Census 2011 Steering Committee

Statistics South Africa has set up a steering committee for Census 2011 in a bid to conduct a seamless nationwide operation.

The Census 2011 project steering committee has been set up to provide strategic support in the planning and implementation of the Census.

The committee, which has 15 members, draws its expertise from a wide group of people including academics, statisticians, farmers and researchers. The committee will drive the project and monitor its progress as well as oversee its week-to-week progress.

The committee will also monitor and review the project’s activities against the Project Plan, resolve the project’s conflicts/disputes and accept responsibility for all project deliverables, approve project operations, identify external risks and agree to the achievement of the project milestones, among others.

The committee held its inaugural meeting on August 5 at Diep in Berg Conference and Function Centre, Pretoria. Statistician-General Pali Lehohla said he hoped the committee will assist the organisation in driving down the undercount in the forthcoming Census.

Deputy Director-General Kefiloe Masiteng was optimistic that the committee will contribute to the success of the Census in 2011. “If we want to travel fast, we will travel alone but if we want to travel far, we will travel together. This will be a long and hard journey and we are all on a wagon of unity — together we count,” she said. — Kgaugelo Motloutse
Members of the steering committee

– Pieter van Schalkwyk, Pretor Estate
– Chris Van Zyl, Transvaal Agricultural Union
– Joe Gondo, National Farmers’ Union
– Ms M Benade, AGRI SA
– Dr O Shisana, Human Sciences Resource Council
– Dr Debbie Bradshaw, Medical Research Council
– Dr Joshua Kembo, UNISA Bureau of Marketing Research
– Dr Ros Hirschowitz, independent consultant
– Dr Jairo Arrow, DDG: Stats SA
– Dr Rashad Cassim, DDG: Stats SA
– Ashwell Jenneker, DDG: Stats SA
– Risenga Maluleke, DDG: Stats SA
– Kefiloe Masiteng, DDG: Stats SA
– Nombuyiselo Mokoena, DDG: Stats SA
– Calvin Molongoana, Census Project Director: Stats SA