The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: general household survey

Public healthcare: How much per person?

Public healthcare: How much per person?

You can consider yourself one of the lucky few if you have medical aid. According to the latest General Household Survey, only 17 in 100 South Africans have medical insurance, the essential key that opens the door to private healthcare. As many as 45 million, or 82 out of every 100 South Africans, fall outside   read more »

Stats SA on a mission to cut costs, reduce turnaround time as it pilots digital data collection

Media Release                                                                                                             read more »

Social stats web links (CS 2016) (Census 2011) (CS 2007) (Census 2001)  

The new inflation basket: what’s in and what’s out

The new inflation basket: what’s in and what’s out

Stats SA recently announced changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket of goods and services. The changes provide interesting insight into how consumer spending patterns have shifted over the last four years. The basket forms the basis from which the monthly CPI is calculated. There are 412 products and services in the new basket,   read more »

Media invite: Gender Patterns in Transport: Water and Sanitation reports

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                             read more »

You can’t teach a hungry child: school nutrition in focus

You can’t teach a hungry child: school nutrition in focus

School feeding programmes contribute to the well-being and education of children, according to the United Nations World Food Programme1. Stats SA takes a look at data on hunger in South Africa and explores the reach and cost of South Africa’s National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP). South Africans are less hungry than they were 13 years   read more »

What municipalities say about service delivery: the supply-side approach

What municipalities say about service delivery: the supply-side approach

If you are interested in the extent of service delivery in South Africa, it might be good to know that it can be measured from two different fronts. In most instances, the extent of service delivery is measured from the demand side. Surveys such as the Population Census, Community Survey (CS) and General Household Survey   read more »

Facts you might not know about social grants

Facts you might not know about social grants

Data from Stats SA’s latest Financial statistics of national government report1 provides some insights into government spending on social grants. Below are just two examples about the grant spending social welfare system in South Africa. Fact 1: For every R100 national government spends on social grants, R42 goes to family and children grants; R41 goes   read more »

Mapping diversity: an exploration of our social tapestry

Mapping diversity: an exploration of our social tapestry

These maps show, in a powerful way, the patterns of racial neighbourhood integration and segregation across South Africa’s largest cities. Municipalities have become more racially integrated, according to a chapter in the recently released General Household Survey (GHS) report on housing1. However, the legacy of apartheid still has a hold on the social structure of   read more »

GHS Series Volume VII: Housing from a human settlement perspective

Media Release                                                                                                                                                                    20 April 2016   GHS Series Volume VII: Housing from a human settlement perspective In-depth analysis of General Household Survey (2002-2014) and Census (1996-2011) data   The number of households living in formal dwellings across the country has increased from 76% in 2002 to 80% 2014 which signifies that the   read more »

03-19-05 - Marginalised Groups Indicator report

The report presents information on key demographic and socio-economic indicators on marginalised groups (women, children, older persons and people with disabilities) primarily using data collected in 2018 from the GHS, QLFS, and VoCS. CS 2016 data are used for disability. The objective of the report is to inform policy, research and more »

03-10-25 - Subjective Poverty in South Africa: Findings from General Household Survey 2019

The report provide an update on subjective poverty profile of South Africaread more »

P0318.3 - General household survey, selected development indicators, Metros

The execution of the General Household Survey (GHS) in 2009 was preceded by extensive stakeholder consultation. The main objective of the consultation was to align the questionnaire and survey process more with user needs and adjust the questionnaire more »

P0318.2 - Selected development indicators

This is an annual publication and is based on data from the General Household Survey. The publication summarizes a number of developmental indicators that are used directly or indirectly by various institutions and Government Departments for the purposes of project monitoring and data more »

P0318 - General Household Survey (GHS)

This report presents the results of the General Household Survey (GHS) conducted annually by Statistics South Africa from 2002. The survey collects information on a variety of subjects including education, health, the labour market, dwellings, access to services and facilities, transport, and quality of more »


Situated in the Umzinyathi District Municipality in the north-western part of KwaZulu-Natal, Endumeni Local Municipality is home to a population that is predominantly urban, with only 16,8% living in non-urban areas. The towns of Dundee, Glencoe and Wasbank house most of the urban population of Endumeni. Wasbank is located at the foot of the Indumeni mountain, an inactive volcano.


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Hlabisa Municipality is one of the local Municipalities under Umkhanyakude district in the KwaZulu-Natal province.  The municipality was named after the surname, Hlabisa, of two Nkosi's in the area.  The municipality is generally characterised by rural communities predominantly under traditional areas.  91% of land was under traditional authority, 3% commercial farmland and 6% urban.  The major town is Hlabisa, with secondary nodes of Mpembeni, Zibayeni and more »


Thembisile Hani Local Municipality is located in the Nkangala District Municipality of Mpumalanga province, South Africa. It is a semi-urban local municipality consisting of 57 villages within which there are five established townships.

The municipality is named after Thembisile Chris Hani, Secretary General of the South African Communist Party, who was assassinated on 10 April 1993. (

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Moses Kotane

Moses Kotane Local Municipality is a local municipality in Bojanala Platinum District Municipality, in North West Province, South Africa. It is named in memory of Moses Kotane, who was, at various times General Secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa and Treasurer General of the African National Congress. The seat of the local municipality is Mogwase ( more »

Blue Crane Route

Blue Crane Route Local Municipal area has a number of strategic environment advantages. It contains 97% of natural land covers, is centrally located between three national parks, contains biodiversity of regional and national significance, can boast incredible scenic beauty, and local conditions present a number of opportunities for renewable energy generation on a large scale. However the area faces a number of issues such as higher densities of population primarily concentrated in the three urban centres.

