Media Invite: Gross domestic product (GDP)

6 June 2016

Stats SA releases Gross domestic product (GDP), Q1 2016

The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, together with South Africa Reserve Bank Governor, Mr Lesetja Kganyago, will release the Gross domestic product (GDP) statistical release, for the first quarter of 2016, at a media briefing to be held on Wednesday, 08 June 2016 in Pretoria. This will be the first time Statistics South Africa releases both the production and expenditure estimates of the gross domestic product.

The media briefing will be held as follows:

Date : Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Lock-up : 10H30
Embargo : 11H30
Venue: Tshedimosetso House, Cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.

(NB! There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town.)

Felicia Sithole
Tel: 012 339 2401
Cell: 076 430 0693

For media enquiries contact: Lesedi Dibakwane
Tel: 012 310 8578
Cell: 082 805 7088

Issued by Statistics South Africa