in the perceived quality of these services. The GHS 2012 report, conducted between July and September 2012, shows an increase in the number of households who had access to piped water, sanitation   read more »

Interactive data

Interactive data

Nesstar  This data repository allows users to browse, analyse, tabulate and download datasets from a wide variety of census and household survey data and metadata in various formats. Users trying to access Nesstar from a corporate network should kindly ensure with your network administrator that port 8282 is enabled. Who should use this? Researchers and   read more »

D0441.1 - Provincial Gross Domestic Product: Experimental Estimates

Provincial Gross Domestic Product measures the size of the economy of provinces and its growth rate over time. In this discussion document, Stats SA is publishing experimental estimates of provincial gross domestic product from 2013 - 2022. Time series data covers both provincial GDP in nominal and real prices. These are not official statistics; rather, the aim of the document is to invite comment regarding the experimental estimates, data sources and the methodology followed. Subsequent to stakeholder interaction and feedback, an official statistical release will be developed and publishedread more »

D0401.3 - Accounts for Strategic Water Source Areas, 1990 to 2020

This report presents the results of South Africa’s first set of accounts for Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs) for the period 1990 to 2020, which form part of Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and the Stats SA’s Natural Capital series. This report provides background on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA), SWSAs, and accounts for SWSAs, including the scope of the accounts, their purpose and key indicators that can be drawn from the more »

Report-71-03-03 - Transport Series Volume lll: Profile of non-motorised users

Transport Series Volume lll: Profile of non-motorised users, 2020read more »

03-19-08 - Marginalised groups series IV: The social profile of older persons, 2015-2019

The report presents information on key demographic and socio-economic circumstances on older persons using various published official sources of data collected. read more »

92-02-01 - Children Series Volume I Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021

South Africa has a high rate of child maltreatment and abuse. This maltreatment occurs in homes, schools or neighbourhoods. Perpetrators could be caregivers, parents and educators or other children. Violence against children is a threat to development related issues in South Africa, including education, health and safety and security. Government has the responsibility to prevent violence and crime against children and to guaranty the rights for all children to have a safe space to grow and live their lives. Protecting children against violence will ultimately lead to a more peaceful and inclusive society. The purpose of this report is to identify the extent of the problem in South more »

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