Rising food prices: where are the most vulnerable?

Rising food prices: where are the most vulnerable?

A growing number of forecasts reveal that food prices might rise sharply in coming months. Survey data show which parts of the country are most vulnerable. Current data point to an agriculture industry that is struggling. During November 2015, in the midst of South Africa’s worst drought in 23 years, Stats SA released gross domestic   read more »

A quick look at debt in the private sector

A quick look at debt in the private sector

Data from Stats SA’s Annual financial statistics (AFS) report shows that the debt-to-equity ratio for the private sector as a whole has dropped since 2005. The debt-to-equity ratio is a measure of how much debt a company or industry has incurred to finance its operations relative to equity. Debt refers to how much an industry   read more »


The Statistician-General regrets to announce a delay in the release of the fourth quarter report of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey. The release, which was scheduled for Tuesday the 9th of February has been postponed to the 25th of February for the following reasons. The QLFS has run on a redesigned Master Sample for a   read more »

South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS): Dwelling Frame update

South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS): Dwelling Frame update

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), in collaboration with the South African Medical Research Council, will be conducting the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) in 2016 on behalf of the National Department of Health. The survey aims to provide a better understanding of the health status of the population in South Africa. Key topics   read more »

SA economy added 7000 formal sector jobs in quarter 3 of 2015

The September 2015 Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) survey showed that an estimated 8 951 000 persons were employed in the formal non-agricultural sector of the South African economy. This reflected a quarterly increase of 7 000 employees (+0,1%) between June 2015 and September 2015 and an annual increase of 4 000 employees (0,0%) between September   read more »

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Private sector turnover rises in the third quarter

Stats SA’s latest Quarterly Financial Statistics report provides detailed financial statistics on the private sector, for the quarter ending September 2015. How did business turnover fare over this period? The following short article covers key turnover statistics from the report. Total turnover Total turnover in the private sector increased by 3,3% in the September 2015   read more »

Education monograph

The education monograph provides an in-depth analysis of enrolment, educational attainment, progression, and education differentials based on post 1994 Censuses. Trend analysis is provided using time-plotting events, a technique where age proportions at one data collection point (Census 2011) is projected backwards. The findings on enrolment related indicators showed that among school going age (5-24),   read more »


25 November 2015 Media Advisory AFRICAN POLICY MAKERS TO DISCUSS DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA’S BURGEONING POPULATION The Department of Social Development in partnership with the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) and Statistics South Africa will host the 7th African Population Conference (APC) at St. George’s Hotel, Irene, Gauteng Province. The Conference will open on November   read more »

It’s cheaper in the Western Cake #WorldCakeDay

It’s cheaper in the Western Cake #WorldCakeDay

In honour of cake day on 26 November, we are taking a fresh look at the latest price data of this popular dessert. Stats SA published a story on the price of cake in July 2015, we now look at how prices have changed since then. Interestingly, there hasn’t been any big changes. The average   read more »

South Africa’s economy narrowly avoids recession

South Africa’s economy narrowly avoids recession

South Africa’s economy grew by 0,7% in the third quarter of 2015, according to preliminary estimates of real gross domestic product (GDP) released by Stats SA. Unless otherwise stated, growth rates are quarter-on-quarter, seasonally adjusted and annualised. After experiencing a 1,3% contraction in the second quarter, the marginal GDP growth in the third quarter staved   read more »