Data users, have your say!

Data users, have your say!

We invite you to participate in the 2017 Stats SA User Satisfaction Survey (USS). Your opinion is critical to us and we intend to use the valuable results of this short survey to improve our data dissemination. The survey only takes between 5 -15 minutes to complete.


As an organisation we are responsible for disseminating official statistics to you, our data users. Statistics are produced and disseminated in the form of products and services to meet your decision making needs.


In this survey we would like to know the importance you attach to the attributes of our dissemination platforms below and your satisfaction level having used them in the past 12 months:

(1) Website,

(2) Online data interactive tools (Maps Alive, SuperWeb, Px Web, Nesstar etc.),

(3) Print publications,

(4) CD products,

(5) Customer service (visits/calls/emails/events),

(6) Roambi iPad App,

(7) Twitter handle,

(8) Facebook page.


The survey can be taken using any Internet browsing device (smartphone, tablet, PC, laptop) and is accessible using any Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari).


Thank you for taking part in this year’s survey. We value your opinion.


N.B: For any enquiries, please contact us by email:


Take the USS survey