The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

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Media Release: Community Survey 2016, Agricultural Households

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                        27 January 2017   Community Survey 2016, Agricultural Households    The number of South African households engaged in agricultural activities decreased between 2011 and 2016. There were 550 000 (19,1%) fewer agricultural households in 2016 (2,33 million) than in 2011 (2,88 million).This decline was mainly due to the drought experienced throughout the country   read more »

GDP in the third quarter of 2016 grew by 0,2%

Press statement                                                                                  Embargo: Tuesday 6 December 2016, 09:30  GDP in the third quarter of 2016   read more »

Media Release                                                                                             23 November 2016 GHS Series Volume VIII: Water   read more »

Media invite: Gender Patterns in Transport: Water and Sanitation reports

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                             read more »

You can’t teach a hungry child: school nutrition in focus

You can’t teach a hungry child: school nutrition in focus

School feeding programmes contribute to the well-being and education of children, according to the United Nations World Food Programme1. Stats SA takes a look at data on hunger in South Africa and explores the reach and cost of South Africa’s National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP). South Africans are less hungry than they were 13 years   read more »

AGDP Media statement

Press statement Embargo: Tuesday 06 September 2016, 11:30   GDP in the second quarter of 2016 grew by 3,3%   Gross domestic product (measured by production) South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate was 3,3% in the second quarter of 2016.1 The main contributors to the GDP growth rate were the manufacturing industry and   read more »

Gender equality: have municipalities walked the talk?

Gender equality: have municipalities walked the talk?

As the dust settles from the municipal elections, new faces are bound to fill leadership positions within many municipalities. With National Women’s Day around the corner, Stats SA takes a current look at gender representation in local government, focusing on mayoral, managerial and councillor positions.   Municipal mayors Representation: 38% and lower than before You   read more »

GDP publication date moved to 8 June 2016

Press statement   For immediate release 18 May 2016   Stats SA publishes quarterly estimates of gross domestic product. The next statistical release, with estimates of the first quarter 2016, was scheduled for Tuesday 7 June 2016.   The publication will be unique as it will be the first time after seven decades, that Stats   read more »

Mbalo Brief – May 2016

Protests and violence continue to rage through South African universities. In the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), Vanderbijlpark Campus, students clashed with police and set alight university property. The protesting students are calling for the removal of the security company currently contracted by the University. Meanwhile, in Rhodes University, female students took to the streets   read more »

Media Release – Exploration of selected contact crimes in South Africa: In depth analysis of the Victims of Crime Survey Data

Media Release  3rd May 2016 Exploration of selected contact crimes in South Africa: In depth analysis of the Victims of Crime Survey Data   According to the Victims of Crime Survey Data report released by Stats SA, more females (71,3) experienced sexual offence than their male (28,7%) counterparts; while more males (72,9%) experienced assault than   read more »

Report-03-10-07 - South Africa`s young children: their parents and home environment

The South Africa’s Young Children: their Parents and Home Environment, 2012 is a new report, published specifically to supplement the Recorded Live Births, 2012 release with the aim of providing the context in which births occur in the country. It forms part of a regular series of reports published by Stats SA focusing on a selected topic of interest. This report presents statistics on young children aged below five years in South Africa in 2012. It highlights the profile of biological parents and the home environment in which children are raised by addressing questions on: who are the young children in South Africa; what are the characteristics of mothers and fathers who raise their biological children; and under what material and physical conditions do young children live. read more »

P0211.4 - National and provincial labour market trends over the last decade

This report is the first in a quarterly series which will be released when the QLFS results are reported. The aim is to provide users with an analysis of various aspects of the South African labour market at provincial level based on current labour market information. Each report will focus on a different theme and the time frame of analysis will vary. Given that the QLFS series began in 2008, prior to which its predecessor the Labour Force Survey (LFS) was only conducted in March and September each year, analysis based on the 10-year period will not be undertaken in every report. This report aims to bridge the gap in our understanding of the interrelationship between the national labour market results and those of the provinces over the last decade with special emphasis on employment outcomes by industry. read more »

Report-03-18-04 - GHS series V: Energy

The is primary objective of this volume is to report on the energy-related behaviour and perceptions of households in South Africa using data that was collected between 2002 and 2012 as part of the General Household Survey (GHS). The GHS is specifically designed to measure the multiple facets of the living conditions of South African households and contributes, amongst other things, towards the monitoring of selected indicators in relation to the performance of various government departments. The study will lend special focus to data collected in that year. The report will address the following specific objectives: Determine access to electricity; Explore sources of energy used by households for cooking, heating and lighting; Explore levels of energy poverty; Explore satisfaction with electricity provisions, perceptions about the quality of electricity and pricing of electricity; Explore views on electricity-saving more »

Report-03-18-03 - GHS series volume IV: Food security and agriculture

GHS series volume IV: Food security and agricultureread more »

Report-03-18-02 - GHS series volume III

GHS series volume III read more »

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