ASSD’s journey

ASSD’s journey

The ASSD Journey

  1. 1.      The Round of Population and Housing Censuses Journey

The inaugural objective of the Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD) was to strengthen collaboration in the mobilisation of African countries to conduct population censuses in the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses (RPHCs). The first six ASSDs, focusing on the 2010 RPHCs for the period 2006–2010, were as follows:

  • 1st ASSD, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 2006: “The 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  • 2nd ASSD, KIGALI, RWANDA, 2007: “Towards a Complete Enumeration of the African Population during the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  • 3rd ASSD, ACCRA, GHANA, 2008: “Best Practice and Exchanging Experience: Africa 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  • 4TH ASSD, LUANDA, ANGOLA, 2009: “Data Processing and Use of Census Data: The 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  • 5th ASSD, DAKAR, SENEGAL, 2009: “Information and Communication Technology in Data Dissemination: Bringing Suppliers and Users Closer in the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  • 6TH ASSD, CAIRO, EGYPT, 2010: “Data Analysis and Use in the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses”
  1. 2.      The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Journey

Realising that the inaugural mandate of the ASSD had almost been accomplished, with over 20 countries having already undertaken a census and most of the remaining ones having made concrete commitments to do so, the Heads of National Statistics Offices adopted a resolution at the 6th ASSD held in Cairo, Egypt to change gears and shift focus from RPHCs to address the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) problem bedevilling the continent, as per a call for action by the Ministers responsible for civil registration in Africa. It was then decided that the 7th to the 11th ASSDs will focus on CRVS under the following proposed themes:

  • 2011: Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Institutional and Human Infrastructure in Africa
  • 2012: Standardisation of Causes of Death Classification and Statistics in Africa
  • 2014: Promoting Use of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Support of Advancing Good Governance in Africa
  • 2015: A decade of statistical development: Revolutionising Censuses and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics towards Africa Agenda
  • 2015: Promoting the Use of Information Technology Solutions in Improving CRVS in Africa

To this effect, the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th ASSDs were hosted as follows:

  • 7th ASSD, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 2011: “Africa Programme on Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems: Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Institutional and Human Infrastructure in Africa”
  • 8th ASSD, YAMOUSSOUKRO, CôTE D’IVOIRE, 2012: “Standardisation of Causes of Death Classification and Statistics in Africa”
    • ·         9th ASSD, GABORONE, BOTSWANA, 2014,: “Promoting Use of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Support of Good Governance in Africa”
    • 10th ASSD, KAMPALA, UGANDA, 2015: “A decade of statistical development: Revolutionising Censuses and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics towards Africa Agenda 2063”

The 11th ASSD will be hosted in Libreville, Gabon from 23 to 28 November 2015, back to back with the Statistics Commission for Africa and Committee of Directors-General meetings, under the theme:

“Promoting the Use of Information and Communication Technology Solutions in Improving CRVS in Africa”