CONTRALESA partners with Census 2011

With just under a month to go before the start of Census 2011, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has formed a partnership with the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) in an effort to ensure that rural South Africa is counted.

Statistician-General Mr Pali Lehohla called on all traditional leaders to inform their constituents about the significance of taking part in a census and to urge them to participate. He added that traditional leaders are well placed to assist Stats SA in this endeavour.

“Census information will be used to address the needs of all South Africans. It is of great importance that CONTRALESA and the people under their guardianship fully participate in Census 2011,” Lehohla added.

Of the total rural population recorded in 2001, 14% were missed.

Of the 103 576 enumeration areas in South Africa, 30 024 are located in traditional areas. This endorsement of Census 2011 by CONTRALESA is therefore an important step in ensuring the 2001 undercount is repeated.

While there are many details that need to be hammered out, consensus was reached on the fact traditional leaders must all be ambassadors for Census 2011. “We are willing to be partners with Stats SA for Census 2011 and beyond,” said CONTRALESA President Nkosi Phathekile Holomisa.

The discussion also highlighted some of the areas where Stats SA may struggle to get information and the consequent need for sensitivity in administering the questionnaire

This partnership between Stats SA and CONTRALESA will be ongoing, thus ensuring support in all future household-based surveys.

Both parties will engage in further discussions before Census 2011 starts on 10 October.

Issued by Statistics South Africa
Sivuyile Mangxamba
Team Leader: Media Relations
012 310 2923
082 886 3707