Media release: Stats SA to collect data for the South Africa Demographic Health Survey

17 June 2016

Stats SA to collect data for the South Africa Demographic Health Survey

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) urges the thousands of households sampled in the South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016 (SADHS 2016) to welcome fieldworkers into their homes as the statistical agency, together with South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), embark on an extensive fact-finding mission on behalf of the National Department of Health (NDoH).

The survey will see Stats SA  fieldworkers visit 15 000 sampled dwelling units between June and November 2016 and ask a wide range of questions relating to health, fertility, nutrition and family planning, among others. The results of the survey will be used to measure the health status of South Africans as well as the coverage and quality of selected health programmes.

“The data collected during the survey will help policymakers make necessary changes to health programmes and provide additional resources wherever deficiencies are identified within the health system, with the ultimate intention of improving the general health of South Africans,” says Statistician-General, Dr Pali Lehohla.

He adds “sampled dwelling units should play their part in building a South Africa we all can be proud of by participating in the survey.”

It is critical that the SADHS 2016 receives a high response rate, as information emanating from it will be used to make key public health decisions and policies. On completion, the survey will enable Stats SA to compile estimates on child and maternal mortality, fertility rates, and the prevalence of conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, among others.

A publicity team will visit sampled dwelling units and provide information about the survey and data collectors will later return to the households to administer the questionnaire. The data collection team consisting of supervisors, interviewers and biological technicians (nurses) will conduct interviews with household members. All SADHS 2016 field staff– should identify themselves by presenting an identity card.  This will contain the photograph, name and persal (staff) / ID number of the staff member. In addition, all field staff will be wearing SADHS 2016 branded bibs, which will make them easily identifiable.

In accordance with the Statistics Act (Act No. 6 of 1999), data collected through surveys must be treated as strictly confidential and information will under no circumstances be furnished to any other person or organisation.

The survey will enable the country to make national estimates on adult obesity and measure the coverage of child health immunisation, family planning programmes, and HIV/Aids awareness programmes.

“To improve the health system in the country accurate and timely information is needed, and South Africans can help make this possible by taking part in the SADHS,” said the Statistician-General.

For media enquiries contact:

Ms Lesedi Dibakwane

Tel: 012 310 8578

Cell: 082 805 7088



Issued by Statistics South Africa