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Mbalo Brief – March 2018

South Africa will host 10th Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit which is scheduled from 25 to 27 July 2018. The 2018 Summit will be an important milestone for BRICS cooperation, as it represents a decade of BRICS cooperation at the highest diplomatic level. The summit will see South Africa building on   read more »

Poverty on the rise in South Africa

Poverty on the rise in South Africa

Poverty on the rise in South Africa According to new data released by Stats SA, poverty is on the rise in South Africa. The latest “Poverty Trends in South Africa” report shows that, despite the general decline in poverty between 2006 and 2011, poverty levels in South Africa rose in 2015. More than half of   read more »

Women in power: what do the statistics say?

Women in power: what do the statistics say?

The message was clear: “We’ve had enough!” Regarded as one of the largest demonstrations at the time, more than 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 to protest against the apartheid government’s pass laws. This powerful statement of protest brought the struggle for women’s rights to the fore, and signified a   read more »

GDP in the first quarter of 2017 contracted by 0,7%

  Press statement                         Embargo: Tuesday 6 June 2017, 11:30   GDP in the first quarter of 2017 contracted by 0,7%   Gross domestic product (measured by production)   South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate was -0,7% in the first quarter of 2017.1 The largest negative contributor to growth in GDP in the first   read more »

How do we know if the latest GDP estimate was disappointing?

How do we know if the latest GDP estimate was disappointing?

Stats SA publishes estimates of GDP every quarter. It is one of the most anticipated statistical releases on the calendar as it captures the dynamics of the economy in a single number. The key number is expressed as the seasonally adjusted annualised growth between two consecutive quarters, based on GDP in real terms (i.e. volume)1.   read more »

Seasonal adjustment: a short primer

Seasonal adjustment: a short primer

Stats SA has, for the first time, included seasonally adjusted data in its Quarterly financial statistics of municipalities. What is seasonal adjustment? Why is it significant? Stats SA breaks it down for you. South Africa’s 257 municipalities play a vital role. Not only do they interact with citizens at a local level, but they are   read more »

Media statement: Postponement of the release of Quarterly Employment Statistics

Media statement: Postponement of the release of Quarterly Employment Statistics

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                                                                                                                     2 April 2017 Postponement of Quarterly Employment Survey – QES December 2016 release The Quarterly Employment Survey is establishment based and covers formal sector businesses which are registered for VAT and government departments at all levels. This implies that the survey depends on the business register as a sampling frame. However, new   read more »

Media advisory: The Social profile of older persons report and the 2015 census of the South African mining industry report

Media advisory                                                                                            27 March 2017   Statistician-General to release the results of the Census of Mining and a report on the Social profile of older persons   The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will release two key datasets at a media briefing to be held on Wednesday, 29 March 2017   read more »

GDP in the fourth quarter of 2016 contracted by 0,3%

Press statement                                                                                  Embargo: Tuesday 7 March 2017, 11:30 GDP in the fourth quarter of 2016   read more »

Dr Pali Lehohla, pays tribute to the late Professor Hans Rosling

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                                                                              read more »

92-01-07 - Education Series volume VII: Children's education and well-being in South Africa, 2018

The analysis presented in this report is intended to provide a better understanding on why and how children well-being and educational opportunities are changing in South Africa. The report presents the demographic characteristics of the children of South Africa in the context of the age, sex and size composition of the population in the country. It provides information on children poverty profiles, their access to social grants and their living arrangement. It also discusses the birth registration status in the country. The report also provides an overview in child mortality in South Africa with top underlying reasons of death being the particular focus. The report also includes an in-depth review of educational participation of children aged 017, identifying important patterns and trends. read more »

Report-03-10-23 - Gender Series volume VII: Informal Economy

To profile gender differences in South African informal economy which includes informal jobs found in both formal and informal sectors, and private households employment, and in the informal business using the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and the Survey of Employers and Self-Employed (SESE)read more »

03-10-20 - Gender Series volume VI: Education and Gender, 2009-2018

Thematic report on Education and Genderread more »

92-01-06 - Education Series Volume VI: Education and labour market outcomes in South Africa, 2018

The Education Series Volume VI report aims to present an overview of demographic and socio-economic changes observed between individuals in Generation X (1960-1979) and Y (1980-1999), as well as the so-called Born-Free generation that were born after 1994. These generations were shaped by important political, economic and social changes in South Africa, and this affected the educational and labour market opportunities and outcomes. read more »

Report-92-01-05 - Education series volume V

Education series volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africaread more »

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