Additional information on price statistics



Additional information on price statistics

This page is designed to provide CPI and PPI users with more detailed information on methodology, and on changes that are taking place to improve the quality of the Price indices.
Document title
Date published
Note on CPI data collection from municipalities July 2024 download (pdf: 1159 KB)
Export and import unit value indices – Sources and methods March 2024 download (pdf: 1036 KB)
Producer Price Index - Sources and Methods (2024) February 2024 download (pdf: 970 KB)
"Construction Material Price Indices – Sources and methods (2024) February 2024 download (pdf: 1025 KB)
Construction Material Price Indices (CMPI) conversion factors (2023) February 2024 download (xls: 19 KB)
Producer Price Index (PPI) conversion factors (2023) February 2024 download (xls: 21 KB)
PPI reweighting (2024) February 2024 download (pdf: 391 KB)
Consumer Price Index (CPI) conversion factors (2021) November 2023 download (xlsx: 86 KB)
Producer Price Index (PPI) conversion factors (2020) November 2023 download (xlsx: 44 KB)
Construction Material Price Indices (CMPI) conversion factors (2021) November 2023 download (xlsx: 16 KB)
Construction Material Price Indices – Sources and methods September 2023 download (pdf: 965 KB)
Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) - Sources and methods June 2024 download (PDF: 761 KB)
Methodological changes to the export and import unit value indices March 2023 download (PDF: 256 KB)
Producer Price Index - methods and sources 2023 February download (PDF: 148 KB)
Consumer Price Index - Sources and methods November 2022 download (PDF: 168 KB)
Producer Price Index - methods and sources manual 2022 February download (PDF: 138 KB)
Presentation on CPI weights and basket January 2022 download (PDF: 202 KB)
Update of the CPI weights and basket January 2022 January 2022 download (PDF: 182 KB)
Using price indices for escalation January 2022 download (PDF: 183 KB)
CMPI reweighting 2022 2021 October download (PDF: 383 KB)
CPI reweighting 2022 2021 August download (PDF: 162 KB)
Producer Price Index - methods and sources manual 2021 February download (PDF: 264 KB)
PPI reweighting 2021 February download (PDF: 169 KB)
CPI - Covid_19 method issues 2020 September download (PDF: 178 KB)
CPI - Covid_19 method issues 2020 August download (PDF: 181 KB)
CPI - Covid_19 method issues 2 2020 July download (PDF: 159 KB)
CPI - Covid_19 method issues 2020 July download (PDF: 135 KB)
CPI - Covid_19 method issues 2020 May download (PDF: 151 KB)
CPI and Vat change 2018 February download (XLSX: 13 KB)
Producer Price Index - methods and sources manual 2020 February download (PDF: 7056 KB)
Change in publication date of PPI January 2018 2018 January download (PDF: 19.8 KB)
CMPI new release 2018 January download (PDF: 253 KB)
CMPI public note 2018 January download (PDF: 26.5 KB)
PPI and CMPI public note 2018 January download (PDF: 40.0 KB)
PPI January 2018 2018 January download (PDF: 324 KB)
Presentation on CPI weights (2016) 2017 January download (PDF: 2196 KB)
Introduction of new CPI basket and weights (2016) 2017 January download (PDF: 193 KB)
CPI methodology note (December 2016) 2016 December download (PDF: 25 KB)
Export and Import unit value indices - UVI methods and sources 2016 March download (PDF: 456 KB)
UVI Indicative timeseries 2016 March download (PDF: 110 KB)
PPI - XMUVI methodology note (2016) 2016 January download (PDF: 275 KB)
CPI Clothing Dec 2014 2014 December download (PDF: 50 KB)
Changes to the PPI basket and weights 2014 February download (PDF: 34 KB)
Note on CPI - Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher indices 2013 2013 May download (PDF: 105KB)
PPI Indicative Time Series 2013 March download (PDF: 68KB)
Presentation at launch of the revamped PPI 2013 March download (PDF: 219KB)
Product survey schedule (CPI Schedule) 2013 February download (PDF: 18KB)
Information note on reweighting, rebasing and linking the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 2013 January download (PDF: 42KB)
Updating weights of CPI 2012 November download (PDF: 94KB)
Consumer price index weights presentation 2012 November download (PDF: 168KB)
Press release on timing of changes to price statistics 2012 July download (PDF: 32KB)
Planned improvements to the CPI 2011 November download (PDF: 48KB)
Recommendations from independent peer review of the CPI and Stats SA's response to these 2012 November download (PDF: 49KB)
Note on CPI for contract adjustments 2009 March download (PDF: 40KB)
Method to link old and new CPI series 2009 March download (PDF: 240 KB)
Explanatory document on differences between old CPI and new 2009 February download (PDF: 1.9 MB)
Rent in SA Consumer price index - concepts and trends 2008 December download (PDF: 339KB)
Note on changes to the Inflation target measure 2008 October download (PDF: 60KB)
Booklet on changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 2008 October download (PDF: 200KB)
Presentation on the Consumer Price Index weights 2008 July download (PDF: 490KB)
Explanatory note on the 2008 Consumer Price Index weights 2008 July download (PDF: 88KB)