The low agricultural productivity and carrying capacity of much of the land in the municipality, combined with limited access to water for irrigation, has restricted development of the agricultural economy. The remoteness of the urban centres limits growth of business, services and sectors.

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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) are the two primary measures of inflation for South Africa. Both indicators are published on a monthly basis.The Consumer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers. The headline CPI is used as the inflation target measure which guides the South African Reserve Bank on the setting of interest rates.

The Producer Price Index tracks the rate of change in the prices charged by producers of goods. Stats SA publishes PPIs for different industries with the PPI for final manufactured goods being the headline PPI. Additional PPIs are compiled for Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Mining and quarrying; Electricity and water; Intermediate manufactured goods; Imports and Exports; and Construction.

The PPI is widely used by businesses as a contract escalator and as a general indicator of inflationary pressures in the economy.

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Agricultural Statistics

The history of agricultural statistics in South Africa goes back as far back as the beginning of the 20th century. With the exception of the World Wars and great depression years, an agricultural census was conducted on annual basis in the first half of the 20th century. As agriculture’s contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) decreased over the years, so did the frequency of conducting agricultural censuses. Post 1994, agricultural censuses have been conducted on a five yearly basis, with annual surveys being conducted in between the census years. Until now, agricultural censuses and surveys have largely concentrated on commercial agriculture leaving out small-scale and subsistence agriculture. In 2009, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) conducted an audit of agricultural statistics in the country. One of the findings was that the country lacked information on smallholder and subsistence agriculture. The current list of farmers being used to conduct surveys was mainly confined to commercial agriculture. A decision was taken that three questions related to agriculture would be included in the Population Census 2011 (Census 2011) questionnaire. The main objective was to identify all households involved in agriculture in the country, so that a complete frame of all individuals and entities involved in agriculture (both subsistence and commercial) could be generated. This will allow for a comprehensive agricultural census to be more »

Household Service Delivery Statistics

The dawn of democracy in 1994 created a new dispensation in which access to basic services such as housing, water and sanitation was recognized as a fundamental human right. South Africa inherited high levels of poverty and it continues to be confronted with unequal and often inadequate access to resources, infrastructure and social services. The Bill of Rights enshrined the right to basic services and commanded that the state must take reasonable measures to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. Faced by inadequate information about the state of development in South Africa, Statistics South Africa (then called the Central Statistical Service) launched the October Household Survey (OHS) programme in 1993. The survey was discontinued in 1999 and subsequently replaced by the General Household Survey (GHS) which was instituted in 2002 in order to determine the level of development in the country and the performance of programs and projects on a regular basis. The GHS continues to evolve and key questions are continuously added and/or modified in consultation with key stakeholders to maintain the relevance and quality of data. In addition to measuring access to key services, the level of satisfaction with, as well as perceived quality of selected services provided by Government are also more »


Travel survey – Online Updates The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003, 2013 and 2020. Transport and the need for transport has become an important part of daily life in South Africa. Not only does the movement of goods and services play an important part in the South African economy, but the types of transport available to individuals affects spatial decisions in terms of work, entertainment, education and place of residence. Stats SA publishes a range of transport-related information in various reports and publications. Travel survey The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003 and 2013. Transport and the economy Stats SA’s quarterly Gross domestic product (GDP) release provides information on the size and growth of various industries in the South African economy, including the transport industry. The same publication also includes figures on overall household expenditure on transport. The monthly Motor trade sales release provides the time series data of trade in motor vehicles and motor accessories. The Land transport survey, published on a monthly basis, provides data on passenger and freight transportation by land. The Producer Price Index (PPI) release provides information on the prices of transport equipment leaving the factory gate. The extent to which prices of fuel, public transport and private transport are changing is covered in the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. Employment Stats SA’s Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) provide information on the number of individuals employed in various industries, including the transport industry. Financial indicators The Quarterly Financial Statistics (QFS) and Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) reports provide a financial overview of various industries, including transport, storage and communication. Data on turnover, income and expenditure, profit or loss and various balance sheet items are also included in the reports. The transport and storage industry report for 2013 provides more in-depth information on the size, nature and structure of the transport and storage industry. This periodic survey provides details on employment within the industry, trading income, expenditure, profit or loss, inventories, sales and services, and more »

Work & Labour Force

There are different forms of work, these include work as employment (work to generate income), unpaid work which includes volunteer work and domestic work for own final household consumption. Statistics South Africa measures all forms of work including work which should be abolished like child labour.

Work as employment is measured from two sources, establishment surveys and household based surveys. The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) is establishment based while The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household based survey. The two sources differ in coverage, scope, unit of measurement and method of collection. Because of these differences, the two sources yield different figures. However, the two sources should be regarded as complementary rather than competitive.

Each source has advantages and limitations in terms of statistics yielded. The QES covers non-agricultural formal sector employment while the QLFS covers total employment in all industries and sectors. The QLFS can also provide information on demographic characteristics of the labour force (employment and unemployment) which the QES cannot provide.

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