CENSUS 2011 Data-Processing

Data-processing fact box

  • Approximately 225-million pages will be handled and scanned during the data-capturing phase of Census 2011
  • Statistics South Africa’s Data Processing Centre has the capacity to scan an A4 box of paper per minute, i.e. all 2500 pages double-sided in colour in one minute
  • Production will be running 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deliver on the Census
  • Nearly 775 000 man hours will go into ensuring accurate data is made available
  • Each page will only be touched once before being converted into an electronic image
  • Each page is scanned in loose format ,i.e. 225 million loose pieces of paper will be managed
  • Each loose page can be brought together into a set as they are uniquely barcoded and indexed
  • Advanced software will be used to analyse more than 64-billion fields to see if any data was never captured
  • Roughly speaking, 10 percent (6,4-billion) of these fields will be verified by human intervention
  • Computer-based validation will ensure that these 64-billion fields are virtually as accurate as when completed by an enumerator or household member
  • These images will be stored in specialised backup sites to ensure nothing gets lost, even if the disaster was to strike at the production centre


Issued by Statistics South Africa
Sivuyile Mangxamba
Team Leader: Media Relations
012 310 2923
082 886 3707
Email: SivuyileM@statssa.gov.za