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Results for: cpi index

Mbalo Brief – February 2016

Some parts of South Africa have experienced severe drought due to shortage of rainfall. According to the South African Weather Services (SAWS), the lowest annual total rainfall over the full 112-year period has been the January to December 2015 period. This period recorded an annual total of only 403 millimeters of rainfall. Government declared Mpumalanga,   read more »

Rising food prices: where are the most vulnerable?

Rising food prices: where are the most vulnerable?

A growing number of forecasts reveal that food prices might rise sharply in coming months. Survey data show which parts of the country are most vulnerable. Current data point to an agriculture industry that is struggling. During November 2015, in the midst of South Africa’s worst drought in 23 years, Stats SA released gross domestic   read more »

It’s cheaper in the Western Cake #WorldCakeDay

It’s cheaper in the Western Cake #WorldCakeDay

In honour of cake day on 26 November, we are taking a fresh look at the latest price data of this popular dessert. Stats SA published a story on the price of cake in July 2015, we now look at how prices have changed since then. Interestingly, there hasn’t been any big changes. The average   read more »

Enjoy your pint, but be aware of price…

Enjoy your pint, but be aware of price…

If you are thinking of celebrating international beer day on 7 August 2015 with your favourite pint, take a few moments to consider how this beverage might affect your pocket. South Africans love their beer. Households allocated 60% of their expenditure on alcoholic beverages to this type of drink, followed by wine (23%) and spirits   read more »

Mbalo Brief – July 2015

Every year on 18 July, schoolchildren, public servants, business people, organisations and men and women from all walks of life, devote 67 minutes of their time to a community service activity. This is in commemoration of the 67 years that the late Nelson Mandela spent fighting for human rights and social justice. Over the years,   read more »

Drink and diesel: The Budget Speech and consumer inflation

Drink and diesel: The Budget Speech and consumer inflation

If you drive a car or enjoy a regular glass of wine, February’s National Budget Speech would have had an impact on your cost of living. The rise in sin taxes and petrol levies announced during the speech influenced prices for alcoholic beverages and petrol, contributing to April’s overall inflation rate of 4,5%. The Minister   read more »

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

Education costs continue to outstrip inflation

It is often said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. A good education is worth its weight in gold, but recent figures released by Stats SA indicate that South African households will have to make more room in their budgets to pay for rising tuition fees. Stats SA updates education inflation figures   read more »

The importance of tracking prices: the case of petrol

The importance of tracking prices: the case of petrol

Changing fuel prices affect us all. With the recent downward trend in prices seemingly coming to an end, South Africans are again left wondering how the petrol price will affect their pockets. Consumer inflation data released today1 provide an indication of the impact that the recent period of low petrol prices had on the cost   read more »

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

The headline inflation rate was steady at 5,9% in October 2014.  A 2,6% monthly increase in the price of beer was the main driver of the 0,2% change in the headline CPI between September and October.  For the first time, consumers now pay an average of R50 for a six pack of 340ml cans of locally made beer. Wine   read more »

Mbalo Brief – October 2014

Transport is the heartbeat of the economy; it facilitates trade, constructions and helps people reach their homes, schools and work places. It therefore comes as no surprise that the Gauteng Provincial Government has dedicated October as Transport month. The campaign, which was first launched in October 2005, is organised by the Department of Transport. Its   read more »

P0141.2 - Consumer Price Index: Rural areas and total country

This release contains results of the monthly Survey of Consumer (Retail) Prices. The purpose of the survey is to collect and provide information regarding changes in the overall level of prices of all goods and services bought by the average household. This publication contains the CPI (Inflation) rates. As from the January 2007 publication the P0141.1 Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Headline and the P0141.2 Consumer price Index (CPI) - Rural areas and total country are combined into this one more »

P0141.1 - Consumer Price Index - Headline

This release contains results of the monthly Survey of Consumer (Retail) Prices. The purpose of the survey is to collect and provide information regarding changes in the overall level of prices of all goods and services bought by the average household. This publication contains the CPI (Inflation) rates. As from the January 2007 publication the P0141.1 Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Headline and the P0141.2 Consumer price Index (CPI) - Rural areas and total country are combined into this one more »

DiscussCPIRural - Consumer Price Index

This discussion paper contains findings based on the CPI for rural areas as well as for the total country. This is based on the prices monitored in the smaller towns, as no pricing surveys are undertaken in the rural areas. read more »

P0141.4 - Consumer Price Index (CPI): Adjustment of base period

This publication contains historical Consumer Price Index. (CPI) figures rebased to new base periods and explanations of the adjustment of the base more »

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