Stats SA meets Faith Based Organisations on Census 2011

Statistics South Africa held talks on Sunday with inter-faith groups as part of series of consultation with influential voices around the country.

The workshop follows discussions held late August in Cape Town where the role of Faith Based Organisations in helping raise public awareness of Census 2011 was discussed.

Community-based-organisation Ilitha Labanthu is working with Stats SA to promote participation in Census 2011 in their various communities.

“We would like to urge faith-based organisations to speak about census within their congregations,” said Statistician-General Pali Lehohla.

“Census is a tool to make a difference in this country and also to make a difference in the lives of the people in the country,” said Venecia Haines, a community activist for Marianridge. She also pledged her support to the project and that they will assist Stats SA in anyway possible.

The partnership formed now is not just for help with Census 2011, this will last beyond this year and across all surveys. The results of Census 2011 will be discussed in-depth with the organisation after its release.

Ilitha Labanthu commended Stats SA on forging a partnership with them and called on other government departments to follow suit.

“As Ilitha Labanthu, we need to make this census historical. The data needs to reflect the dynamics in our communities and ensure proper planning especially related to child-headed households”, said Mandisa Monakali, Ilitha Labanthu founder and director.

The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) raised concerns regarding the exclusion of religious questions from the census questionnaire, they still pledged their support. “The exclusion of any questions on faith in the Census questionnaire is a huge setback. We wish to pledge our commitment to Census 2011 and the quantification of followers of faith by Stats SA in the near future,” said Mr Abdul Fattaag Carr, executive member of the MJC.


Issued by Statistics South Africa
Sivuyile Mangxamba
Team Leader: Media Relations
012 310 2923
082 886 3707