If you were fortunate enough to go away during the December holidays, January may be the time you look back on how much it all cost you. CPI inflation for December 2013 was 5,4%, slightly higher than the 5,3% of November 2013. But most of the specific holiday costs are showing inflation rates above this average. If you read more »
Inside this edition: In-depth look at SA’s job market p2; 2015 MDG’s on track p3; Provinces at a glance p4-5; Basic service delivery facts and figures p6; 20 years of freedom and democracy p7; Test your knowledge p8
CPI inflation registered its third successive decrease in November 2013, printing at 5,3% against October’s 5,5%. The monthly increase in the CPI was a mild 0,1%. The drop of 28c/l in the petrol price was the main cause of the slowdown in inflation in November 2013 together with decreases in certain cell phone call and read more »
On 18 July of 1918, somewhere in a small village in the world, on the African continent, in South Africa, in the Transkei, in Mvezo, a royal baThembu family was blessed with a baby boy – a boy who rose to become a world icon – a boy who today stands head and shoulders above read more »
In 2014, South Africa will celebrate 20 years of a democratic dispensation. It is an opportunity to look back at where we have come from, assess where we are, and reflect on how far we have to go to ensure that all South African’s basic needs are met. Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has conducted read more »
Subdued monthly price increases led the annual Producer Price Index (PPI) for final manufactured goods (headline PPI) to drop to 6,3% in October from 6,7% in September and August 2013. The monthly figure increased by 0,5% – up slightly from the 0,4% increase in September and lower than the 0,9% in October 2012. The two read more »
The CPI inflation rate fell for the second consecutive month in October to 5,5% from 6% in September. The drop is mainly because of lower monthly price increases, especially when compared to the same period in 2012. The monthly increase was 0,2% compared to 0,6% in October last year. The drop in the petrol price read more »
In 1998, 78% of birth registrations were late (births not registered in the same year, e.g. a child born in 2010 is only registered in 2012). By 2012, late birth registrations had decreased to 21%. The Department of Home Affairs has made concerted efforts to ensure that registration of births is made as easy as read more »
A new report on the living circumstances of young children shows that, while 93% of young children have both biological parents still living, only 36% of them live with both biological parents. Most young children (43%) live with only their biological mother, 2% live with their biological father only, and 19% do not live with read more »
The 25th of November marks the beginning of the annual 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children. This is an international campaign aimed at generating an increased level of awareness relating to the incidence of violence against women and children, how it manifests itself within society and the negative impact on read more »