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Results for: gauteng population


Report-03-00-04 – Estimation of fertility from the 2007 Community Survey of South Africa, 2010   Right-click here to download this publication (PDF: 975KB) Report-03-01-27 – Community Survey, 2007 Basic Results : Gauteng   Right-click here to download this publication (PDF: 975KB) Report-03-01-28 – Community Survey, 2007 Basic Results : North West   Right-click here to download this publication   read more »

Basic results

Highlights of survey methods and findings In February 2007, a large-scale Community Survey was conducted in all provinces. The main objective of the survey was to provide demographic and socio-economic data at municipal level. 949 105 persons were enumerated. 246 618 households were covered during enumeration. Scanning technology was used to process the data. The   read more »

2001 Census

In October 2001, South Africans were counted for the second time as citizens of a democracy. Over 83 000 enumerators and over 17 000 supervisors and fieldwork co-ordinators were employed to collect information on persons and households throughout the country, using a uniform methodology. Census night, or the night of the count, was 9-10 October   read more »

PRESS STATEMENT: Survey of Employers and the Self-Employed (SESE), 2013: 14 August 2014

PRESS STATEMENT: Survey of Employers and the Self-Employed (SESE), 2013: 14 August 2014

The SESE is a household-based sample survey conducted every four years. The survey collects detailed information about non-VAT registered businesses, most of which are in the informal sector. Highlights Table 1: Individuals running informal businesses, 2001–2013 2001 2005* 2009 2013 2001 2005 2009 2013 Thousand Per cent  By sex 2 258 1 668 1 144   read more »

Life is somewhat better in the country

More people rely on state coffers as the percentage of individuals that benefited from social grants has increased from 12,7% in 2003 to 30,2% in 2013, and the percentage of households that received at least one grant increased from 29,9% to 45,5%. This is according to the latest results of the General Household Survey (GHS)   read more »

The National Household Travel Survey in South Africa (NHTS)

Media Release 12 March 2014 The National Household Travel Survey in South Africa (NHTS) The National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) reveals that barriers to mobility in the country have been reduced in the last ten years, yet several challenges remain. Rural households had better access to public transport and had reduced travel times.  There has   read more »

New Statistics Council inaugurated

The new SA Statistics Council, which was appointed from 1 July 2013, for a term of three years, was officially inaugurated by Mr Trevor Manuel, Minister in the Presidency responsible for National Planning, at a meeting in Ekurhuleni on 7 February 2014. The Statistics Council is appointed in terms of the Statistics Act (6 of 1999).   read more »

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Stats SA revises labour market statistics

Statistical agencies across the world periodically revise published statistical series when new information becomes available. So too does Stats SA. In the past, labour market information has been revised following the release of the results of Census 1996, Census 2001 and the large-scale Community Survey of 2007. Similarly, the current revision has been undertaken to   read more »

Only 36% of young children (Aged 0 – 4 years) live with both biological parents

A new report on the living circumstances of young children shows that, while 93% of young children have both biological parents still living, only 36% of them live with both biological parents. Most young children (43%) live with only their biological mother, 2% live with their biological father only, and 19% do not live with   read more »

Provision of basic services at local government level increases

Provision of basic services at local government level increases

The provision of basic services such as water went up by 6,4% between 2011 and 2012 nationally. The highest provincial increases were recorded in Western Cape (19,6%) and Gauteng (7,2%). The extent of service delivery at local government level is normally obtained from households through population censuses and general household surveys. However, the suppliers (the   read more »

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The Mpofana Municipality is strategically located along the national N3 highway and is approximately 70 km from Pietermaritzburg. The Mooi River sits at the heart of the Midlands Meander with interesting attractions such as the Linen Loft and Sharrow Weaving. Stretches of the river offer boating facilities whilst the upper reaches are a fly fisherman's paradise. Further upstream, the Mooi River Falls are a marvellous site to watch when the river is flooded. The predominant occupation in the area is agriculture, with a wide range of agricultural products being produced. Dairy and stock farming are, however, the main farming activities (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Impendle  local Municipality is located on the south western boundary of the uMgungundlovu District, and shares a boundary with the Sisonke District to the south and the KwaSani Municipality, which includes towns such as Underberg  and Himeville. To the north is the uMngeni which is closely tied to Impendle in terms of agriculture and potential tourism (Midlands Meander), and to east the Msunduzi Municipality which is the capital of the province and the economic hub of the District. To the west is District Management areas of the Drakensberg that fall under the Transfrontier Development Initiative related to the World Heritage Site. (uMgnugndlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).

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Pietermaritzburg, the second largest city in KwaZulu-Natal, falls within the boundaries of Msunduzi municipality. The city is both the administrative and legislative capital of the province, which boosts investor confidence, resulting in the city's economy growing at an astounding rate. Pietermaritzburg is more than just a favourable investment destination; it is one of South Africa's most desirable residential cities with well-laid-out suburbs (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Mkhambathini Local Municipality is located along the south-eastern boundary of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality and adjoins the Richmond and Msunduzi municipalities to the west, uMshwathi to the north and the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality to the east. The municipal offices are located in the town of Camperdown. Mkhambathini has several comparative advantages emanating from its location near Durban and Pietermaritzburg and adjoining Cato Ridge, which is an industrial node. The N3 runs east-west through the central part of the municipal area and that stretch of the highway has been identified in the Spatial Growth and Development Strategy as a Provincial Corridor (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »


Richmond Municipality is situated south of Msunduzi, west of Mkhambathini and the Sisonke District in the south west. Richmond enjoys a competitive advantage in the field of agriculture that contributes to more than 50% of the gross geographic product and employment in the area. Historically, Richmond was one of the main destinations of the Bhambatha Rebellion and the Byrne Settlers. For tourists the local museum, the old court building and the prison are great attractions, while the Umkomaas River is a popular venue for white river rafting (uMgungundlovu District Municipality IDP 2012/13).read more »

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