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COVID-19 lockdown impacts publication of economic statistics

Media release                                                                                                              17 April 2020 COVID-19 lockdown impacts publication of economic statistics  Statistics South Africa recently issued a media statement on the impact of the lockdown on data collection processes and scheduled web statistical releases. In light of the extension of the lockdown, we felt it important to keep the public apprised of the continuing   read more »

Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Statistics in Statistics South Africa

Background The personal, social and economic impact of COVID-19 is unlike anything experienced by the world in the past 75 years. Stats SA is aware of the need for timely data to understand these impacts, but is equally constrained by the restrictions put in place to manage the spread of the coronavirus. The task of   read more »

Formal sector jobs moderately up in fourth quarter

Formal sector jobs moderately up in fourth quarter

New employment figures released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) showed that South Africa’s formal non-agricultural sector added 16 000 jobs in the fourth quarter of 2019, bringing the total number of persons employed in the formal non-agricultural sector to 10,2 million. The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) reported that formal sector jobs rose by 18 000 in   read more »

Lockdown will impact on the collection and publication of official statistics

Lockdown will impact on the collection and publication of official statistics

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA’s) ability to publish official statistics will be impacted by the lockdown announced by President Ramaphosa. As most businesses will be closed over that period, and movement will be restricted, data collection for both economic and household surveys will not be possible. As the lockdown goes into effect at midnight on   read more »

Economy slips into recession

Economy slips into recession

The South African economy contracted by 1,4% in the fourth quarter of 2019, following a contraction of 0,8% (revised) in the third quarter.1 Transport and trade were the main drags on overall activity, according to the latest gross domestic product (GDP) figures. Seven of the ten industries contracted in the fourth quarter. Finance, mining and   read more »

Making rands and sense of price data

Making rands and sense of price data

How much do South Africans pay for groceries? Stats SA has released a list with prices of 191 popular retail items with data going back to 2017. The list holds some surprises. Pulled from that list, each item in the graphic below has its own unique story. The national average price of a loaf of   read more »

Mining loses shine for the second year in a row

Mining loses shine for the second year in a row

Exactly a week after delegates closed the 26th Investing in African Mining Indaba, Stats SA released data on the performance of the mining industry in 2019. The level of production was 1,3% lower in 2019 than 2018, which in turn was 2,1% lower than 2017. Despite a positive showing from both copper and manganese, a   read more »

How large is the small business footprint?

How large is the small business footprint?

In 2015, Stats SA published an article highlighting the contribution that small businesses make to industry turnover in South Africa.1 The March 2019 Quarterly financial statistics (QFS) report provides an update. The entire formal business sector2 generated R2,39 trillion in turnover in Q1: 2019. Out of this amount, large businesses contributed 62%, followed by small (29%) and   read more »

Pondering #NationalWineDay

Pondering #NationalWineDay

25 May is National Wine Day! Here are a few fun facts to muse over if you’re planning to enjoy a glass or three.   SA households spend more on wine than on coffee South Africans have clear priorities when it comes to drink. Wine takes up 7,2% of total household expenditure on alcoholic and   read more »

Government finances: surplus, deficit and debt

Government finances: surplus, deficit and debt

Believe it or not, there was a time – not so long ago – when the South African government actually spent less than it earned. Stats SA takes a look at government spending over 13 years, focusing on how much we pay to service our debt. Harking back to better times in February’s National Budget   read more »

92-01-07 - Education Series volume VII: Children's education and well-being in South Africa, 2018

The analysis presented in this report is intended to provide a better understanding on why and how children well-being and educational opportunities are changing in South Africa. The report presents the demographic characteristics of the children of South Africa in the context of the age, sex and size composition of the population in the country. It provides information on children poverty profiles, their access to social grants and their living arrangement. It also discusses the birth registration status in the country. The report also provides an overview in child mortality in South Africa with top underlying reasons of death being the particular focus. The report also includes an in-depth review of educational participation of children aged 0–17, identifying important patterns and trends. read more »

Report-03-10-23 - Gender Series volume VII: Informal Economy

To profile gender differences in South African informal economy which includes informal jobs found in both formal and informal sectors, and private households employment, and in the informal business using the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and the Survey of Employers and Self-Employed (SESE)read more »

03-10-20 - Gender Series volume VI: Education and Gender, 2009-2018

Thematic report on Education and Genderread more »

92-01-06 - Education Series Volume VI: Education and labour market outcomes in South Africa, 2018

The Education Series Volume VI report aims to present an overview of demographic and socio-economic changes observed between individuals in Generation X (1960-1979) and Y (1980-1999), as well as the so-called Born-Free generation that were born after 1994. These generations were shaped by important political, economic and social changes in South Africa, and this affected the educational and labour market opportunities and outcomes. read more »

Report-92-01-05 - Education series volume V

Education series volume V: Higher Education and Skills in South Africaread more »

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