Media Release: Non-financial census of municipalities (NFCM)

07 June 2016

Non-financial census of municipalities for the year ended 30 June 2015

The latest results of the Non-financial census of municipalities (NFCM) released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) today shows that the number of consumer units receiving services from municipalities increased between 2014 and 2015. The highest percentage increase from 2014 to 2015 in the provision of services was recorded in solid waste management (5,3%), followed by electricity (4,3%), sewerage and sanitation (4,2%), and water (2,5%).

Basic services

The provision of basic water increased by 2,5% between 2014 and 2015 nationally. The highest provincial increases for the provision of water were recorded in Western Cape (5,0%) and Mpumalanga (3,1%) while the lowest increase was recorded in Gauteng (1,3%). The highest provincial increases for the provision of electricity were recorded in Mpumalanga (10,7%) and Gauteng (5,3%) while Limpopo recorded the lowest increase (1,6%).

The highest provincial increases for the provision of sewerage and sanitation were recorded in Mpumalanga (13,9%), Eastern Cape (5,7%), whereas the lowest increase was shown in KwaZulu-Natal (2,1%) and Gauteng 2,1%).

For solid waste management (refuse removal), the highest provincial increase was recorded in Mpumalanga (15,4%), Limpopo recorded the second highest increase at (9,0%) while Eastern Cape recorded the lowest increase at 1,3%.

Indigent households

There were 3,6 million indigent households in 2015, as identified by municipalities. Out of this, 2,4 million (67,8%) indigent households benefited from the indigent support system for water, while 2,2 million (62,8%) benefited from free basic electricity provided by municipalities. The report also revealed that 2,1 million (58,7%) indigent households benefited from the indigent support system for sewerage and sanitation while 2,1 million (57,6%) indigent households benefited from the indigent support system for solid waste management.

The report further recorded fluctuations in the free basic services provided to indigent households: 83 796 lesser consumer units received free basic water in 2015 compared to 2014; 124 147 more consumer units received free basic electricity in 2015 compared to 2014; and 53 329 more consumer units received free basic solid waste management services in 2014 compared to 2015. In the case of free basic sewerage and sanitation, there were 23 444 lesser consumer units that received the services in 2015 than in 2014.

Bucket toilets

The report shows that there has been a decrease in the number of bucket toilets supplied by municipalities, from 85 718 in 2014 to 80 119 in 2015. Major decreases in the number of bucket toilets provided by municipalities were recorded in Gauteng (100%), Mpumalanga (98%), Eastern Cape (18%) and Western Cape (16%). However, Free State reflected an increase (10%) over the same period.


The number of people employed by municipalities increased from 270 714 in 2014 to 279 109 in 2015 (inclusive of councillors and mayors but exclusive of vacancies). There were 20 967 people occupying posts at management level (including mayoral and councillor positions) in all South African municipalities (excluding vacancies), with 13 457 of these posts filled by men while women occupied the remaining 7 510 posts. There was a drop in the number of funded vacant posts from 44 927 in 2014 to 41 443 in 2015 (including mayoral and councilor positions). The highest number of unfilled posts in the technical areas was recorded in the environmental protection services (23%), followed by electricity departments (20%), while waste water management departments and water reported vacancy rates of 16% and 12% respectively. The department that reflected the lowest number of vacancies was sport and recreation (9%).

The full statistical release is available on the Statistics South Africa website:

Issued by Statistics South Africa

Technical enquiries:

Mr Joe de Beer
Deputy Director-General: Economic Statistics
Tel: (012) 310 8024
Cell: 082 888 2600

Dr Patrick Naidoo
Executive Manager: Government Financial Statistics
Tel: (012) 310 8307
Cell: 082 888 2509

Mr Malibongwe Mhemhe
Manager: Local Government Institutions
Tel: (012) 310 6928
Cell: 082 906 8964

Media enquiries:

Ms Lesedi Dibakwane
Manager: Media Relations
Tel: (012) 310 8578
Cell: 082 805 7088